Monday, December 31, 2012

New Opportunities

The last day of 2012 allows us three (3) significant opportunities. First, we can look back and review our successes as well as the failures of the past year. Second, we can fast forward our thinking and contemplate our future and prepare our hearts to respond appropriately. And finally, we can reflect on the "now" moments of our life and take some time to look inward in a sincere time of introspection. We can ask ourselves questions such as: "Am I reaching the full potential in my life (spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially)? Am I making a sincere effort to develop my relationship with Christ? Would I consider myself a better person at the close of 2012 than I was at the beginning of 2012? What is the top priority of my life?" Each of these questions and many more questions that you and I can ask truly deserve a serious evaluation from each of us. These questions and answers are not meant to be a deterrent to our progress and maturing growth rather they are meant to open our eyes and hearts to areas of weakness that all of us possess. These areas of weakness become focal points of prayer and adjustment as we enter the New Year. 2013 will afford each of us valuable opportunities to see the continuing development our relationship with God; the continuing development of our relationship with our family and friends; and the continuing development of our relationship with our fellow human beings. Buckle your seat belts and make preparation for the ride into the future. We will face the winds of turbulence and adversity but we will also enjoy the moments of victory and success.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The "R" Word

It is usually this time of the year when the "R" word begins making its way into our conversation.  We begin to speak about "resolutions" and our desire to change something about our lives.  We make resolutions to lose that extra weight that we have added through the years.  We make resolutions to read the Bible on a more consistent basis.  We even make resolutions to spend more time in seeking after God through prayer and meditation.  Our lists of resolutions can run the gamut of our needs and even desires in our lives.  But we all understand that many of these resolutions never quite make their way into our daily living on a consistent basis.  Resolutions have to transition to dedication if we are to see a successful conclusion to the initial steps to change some particular aspect of our lives.
Serving Christ in a manner of true love and obedience will require more than a New Year's Resolution.  Serving Christ will require a lifestyle of commitment and dedication to the work of Christ in our heart.  We can see the difference in commitment and resolution in the lifestyle of the top athletes of our world.  Resolutions do not send the athlete to the gym to put in his/her long hours in preparation for the athletic event.  Resolutions do not send the scholar to the classroom to finish their Master's or Doctorate degrees.  Resolutions do not send the artist back to the canvas to finish the masterpiece that they began.  What is the action that separates the "wanna be's" from those who are able to accomplish their goals?  It is the action of commitment.  Could we describe this action in these terms; "Truly successful people resolve to be committed to the goals/desires that have been placed in their hearts. 
Jesus shared this principle with us when He issued this call to His disciples.  Matthew 16:24-26, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. 25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. 26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? (NLT)
Our walk with God will require commitment and not just resolutions.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Right on Time

I am amazed at the punctuality of God.  His presence is always at the right place and the right time.  God's timing is perfect and He lovingly and willingly provides for the needs that we face.  We can offer our sincere praise and adoration to God as we reflect on the times that we have sensed the Spirit ministering to us during specific times of need.  I read some interesting words from Chuck Swindoll this morning and I wanted to share them with you.
Wisdom Just in Time by Charles R. Swindoll
Do not worry about how or what
you are to say; for it will be given you
in that hour what you are to say.
Matthew 10:19
Do you know what I've discovered about the Lord? He doesn't give wisdom on credit. He doesn't advance you a bundle of insight. . . . Do you know when He gives us words and wisdom and insight?

Right when we need them. At the very instant they are required.

If you're a parent, you may have experienced this phenomenon. You find yourself in a situation you never anticipated, and couldn't prepare for. Suddenly, you're at one of the critical junctures of life where you're the mom or dad, and your child is looking into your eyes, depending on you for a right answer. Not always, but often, you are given the words you need. Later you realize that they were words beyond your own wisdom.

At that quiet moment, you breathe a little prayer of thanks. "Praise You, Lord. That's exactly what needed to be said."

