Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A few minutes ago we returned from having lunch with one of the senior couples from the local church where I am serving as Evangelist this week. We drove about 30 miles to a restaurant in a nearby community. As I walked back into the Pastor's home this scripture came to my mind, Ephesians 4:32, "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ Jesus forgave you" (NKJV). I want to reflect on the first part of the verse, "And be kind to one another..." I thought about this verse from two perspectives; the kindness that others have extended to me as well as my need to extend kindness to others. The family who provided lunch today wanted to offer kindness to the Pastor and myself. I thought of others who have offered words of kindness and acts of kindness (holding the door when my hands were full of packages, picking up our children at school, mowing our yard when I was out of town, visiting me when I was sick, etc.). Each one of us could create our own list of people and the actions that they have taken toward us and for us. We need to take a moment and thank God for the kindness of people and their desire to offer a helping hand as we travel the road of life. We often think of the "difficult" people that we encounter but we need to take the time to remember those people who helped make the load of life a little lighter. But out of these thoughts came the question, "Do I extend kindness to others?" Have I offered to lighten the load of life or have I added more burdens to those people that I encounter? I desire to offer true heartfelt kindness; not the hypocrisy of fancy words but the actions from a heart that recognizes the golden opportunity of being a blessing to someone. Each of us meet people every day of our lives who need kindness released in their direction. Some of they are struggling with difficult problems with no solution in sight but they need to find the "oasis of kindness" in the midst of their "desert of despair." God will use us to share that kindness if we will be sensitive to those opportunities. The real blessing from God comes when we release that kindness and look for no reward to be given back to us. The reward of bringing a few moments of relief from the harsh reality of life becomes the driving force behind our desire to help someone. Be sensitive to those moments and watch God bring those opportunities to show kindness.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Review

This past weekend was a very busy one. I had the great honor of participating in the wedding of John Calhoun and Tara Baker. I had the privilege of serving as Tara's Pastor as a teenager; we were able to watch the beginning stages of Tara's development as a young lady with a passionate pursuit of Christ. It is such a blessing to witness the development of Christian believers into a deeper relationship with Christ. Each of us need to keep the thought process of spiritual development in the forefront of our plans; we are all called to the process of spiritual maturity. Sunday found me in Carbon Hill, Alabama in revival with Pastor John and Janice Butler. I have been blessed with the privilege to have served this church as Evangelist in the past few years. It is a blessing to return to this church and see all of the good things that God is doing. The services on Sunday were highly impacted with the presence of the Spirit. There was great freedom in worship as well as in the sharing of the Word. Once again I felt the flow of the love of God in the service and many responded to the call from God. Oh, what a joy floods my soul when I see people of all ages and of all needs respond to the calling of the Spirit. Our obedient response opens the door of opportunity for God to release His ministering presence into our lives. We must remember that our faithful response to the move of God unlocks the door of the blessing of God upon our lives. What if each of us made the commitment to be obedient to the Spirit when we entered the presence of the Lord God Almighty? I am seeking to be sensitive to the Spirit and to the call that He is issuing. Will you join me in that commitment? Watch the blog for more information concerning the meeting of New River Ministries in Radcliff, Kentucky. I am joining with a group of believers who are seeking after the heart of God regarding reaching out to Radcliff and the surrounding communities. God desires to reach out to the lost and hurting of our world. We have met once in Radcliff and our next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, October 1st at Woodland Elementary School in Radcliff, KY. The school is located at 6000 S. Woodland Avenue and the service begins at 7:00 PM. We will meet in the cafeteria; due to the seating arrangement in the cafeteria feel free to bring your own chair. We look forward to seeing you in Radcliff if possible, if you are unable to attend we would appreciate your prayers.

Friday, September 25, 2009


The Lord was gracious and merciful as I traveled home from Grayson, Kentucky last night. The meeting with the Raceland and New Hope congregations was a blessing. The presence and unction of the Holy Spirit was very evident in each of the services and I was encouraged as people freely and willingly responded to the call from the Spirit. If we could just grasp the Love that God has for His creation; if we could just understand the true love and concern that God has for our individual lives. I desire to declare that message as I travel from place to place; God is ready to release His love if we will be willing to receive His Grace and Mercy. Dear God, help each one of us understand and receive Your ministering Spirit into our lives. Pastor Debbie and Pastor Curtis done an awesome job in leading their respective churches into a spirit of cooperation and celebration during this meeting. God is doing some marvelous things in His people if we will be willing to take our eyes off of ourselves and place our eyes on Him! A quote by Adrian Rogers caught my attention this morning. Read what he said, "Paul thought it was the greatest of blessings to be found in Him (Christ), you can read this in Philippians 3:9. Paul exchanged a set of rules for a friend. Hadn't you rather have a friend than a set of rules?" The word "friend" grabbed my attention. What a privilege to be friends with God. A worship song that I enjoy declares, "I am a friend of God." But it also declares "Who am I that God is mindful of me?" True friends are mindful of each other. True friends are concerned about each other. True friends offer care and concern to each other. Another old hymn declares, "What a friend we have in Jesus." Take a few moments today and reflect on the friendship that God has extended to us. He is not ashamed to call us friend. He is interested in our lives and He releases His concern toward us through the process of His love. We are not just members of some church, we are friends of God. Rejoice with me as we celebrate our friendship with God!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lovest Thou Me?, Part 3