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Forget

We have now turned the page from Christmas and we begin to move toward a new year that will be full of its own opportunities and challenges.  The gifts have been opened.  The final left-overs will be devoured in the next few days.  The naps have been a time of refreshing and re-vitalizing our minds as well as bodies.  Our nation will begin returning the gifts that are either the wrong size, the wrong color or in some cases simply the wrong gift for us.  We will take another look at the decorations in our house and in some cases outside of our house and realize that we need to take them down and store them away for another year.  Each of these above mentioned tasks does not leave us with that same "Christmas feeling" that we just experienced on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  Yet, they are a part of our Christmas preparation and celebration.  Let me add, I trust that each of you enjoyed a most wonderful Christmas celebration with your family and friends.  I prayed for those of you who have faced the death of a loved one this year and you were challenged to celebrate your first Christmas without them being present.  I truly believe that Emmanuel was present with you during those difficult moments.
But the Lord reminded me of something as I prayed last night.  I sensed that He was reminding me not to forget Him and not forget His presence that we have experienced in 2012.  He also reminded me that human beings have the ability to forget.  We forget where we laid our keys or glasses.  We forget where we parked our car in the parking lot.  We forget our spouse's birthday or anniversary.  And yes, it is sad to report but we do forget God.  Forgetfulness can even make its appearance in our spiritual lives.  Do you remember that God reminded Israel not to forget Him when they made their entrance into the Promised Land?  You can read this warning in Deuteronomy chapter 8.  We are preparing to enter 2013.  We can not afford to forget the goodness and mercy of God that has been shared with us in this past year.  We can not afford to forget the grace of God as we faced those moments of despair and temptation in this past year.  We can not afford to forget the love of God that was present when we stumbled and fell because of the heavy load from the cares of this life that we were carrying.  Simply put. WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO FORGET GOD AND HIS MANY PROVISIONS AS WE PREPARE TO ENTER THE NEW YEAR OF 2013!

Monday, December 24, 2012


Many people are making final preparations for their Christmas celebration. Some families will celebrate today while others will celebrate with their family on Tuesday. There are families who have already had their time of family celebrations due to the busy schedule that face many families. But one important factor remains true for all of us; we can not afford to forget the true reason for the season. I know that phrase has been used before and it probably has even been over-used in many cases. Nevertheless it still remains TRUE! The times in which we are living are demanding that we do not neglect the importance of Christ and we do not forget Him in the midst of all the activities in which we participate during this season of celebration. This is not just the "season to be jolly" it is also the season to have some deep introspection regarding our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What is the condition of your relationship with Christ? What is the condition of your family's relationship with Christ? What is the condition of your community's relationship with Christ? I sense that this Christmas season is calling us to be "about the Father's business." 2013 must find us being committed to evangelism and outreach through the message of the Gospel. I encourage you to celebrate with your family but I also encourage you to offer your life to Christ through sacrificial living as we approach the New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2012


A line from an old song declares, "In times like these we need a Savior..."  I can report to you today that we have a Savior and He was born according to the promises and prophecies of the Word of God.  Take a moment today and reconnect with the story found in the Gospel of Matthew.
Matthew 1:18-25, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.   19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.  20 But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.   21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”   22 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:  23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”  24 Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, 25 and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son.  And he called His name Jesus." (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The tragic events in Connecticut is still very much on our minds.  The process of celebrating and remembering the deceased has begun as well as the conversation of how America and Americans should respond to the actions of this desperate and deranged gunman.  Is it not possible that we are looking for simplistic solutions rather than taking an in-depth look at the root of the problem?  It seems that tragedies cause us to look for areas of restraint that we might enforce against society.  Have we not learned that more restraints or more laws will not completely solve our problem?  The depravity and sinfulness of man will never be addressed solely through the restraints of our Judicial system.  The depravity and sinfulness of man must be addressed through the avenues of the spiritual and emotional as well as the adjustment of some of our legal measures or requirements.  I am not using this post to promote the idea that we do not need to make adjustments in the legal side of our problems but I am suggesting that we need to take a serious look at the spiritual and emotional/mental issues that our nation is facing.  Our post discussion of the tragedy that took place in Sandy Hook Elementary School must include mental health issues and the spiritual/moral health of our nation.  In my opinion we have lost respect for our fellow citizens and we no longer cherish the gift of life that God has given to all of us.  Christmas reminds us that Christ came to bring light to our darkness and His Light will transform us into people that love and care for one another.  Someone shared a prayer with me on Tuesday and I would like to share that prayer with you today.

A Christmas Prayer
Max Lucado
Dear Jesus,

It’s a good thing you were born at night. This world sure seems dark. I have a good eye for silver linings. But they seem dimmer lately.

These killings, Lord. These children, Lord. Innocence violated. Raw evil demonstrated.

The whole world seems on edge. Trigger-happy. Ticked off. We hear threats of chemical weapons and nuclear bombs. Are we one button-push away from annihilation?

Your world seems a bit darker this Christmas. But you were born in the dark, right? You came at night. The shepherds were night shift workers. The Wise Men followed a star. Your first cries were heard in the shadows. To see your face, Mary and Joseph needed a candle flame. It was dark. Dark with Herod’s jealousy. Dark with Roman oppression. Dark with poverty. Dark with violence.