I trust that these thoughts are not becoming to repetitive but I sincerely feel that God is calling His people into a deeper love relationship with Him. Is it possible that we can love a "religious system"and not love Christ in the manner that the Word teaches? Is that what Jesus was alluding to when He said "that He came to His own and they received Him not." I do not want to be guilty of loving a system, as good as that system may be; I want to see my relationship with Christ continue to develop into one that causes me to "love Him with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my strength, and all that is within me." Even as I am typing those words I am looking at the depth of the challenge of that type of relationship with Christ. But I can take comfort and hope in the fact that Christ stands ready to fulfill His part of that relationship which provides me the strength and courage that I need to walk that road of commitment. We do not have to shy away from commitment in our relationship with Christ because the Word teaches that He is prepared to walk with us down the road of discipleship. Let's go one step further. Is it possible that we can be dedicated and devoted to the "causes of Christ" (feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, building structures to take care of the homeless, building homes for orphans, printing Bibles and Gospel literature, giving support to Gospel Missionaries, to name just a few wonderful causes) and not be fully devoted to Christ? I have seen non-believers support the "causes" of Christ yet never develop a relationship with Him. I am just concerned that we can become attracted to the causes and never develop a love relationship with Christ. We must be careful and avoid that trap; Paul reminds us that God is looking for those who will offer their "bodies a living sacrifice." Sacrifice will require relationship with God, and relationship with God can only come through loving Him and accepting His offer of Grace for our lives. We must be careful and not substitute good works for a love relationship with Christ. It is so easy to fall into the trap of trying to earn entrance into Heaven by what we do rather than trusting in the Mercy of God to deliver us from the bondage of sin. I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit is calling us to a deeper love relationship with our Savior who willing laid His life down on the cross for our redemption. Let me close with these questions, "Why do we do what we do? Why do we preach the Gospel? Why do we go to church? Why do we seek to serve others?" These and many other questions need to be answered in this manner; "My life is lived in this manner because I have an on-going developing love relationship with the Creator of all things who has provided the opportunity for me to have an intimate, personal, life altering relationship with Him." I trust that each of us can say that we are on this journey becasue of our love for Christ and the love that He places in our lives on a daily basis. The last two services at the New Hope church have been powerful. The conviction of the Holy Spirit has permeated the House of God and we have sensed the "life altering" presence of God. God desires to alter, transform, change, and rearrange our lives into His image and likeness. We have seen people each night step forward and receive the presence of God into their particular set of circumstances. I must be willing to fully surrender and commit my life to Christ. Blessings on your journey with Christ, your life will never be the same.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Lovest Thou Me", Part 2

I desire to continue to share some thoughts that God has placed in my heart with regards to the conversation that Christ has with Peter in John 21. This conversation has provoked some "soul searching" on my part as I think about my desire to follow Christ. Commitment and dedication must play an important role in my life if I am going to be a true and faithful disciple of Christ. Is there a difference between a follower of Christ and a disciple of Christ? I do not desire to split theological hairs so to speak but I sincerely feel the need for all of us to examine our response to the call to discipleship that Jesus extends to those who choose to develop a relationship with Him. Oswald Chambers and other writes have said that "Discipleship is based on devotion to Jesus Christ, not on adherence to a belief or a creed." Doesn't the passage that Jesus spoke in Matthew 16:24-25 move us from being mere followers into the role of disciples? Once more read the Words of Jesus, " Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life of My sake will find it" (NKJV). It seems to me that Jesus is reminding us that if we are to follow after Him we must reach the place of true and sincere devotion. We will never allow the Lord to truly shape our character until we have reached the place of true surrender and commitment to Christ. The flesh (our desires and plans for our lives) will always resist the molding and shaping process of the Spirit. Our human nature will always think and feel that we have a better plan for the fulfillment or completion of our life. But think of the awesome opportunities of spiritual development when we can finally reach the point of surrender to Christ and His leadership over our lives. As we encounter the Spirit of God we are able to fully identify Christ as not only Savior but Lord of our lives. Many of us are comfortable with Christ becoming our Savior but we hesitate when it comes to surrender to His Lordship. Lordship brings direction to our lives, direction brings focus to us, focus brings recognition of the fact that we need to commit to Christ, and finally commitment brings us to the path of maturity and development. The plan of God contains His desire to bring us to spiritual maturity and development. Is it not time for the Body of Christ to desire spiritual maturity? Do you desire to grow/mature in Him or have you become comfortable in your spiritual condition? Cast off the spirit of satisfaction and seek for maturity which can only come through true discipleship. Enjoy your journey with Christ today!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Lovest thou Me?"