Herod went on a rampage, killing babies. Joseph took you and your mom into Egypt. You were an immigrant before you were a Nazarene.

Oh, Lord Jesus, you entered the dark world of your day. Won’t you enter ours? We are weary of bloodshed. We, like the wise men, are looking for a star. We, like the shepherds, are kneeling at a manger.

This Christmas, we ask you, heal us, help us, be born anew in us.


Your Children

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tragedy in Connecticut

Many of us have watched the television coverage of the senseless murder of the innocent children and adults in Sandy Hook Elementary School.  It is hard to imagine the pain and sorrow that the community is feeling as they mourn the loss of their family and friends.  I am always amazed at the acts of kindness and compassion that arises out of the hearts of people as we deal with tragedies such as this one.  For a few moments we are able to lay aside our differences and focus on someone other than ourselves.  We have seen that played out many times in the history of our families, communities, and even our nation.  Why is it so difficult to learn from these situations and allow this compassion and concern to be a part of our daily lives?  Why do we allow the tears on our faces to dry to as we return to our normal lives of self-preservation, selfishness, and personal comfort?  I live in hope that we will learn to care about each other even more and allow this care to develop into a heart of sincere compassion that will reach people with the message of the Gospel.  The old song declares this prophetic word today "In times like these, we need a Savior..."
We are already hearing the pundits discuss the areas of appropriate action that we should take as the result of this tragic event.  We hear the calls for more gun control; we hear the calls for safer school buildings; we hear the call for security personnel to be assigned to schools; and we even hear the calls for better training for the staff of our local schools.  Each of these areas should be discussed and I am sure that there is room for improvement in many of them.  But can we ever "sin-proof" our schools?  Will be able to offer promises that no perpetrator will ever enter the hallways of our educational facilities?  Where is the call for the people of our nation to draw near to God in a heart of sincere repentance?  Yes, I am praying for the victims of this tragedy and yes there has been and is tears in my eyes as I watch the coverage.  I think about our grandchildren as they prepare to return to school this morning.  I think of the children of New River as they prepare to return to school this morning.  I think of the children of our nation as they return to school this morning.  But I also think of how many people have ignored God and pushed Him away because they felt all was "well" with their life.  I think of how we have allowed our lives to be dominated by the desires of the flesh and the call from the Spirit has been spurned and resisted.  When will someone have the courage to stand up and say that our nation is in need of guidance and direction from God?  How quick will we forget this tragedy and move back to "normal?"  Is it not time to allow the Spirit to open our lives to the heart of God and realize that He is ready to forgive and heal our nation of our sinfulness?  Will you take the time to listen for the Voice of God in your daily life?  He is near the broken-hearted!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I am taking a working lunch at the world famous McDonald's restaurant. It is hard to beat the $1.00 menu (at least in my opinion). I look around the room at people who are of various ages, various ethnic backgrounds, various religious connections, and various personalities. Yet there is something common among all of us sitting in this room. The Lord God Almighty is aware of each of us and He is interested in our individual lives regardless of the differences that may define, describe and separate us. It does not interfere with the presence of Emmanuel no matter where life may pigeon-hole us in the grand scheme of things. The celebration of Christmas allows us to reflect on "Emmanuel, God with us." We can remember that the birth of Christ reveals to us that God is near to His human creation and we can find solace and comfort in the promises of His declaration. Let us take time to offer praise and adoration to God during all of the hustle and bustle of activities over the next few days. It may sound odd to say this but "Christ is still the Reason for the Season."

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Personal Reflections

The past few days have been very hectic with ministry opportunities as well as a family celebration in Alabama.  I have shared the eulogies at two funerals and sandwiched in between those funerals was a Christmas celebration with my parents as well as the Sunday morning message at New River Worship Center.  The Spirit spoke a wonderful reminder to me in the midst of these services and family time.  I was reminded of something that I already knew but I understood that the Spirit was placing a renewed importance upon my heart and He impressed me to share that importance with you this morning.  Each of us are aware of the fact that life can become very hectic and busy.  We can become so overwhelmed by "everything that we need to do" that we fail to notice the people that are truly important to us.  We can become so consumed by the journey of life that we fail to remember and appreciate those individuals that God has placed on the journey with us.  Can I go so far as to ask this question, "Is it possible that we are even guilty of taking for granted those that are the closest to us?"  Can our relationships with our family and close friends suffer because we become so busy with the "stuff" of life that we fail to recognize the true gifts that God has placed in our lives?  I can remember times in which I had so much "stuff" on my mind that I failed to appreciate the time that I was having with my immediate family.  There have been times that I was so "busy with life" that I failed to enjoy those special moments with our close friends that mean so much to us.  It may not be the time to make resolutions for the New Year but I am determined to let the people in my life know that I love them and that I appreciate the investment and contribution that they have made in and to my life.  Take some time today and let someone know that you love and appreciate them.  You will feel better and the recipient of your kindness will be blessed and encouraged!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fresh Look at Christmas