During my scripture reading this morning the famous passage of John 21 came to my attention. This is the passage where Jesus asked Peter the following question "Lovest thou me?" I will not attempt to do an exegesis of this scriptural conversation between Peter and Christ but I do believe that the Lord spoke some challenging thoughts in my spirit. Each of us must answer that question for ourselves. Other individuals my make statements concerning their identification of our love for Christ but we are the only ones who truly know whether or not that love is perceived or whether that love is real. Today's blog is not meant to speak condemnation on our lives by any means but it is meant to challenge our thoughts concerning our relationship with Christ. The true expression of love for someone requires us to face the responsibilities that are associated with loving that individual. Was not Christ desiring for Peter to understand that principle? Love is more than some warm, fuzzy, emotional feeling. True love encompasses commitment, sacrifice, submission, and self denial just to name of few of the requirements. Many of us in the modern day church do not enjoy hearing those words spoken in the same breath with the concept of love. We want love with no strings attached; we want love with no responsibility to respond in an appropriate manner to the individual with which we desire to share that love. We want the "fruit" of love but in many cases we seek to avoid any area of responsibility that may be required of us. I believe that Jesus wanted Peter to understand this principle; the true love that Peter felt in his heart for Christ would place him in the position to follow Christ down the road of obedience, surrender, and true discipleship. I also believe that true love would be expressed through action and not just the mere use of words. We can use words that try to express our feelings but the true love for Christ must be lived out in our actions toward God and toward our fellow man. Ponder this question with me; "Am I truly walking as a devoted disciple of Christ or is my connection with Christ simply based on feelings and emotions?" I sincerely feel that Christ is looking for disciples who are committed to following Him wherever He may lead them. Dear God, work in my life until I can become the devoted disciple that you desire for me to become.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Review

The revival began with two wonderful services on Sunday. Pastor Debbie Harper and the local church body offered me a warm reception as we began our journey together this week. It is always a privilege to be able to worship with the people of this local body of believers; I have been privileged to be with them on several occasions over the past few years. Pastor Harper is doing a wonderful job in leading this church to reconnect with the heart of God. I identified several new families in the services on Sunday; I must remind us that God is calling us back to a re-identification with the Great Commission that Jesus issued as He left this world to return to heaven. We are called to reach this world with the message of the Gospel; that message will bring deliverance from the bondage of sin that plagues the lives of so many people. We must recommit our lives to the great cause of Jesus Christ and watch Him open the doors of opportunity to minister to people who are in need. Thank God for Pastors and churches who are seriously engaging this culture with the life changing message of the Gospel. I want to be faithful to the call from Christ; everyone needs to hear about the love of God and the provision that He made for their salvation. I have the privilege of being a part of an unique event this week. The Raceland,KY church and the New Hope church (Grayson, KY) are coming together for a joint revival this week. The first three services will be held in Raceland and the final three services will be held in the New Hope church. God is calling us to a "spirit of cooperation." We have allowed ourselves in the Body of Christ to develop a spirit of competition; our enemy is not our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul reminded us that we do not "wrestle against flesh and blood"; he identified that we have an enemy "who walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." We must turn our attention to that enemy and realize that he has plans for our defeat and demise. We must be alert to his tactics and to his methods that he will use against us. We need to realize that we need each other in the family of God and we can overcome the power of the enemy as we allow the Spirit of God to unify the people of God in the common cause of Jesus Christ. Could not the cause of Christ be defined in this statement of Jesus when He said "I came to seek and to save that which was lost." Dear God, give the modern day church the desire to reach the hurting, lost souls of our land and allow them to hear and see the Good News of the Gospel message. Blessings on you today as you go about your daily life sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people who are looking for hope. Christ is still the message of HOPE!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Combination of Words and Actions

Last night I was privileged to sit with a small group of people who are seeking to make a difference in this world through the power that is released in the declaration of the message of the Kingdom of God. As the discussion moved forward we began to realize that there are great numbers of "messages" that are being declared in the churches across our nation. Is is possible that the true message that Christ brought to this world is being lost in all of the "words" that are being spoken by various individuals? Many of these "words" are birthed in the power of the flesh rather than the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. The modern day church is being challenged to stay true to the message of the Gospel; we must not allow the influence of the culture to dictate the message that is being declared in our pulpits. We must pray for the Ministers of this generation; each of them need the courage and strength of the Spirit to declare the "truth of God in love" in such a manner that people will be convicted of their sins and the church will be awakened out of our apathy. I sensed that the Spirit raised another concern in my heart during the course of the conversation. The words that we speak must be confirmed by the actions that we take. Are the words I speak being lived out (practiced) in my daily living? We have developed books, seminars and conferences on sharing our testimony with our friends and family. I certainly am not against these efforts of training but I do believe that we need to remember that our actions must match our words if the "church" is to make an impact in this world. Our world is a world that is "full of words" but God is looking for people who will demonstrate the power of the life changing Gospel in their daily walk. I read this quote recently; "The Bible says that Jesus was "powerful in word and deed" (Luke 24:19). He didn't just make a proclamation, He made a demonstration as well. Jesus spoke and acted on behalf of the Gospel and I believe that He has called us to do likewise." I was deeply challenged by that statement. I desire for my life to reflect the words that I speak to others. I am referring to the words that I speak in the pulpit but also the words that I speak to people during my times of personal interaction. People are looking for true Christianity, one that is demonstrated as well as spoken. We are in need of the anointing of the Spirit in a fresh and powerful manner; this anointing would lead us into a deeper desire to demonstrate the power of the Gospel in our daily living. Our world needs to see the combination of actions as well as words. Be blessed as you put the Gospel into action today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Revival at Christ Tabernacle

I have returned home from a great meeting in Sheridan, IN. Pastor Rich and Cathy Barker are doing a wonderful job leading the local body into a deeper pursuit of a relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe the development of a deeper relationship with Christ is the call that the Spirit is issuing to the church in this hour. Am I truly responding to that call or have I learned how to ignore or even resist that call and remain in my state of spiritual complacency? How does God view my response to Him and the challenge that His Word brings to my life on a daily basis? All of us can learn to "justify" our actions toward God and our reactions to the activity of the Spirit; but does God accept those justifications? I may be able to convince myself that I am making the right response to the Spirit of God ; but both God and I know whether of not my actions are the ones that God desires to see out of my life. As I was driving home last night I could sense the "spirit of seriousness" come upon my heart. Am I truly serious about my journey with God or have I learned how to "act out the part" of being a Christian? Surely the evil activities of the days in which we are living are revealing to us the need to get our lives in order with God. We need to approach God with reverent love and appreciation for His desire to deliver us from the bondage of sin. I have noticed something wonderful in the past few meetings in which I have been involved. We are learning to recognize the awesome love of God and we are receiving and responding to the manifestation of His love in the services. I am convinced that God loves the people of this world (John 3:16); He even loves the "unlovable." Whether we are a non-believer or a believer we need to respond to the release of God's love on our lives. The depth of the love of God was released in each of the services in Sheridan. I was able to witness people of all ages come to the understanding that God truly loves them and that He has a plan for their life. Someone needs to be reminded of that principle today, God truly loves you and He does have a plan for your life. As you read these words; realize and understand that God is speaking to you. He is using the means of this blog to reach your heart and life. He is using the means of this blog to let you know that you are not forgotten or forsaken. God will not stop looking for you regardless of the condition of your life; trust in His love and grace today. He desires to draw near to your life; open your heart and allow Him entrance into your daily journey.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Called to Serve

Matthew 9:12-13, "When Jesus heard that, He said to them. Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (NKJV). The ERV translations records verse 13 in this manner; "I will tell you something. Go and learn what it means: I don't want animal sacrifices; I want you to show kindness to people. I did not come to invite good people. I came to invite sinners." I am convicted by the stark reality of the challenge that Christ issued to the people. This challenge comes at the conclusion of the call of Matthew who was called from being a tax collector (a most despised profession of Christ's day). Other tax collectors and sinners were drawn to Christ and His disciples; verse ten of this chapter declares that "many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him (Jesus) and His disciples." This rankled the ire of the Pharisees and they even asked this question to the disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" (verse 11). This question is what brought the response of Christ that is serving as our point of interest today. The answer of Christ poses a challenge to all of us. How are we responding to the challenge that Christ issued that day? Is it possible that many modern day believers have become "saved and segregated?" Is it possible that we have hidden ourselves in the "sanctuary" of the church and distanced ourselves from the true call of Christ? Christ has called us away from the offering of animal sacrifices which was a cornerstone doctrine of the Old Covenant; He is calling us to the offering of mercy and kindness to those who are living in need of a personal relationship with Christ. What will we choose to do; will we remain segregated from the "sinners" of the world or will we choose to become "salt and light" to this confused and imprisoned culture? The choice is ours, the challenge was issued over 2,000 years ago by the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. Will we follow His example and the example of the early disciples or will we choose to set our own direction to how we think the church needs to operate in this world? As for me, I am sensing the call back to the "mission statement" of our founder and leader of the Church. Jesus came to bring the message of the Gospel to sinners. What message am I bringing today? What message is my life speaking today? What message do I want my life speaking? Let us give serious consideration to these thoughts as we look on the needs of our fellow human beings at this point in history. The message of the Gospel still rings true and powerful even today!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Challenged to Change

The services at Christ Tabernacle continue to go well; the presence of the Lord was very powerful in the meeting last night as we moved into the time of sharing the Word as well as intercessory prayer during the altar meeting. Once again the altar was filled with young people who were seeking for direction from their lives. We must not give up on this generation; God is at work and we need to offer ourselves as a "support staff" for them. We need this generation in our local churches and this generation needs our love and support. During the presentation of the Gospel as well as this morning in prayer, the Lord raised up this thought in my heart. The Word of God and the Spirit of God will challenge us as we sit in the presence of God; but the challenge of the Word is meant to transform (change) us. We should not be intimidated by the challenge of the Spirit but we need to respond to that challenge through obedience to God. The Word of God is alive and powerful and it will accomplish the intentions of God. I just need to be prepared to walk in the direction that God provides; He knows where He desires to take my life and I need to be willing to receive, respond, and obey. I came across this statement of Kirk Cameron in the book "Revival's Golden Key" written by Ray Comfort. Read these words and allow the Lord to speak to your heart. "The Law didn't help me, it just left me helpless. It didn't make me a good person, it made me realize that I'm not. The Law is the mirror that shows you and me that we're in trouble with God and cannot help ourselves; we must rely completely upon Jesus to save us. I thank God for the Law. Without it, I'd still be living in a dream world, thinking I was going to heaven when, in reality, I was on my way to hell!" Just remember that the Word was given to change us. If we allow the Word to do it's proper work in our lives we will see the spiritual transformation that God desires. I desire to become what God has planned; the thoughts and plans of man will leave us short of God's intended plan but we must be determined to reach our destiny in Christ as we fully yield ourselves to Him. Do not resist the full impact that the Word of God will have on your life. God has great plans for your life; just trust Him and His Word to fulfill that plan.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekend Review

I trust that each of you had an enjoyable weekend with family and friends. The Lord is gracious, kind, and loving; He provides many opportunities in which He ministers to the needs that we possess. I trust that each of you had a divine encounter with God through the events of the past few days. The reflection and remembrances of 9-11-01 should have served as a time to help us understand our need for God's favor and direction on the "soul" of this nation. I believe that many of us found time to pray and intercede for our nation. But I feel that I need to encourage you to continue your prayers for our nation; we may very well be at a critical crossroad in which we need to make correct decisions concerning our spiritual future. Friday night found me in Radcliff,KY worshipping with a group of people who are seeking to follow after the heart of God regarding an outreach effort to Radcliff and the surrounding communities. The Spirit of the Lord was very evident in the service as we reflected, worshipped, prayed, and received the Word from God. God dealt with my heart concerning Psalm 91; we must declare and understand that God is still our "only true refuge." The past few months and years have taught us that our confidence can not be placed in man or the abilities of man. God is our HOPE and in Him and Him alone will we trust. Join me in prayer concerning the outreach to the Radcliff area; I will be sharing more with you over the next few weeks as we continue to seek the direction of God. Sunday night found me in Sheridan, IN at Christ Tabernacle Church with Pastor Rich and Cathy Barker. I know that I say it often, but the presence of the Lord filled the house as we lifted our hearts in worship to the Lord God Almighty. If we could only understand and fathom the release that true praise and worship brings into the service in which we are participating. I shared the Word of God and the altar response was awesome. The thing that impressed me the most was the number of young people who stepped out in obedience to the call from God. I for one have not given up on the youth of this generation; I refuse to believe the lie of satan that the message of the Gospel is no longer relevant. I was reminded during prayer that the "truth of God endures to all generations." I give God praise for what was accomplished in the lives of people last night and I eagerly await the service tonight.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Walking with Purpose and Direction

Eight years ago today the citizens of America were faced with the reality of wickedness, evil, and most of us were introduced to the word "terrorism." The past eight years have brought many changes to our lives but the greatest of these has not fully taken place as of yet. The need for spiritual awakening and revival is still very evident in America. Although we are seeing pockets of awakening across America there is still a great need to see God direct our lives and change our hearts. The Lord placed this prayer in my heart a few days ago; "I not only need God to awaken me I also need God to transform (change) me so that my life can fully reflect His presence at work in my heart." Today we are agreeing with other Christians throughout this nation as we lift our hearts in intercession for our individual lives as well as for the soul of the nation. The "revival" we need will begin in individuals just like you and me and then spread throughout the churches, our families, the schools, our places of employment, and our personal relationships with our fellow citizens. Do not miss this opportunity to cry out to God; do not miss this opportunity to remember those who lost their lives on 9-11-01; and do not miss the opportunity to remember those valiant and courageous soldiers who are putting their lives in harm's way for our protection today. Take a few moments to read this passage of scripture found in Proverbs 4:19-27, "But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over. My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk, stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil" (NLT). Can you sense the great move of God that would take place across America if we would allow this passage to do its work in our lives? I sincerely believe that God's Spirit is at work in the hearts of many people; we must be willing to respond to His call and obey His Word. I encourage each American to take time today and reflect on the lessons of 9-11 and also to take time to hear the call from God; the soul of our nation is in need of healing and restoration. We hope to see many of you join us in Radcliff, KY tonight for the unique 9-11 service. See schedule for time and location. I will be sharing the Word from a passage in Psalm 91.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Staying Focused

Hebrews 12:13,"Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong" (NLT). Each one of us face the challenge of staying focused in regards to our relationship and walk with God. Life has a way of presenting so many distractions that desire to pull us away from our journey with God. We have to stay to alert to these distractions because not all of them are sinful or evil; some of these distractions are the daily challenges or responsibilities that we encounter on a consistent basis. But we need to remember to keep the "straight path" mapped out in our heart so that we will not deviate away from the course that God desires for us to follow. We all walk that same straight path although our callings, gifts, or responsibilities may vary in the Body of Christ. We all have the responsibility to walk in such a manner that those who are observing our journey with Christ will be strengthened and encouraged in their relationship with God. God placed a thought in my heart yesterday as I watched a variety of pictures move across my computer screen. I saw pictures of Ann and myself interacting with our family in a variety of situations (church, Christmas, special occasions, family outings, etc.). I asked myself, "What are we leaving behind for our children and grandchildren? What do they say about us when we are not in their presence? What is my life saying to them? Have my actions matched my words or have I spoken one way and lived my life in a way that was opposite of what I spoke?" Those are some of the questions that I need to answer as I fight the battle with distractions. I can not afford to give in to distractions but I must remain focused on yielding my life to Christ so that He can live through me. I truly desire for my life to offer encouragement to those that I contact on a daily basis. Allow the Lord to speak to your heart concerning individual distractions that you are facing. Each of us need to realize that there are people who observe us on a daily basis and we need to show them the path that will lead them to eternal life. Tomorrow is a day of Prayer across America as we reflect on the events of 9-11-01. Hopefully each of you will find time to pray about the spiritual needs of our nation. In many counties across America there will be times of public prayer at the Courthouse. Please take time to participate in these public events if you have the opportunity; take the time to pray privately if these public events are not taking place in your community. We hope you can join us in Radcliff, KY on 9-11-09 either through your attendance or through your agreement in prayer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9-11-09 Service

Each of us need to be alert to the opportunities to serve in the great cause of Jesus Christ. Serving God and serving one another has a tendency to get lost in all of the "religious" activities of our modern operation of church. Church becomes more about us than it is the lost and hurting of our world. But I sense a fresh wind of the Spirit blowing in our hearts and lives; many of us are being awakened to the need to think more about others and less about our spiritual comfort and ease. I believe that type of love, sacrifice, and service is what led Jesus to the cross. The destiny of the cross was the focal point of the journey of our Lord; although He displayed power and authority over many situations, He knew that ultimately He would die for the sins of humanity. Oh God, place the spirit of servanthood in my heart in such a manner that serving God and serving others will be the focal point of my life. The above thought is one of the driving forces behind the 9-11-09 service in Radcliff, KY. Several individuals have felt the need to reach out to the people of Radcliff and the surrounding area with a heart of care and concern. Many of our military families travel in and out of that area; there are hurting people that have not found their needs being met through the activities of church and they are looking for a release of the Spirit in their circumstances. What will we do concerning these needs? Will we continue to keep our light hidden from the view of those in need? Will we continue to ignore the opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel message that is still relevant in this time frame in which we are living. Contact your family and friends that live in this area and make them aware of this service. This is the initial service of an outreach effort to this community; the call to serve is being heard and we desire to respond to that distinct call from God. The word "Refuge" keeps coming to my heart as we prepare for these services; God is still our Refuge in time of need and we are certainly living in the time in which we need God to work in all of our lives. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions or if you feel led to assist us in this effort. The schedule has the time and location of the service. Personal Note: I want to take this opportunity to wish my wife, Ann, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ann has served along side of me in ministry since we were married in 1972. She is an excellent wife, wonderful mother and a great grandmother. I am very thankful for the wonderful partner that God has provided for me; I am honored that she stands at my side today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Answering the Call from God

The thought of today's post has been limited to those individuals whose were being called to answer the call to "Ministry." But I sincerely feel this thought process is changing and must continue to change in our relationship with God. The call to follow the unction and direction of God is not just for a "select few" individuals but it is a call to the complete Body of Christ. This weeks marks the anniversary of a very tragic day in the life of America. The events of 9-11-01 has forever changed America's approach to life and has thrust us into an open attack on our freedom and in some cases our view of God and His approach to humanity. We have been blessed that no other major attacks have succeeded against our country yet the threat remains present on a daily basis. 9-11 has required many of our soldiers to be willing to place their life in harm's way for our protection and many of them have paid the ultimate price for our protection. We can not afford to forget these brave men and women and we can not afford to forget the spiritual wake up call that has come to the church in America. How are we responding to that call from God? How has our spiritual life changed? Is it possible that we were spiritually alert for a period of time but now we have found ourselves drifting back into our comfort zones of personal contentment? Once again we must be careful and not miss what God is saying to the people of our world. We must connect with the heart of God and realize that God seeks to save the lost and hurting in our world. Are we choosing to join Him in that process or have we found reasons and justifications to leave the "work of the Kingdom" to others? It is easier to encourage someone else to answer the call from God then it is for us to answer the call. All of us can think of things that others could or should be doing in service to Christ and His call to mankind. But each of us need to allow the Spirit to search our hearts and examine our response to the call of God. The eternal future of many people are depending on us making the right response to God. Will you join with me in asking God for His strength to be released in our lives in such a manner that we can do what God is calling all of us to do for the sake of His Kingdom? God is waiting, will WE answer the call? I will share more about the purpose of the 9-11-09 service as the week progresses. This special time of intercession, worship and sharing the Word of God will take place in the cafeteria of Woodland Elementary School at 6000 S. Woodland Drive in Radcliff, KY. The service will begin at 7:00 PM. I will be sharing a message from Psalm 91; God is still our Refuge in this time of need. Each of you are issued an invitation to join us in this time of intercession and celebration. We ask for your prayer covering of the meeting if you are unable to participate with us. Personal Note: I want to wish our grandson, Cade, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Cade is celebrating his ninth (9) birthday today. Cade, we love you and we are very proud of you!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Walking According to the Word

Yesterday's church service was a great source of inspiration to me. I was able to sit and receive the deposit of the Word of God as well as receive strength from the offertory music that was offered to God and to the local body. The special music was the song, "Order my steps in your Word." My heart was challenged as I was reminded of the need to allow the Word of God and the Spirit of God to direct my path according to the revelation of the Word of God. My life does not need to be lived outside the boundaries of the Word of God. I need to live my life according to the precepts and principles of God's Word. The spirit and influences of our culture seeks to allure us away from the foundational principles of God but we must resist that attempt with all of our spiritual strength. I am certainly not advocating a return trip to legalism but I do believe that we need to be alert to the devices of satan and not allow Him to spread his spirit of deception and compromise. There is still a right way to live and that is by allowing God to "order our steps in His Word." One of the lines of the song talks about "lead me, guide me"; each one of us desperately need for God to guide and lead our lives. Take a moment on this Labor Day and recommit your life to walking after the direction of God. God is ready to lead if we will commit to following His direction for our lives. Watch the blog for some special information concerning a unique "9-11" service in Radcliff, KY. (Read the schedule for the time and place.) Spiritual leaders around this nation are calling for the people of God to have special times of prayer throughout that day. I encourage each of you to make time that day to seek God on behalf of our nation. We are in need of God to send another spiritual awakening to America. Can we count on you to intercede for spiritual awakening in America?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend -- Thankful for Family

I am blessed to be at home on this Labor Day Weekend and spend it relaxing with my family. We have several times of fellowship planned over the next few days beginning with the Alabama vs. Virginia Tech ballgame tonight (ROLL TIDE!). I look forward to some quality time with my wife, children, and grandchildren. Each of us need to take time and express our sincere love to those whom God has placed in our lives. Each of us have been blessed with wonderful people who have made a great impact on our life and we need to take the time to express our appreciation. God reveals His love through those same people; we need to return that love with a heart of gratitude and thankfulness. Publicly, I want to thank my wife, our children, and our grandchildren for the blessing that they are to me. I am thankful for each one of you and the unique gifts that you bring to the dynamics of our family. Each of you are important to me and I want you to know that I love you! Thank you for your love, support and encouragement; you are truly a gift from God.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Yesterday I traveled home from Brecksville, Ohio. The revival was a blessing to me and I believe that everyone who attended the services were impacted by the presence of the Holy Spirit. People testified to receiving Christ as their Savior, people received the baptism of the Spirit, people testified to being healed physically as well as emotionally. I offer God praise for the outpouring of the Spirit and the anointing that I sensed as I shared the Word of God and prayed with those who responded to the call of the Spirit. The moving of the Spirit in this world causes me to have a stronger desire to draw closer to God and to allow Him to continue His work in my life. These are the days to seek the face of God and allow Him to have full control of our lives. Each of us have so much potential in the Kingdom of God and God is calling us to walk in the fulfillment of that potential. The college football season begins this weekend and excitement is in the air for those of us who are fans. Many teams begin this season with an anticipation of success; they practice to succeed and not to fail. Various adversities will arise during the season but the truly committed players will face those adversities and keep their goals in mind. We must remember that we will face our own set of adversities but God has not planned on our failure but He has planned for our success. The Word of God reveals to us the truth that we matter to God and it also reveals actions that God has taken to make that truth come alive to us. Let me remind you of one of those statements found in I John 3:16, "We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us" (NLT). God has placed great value on your life. The culture of this world may seek to "devalue" your importance but your life has great value in the sight of God. As you realize how fully God affirms your value, His love breaks through the messages the world sends about what you ought to be and instead encourages you to be what God wants you to be. Many of us are entering a new "season" of our lives. Will we fail or succeed; only time will reveal the answer to that question. But one thing is certain, this "season of life" is full of new opportunities to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. Turn your potential into a season of success and not failure. Surrender your life to God and make the commitment to overcome whatever adversities that arise against you. Remember, God is not against you but He is on your side ready to assist you in the process of life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Love of God, Part 2

The scripture passage that declares that "God is love" is resonating in my heart this morning. Several days ago I made a post about the love of God yet the Spirit keeps reminding me that the true love of God is present among us if we would only accept and respond to His presence. We are living in a very troubled time; the lives of many people are in disarray and they are walking in the midst of hopelessness and helplessness. How will the modern day church respond? Will we respond in harshness, criticism, judgmentalism, or with the spirit of Christ? The ministry of Christ reflects concern, care, compassion and grace. We must stop withholding from people what they so desperately need; they need to feel the love and acceptance of God. I know that many of us become uncomfortable with this statement; we are afraid that "sinners" will receive the wrong message. But can we not trust the Spirit to deliver the "right" message which says that there is a better way to live and that God desires to love us so much that we will choose to live the better way? Each of us will encounter people throughout the day that are in need of someone to be truly interested in the cares, burdens, and even sins that they are carrying on a daily basis. Will we choose to look the other way because our heart is captured by religious superiority or will we choose to extend a helping hand of relief and hope to the lost and weary? I firmly believe that many of us will choose the latter option; we are ready to respond to people with the genuine love of Christ and His desire to make a difference in their lives. The services at Brecksville this week have fueled this passion that I sense is rising in my heart. I am determined more than ever to fully reflect the heart of God in all that I do; I am talking about my private life as well as the public time of ministry. The world is looking for the church to live what we declare on our church signs, our advertisement materials, the stationary that we use, the songs we sing, and yes, even the sermons that we preach. I am asking God to prepare my heart to be filled with His fresh and awesome LOVE so that I can be a servant in the midst of a hurting world. Will you join me in that prayer today? I trust that this post will challenge you to think about your life and the life of your church? Are we reflecting His LOVE in our actions as well as the words that we speak? God will confirm His Word as we put into action the true heart of God.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am always amazed about the continuing revelation of God that is taking place in my life and in the lives of other believers. I am truly understanding and realizing that the work of God in my life is an on-going process. Recently I was in a class setting with my wife and she taught about process and product. She reminded us that you can not have a product without a process. She gave the examples of a house that is being built, a car that is being produced on an assembly line in a factory, bread that is being baked in a bakery, and finally a child of God that is going through the process of spiritual development. I was reminded of that this morning as I was reflecting on the work that is taking place in my life. Although I "know" Christ as my Savior I am learning more about Him everyday. I am sensing and seeing the revelation of God in my life. He is continually teaching me more about His heart, His character and that He desires for these revelations to be lived out in my life. Just think about it for a moment; Christ the Savior of the world desires to not only live in us but to live through us. He desires to reveal His heart of love, mercy, and compassion through our lives. I just keep asking myself, "Is my heart and life a true reflection of the heart of God?" Do people see Christ working through me? What type of ambassador or representative am I for Christ and His Kingdom? Meditate on these reflections today and allow the Holy Spirit to speak challenge and encouragement into your life. The Monday night service at Brecksville was an encouragement to many people. Once again we gathered to enter into the presence of God and receive His Word into our hearts. Several local churches were represented in the meeting; there were several testimonies of healing as well as those who received the baptism of the Spirit. God is at work in this meeting; lives are being changed and transformed. I witnessed men and women walking to the altar with tears streaming down their faces believing that God was truly interested in their circumstances. Once more I declare, "WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD WHO IS AWARE OF EACH OF US! He knows us and He knows what we need. Just trust Him today and allow Him access to your heart and to your life. He is still in control and He desires to minister to you today.