Even Christians have a tendency to take a "hum-drum" approach to the story that is revealed and declared during the Christmas season.  We can become so familiar with the contents and characters of the story that we can easily overlook the powerful message that was shared with humanity the day Christ was born.  It is so easy to remember the story from an intellectual point of view but fail to capture the spiritual truths in our hearts.  I want to know God in a spiritual manner and not just in an intellectual manner.  I am not saying that we do not need to know the "facts" and have those "facts" correctly stated and taught to each of us.  But I am saying that I want these "facts" written on my heart and revealed in my life on a daily basis.  Take some time this Christmas season and reacquaint yourself with the "Truth" in the story and not just become content to know the facts of the story.  Each of us may be surprised at what we would learn when we start looking to reacquaint ourselves with the Truth that is revealed in Christ!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jesus, the Faithful Witness

John 14:7-11, "If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”  8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”
9 Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you?  10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me.  11 Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do". (NLT)

We can read the ministry stories of Jesus Christ and realize that His life not only spoke about the character of the Heavenly Father they also revealed the character of the Father to fallen humanity.  We can see the awesome Love of God demonstrated through the interaction of Christ with the broken, lonely, hurting, and those bound in the prison of sinful lifestyles.  We can rejoice as we learn about the compassion of God as Jesus wept over the condition of Jerusalem and those tears reminded us that God desires to draw us near to Him during our difficult moments.  We can learn the story of redemption as Christ teaches about His future death on the cross for the sins of mankind. We can also understand that the miracles He performed validated His claim to be the Son of God.  We saw the power of God demonstrated as Jesus dealt with the various maladies, diseases, demonic oppression, and even the power of demonic possession.  We can rejoice in the fact that Christ overcame all of the powers of evil, sin, and wickedness that He encountered.
Christ is truly the "Faithful Witness" that Revelation 1:5 spoke about.  He is still our Faithful Witness as we prepare for the second coming Christ.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Word of Encouragement

I realize that we are living in what an old song described as "troublesome times." I fully understand that the spiritual landscape of this world is one that is full of evil, wickedness, and darkness. The headlines from the various media outlets describe a world that appears to be full of more bad news than it is good news. I understand that it is easy to be overwhelmed and frustrated as we see these forces of evil making an impact on our society. But I do not want to leave you in that atmosphere of fear and discouragement. THERE IS HOPE and HIS NAME IS JESUS! According to the prophet Isaiah Christ was born during a time of darkness but He reminded us that the Light came to dispel the powers of darkness. We can put our trust in the True Light of the Gospel! We can rest assured that the Light is shining in the midst of today's darkness and I fully believe that Christ is calling His people to draw near to the True Light. The True Light will provide the direction that each of us need as we continue to place our trust and confidence in the promises of God.

Friday, November 30, 2012


I want to take a moment and share a testimony.  This testimony is different in many ways but I think it is very important to share.  I have been blessed over the past few weeks as I have encountered various individuals who are facing the challenges of life.  God has used these individuals to show me that it is important to face those challenges with courage and strength.  I prayed with some people this week who are looking at difficulties with their health; people who are facing some financial challenges; and some of them are dealing with alarming family situations.  Yet, they are choosing to release courageous faith during these trying moments.  Did not God encourage Joshua to respond in courage to the challenges that he would face as the successor to Moses?  Can you think of someone who has been a blessing to you as they responded with courage when life offered them a difficult situation?  Can you think of people who have silently witnessed to you when they chose to continue seeking God even when the problems of life told them to give up?  I wanted to take a moment and say "Thank You" to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have chosen to show each of us how to respond to adversity.  I am a stronger, more courageous man today because God strategically placed those people in my life.  Thank you God for allowing these Christians to teach me a valuable lesson on faith, confidence, and trust in God.  I have read wonderful stories through the years but God has allowed me to witness great courage and dependence on God from the front row seat of life.  Praise God for His many wonderful and powerful blessings!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I want to add a short follow-up to the thought that I shared on Monday.  I wrote about our need to sincerely turn our hearts toward God.  We can use the correct words but is our heart in a correct relationship with God?  Each of us must personally examine our life and see if there are any needed corrections that we need to make.  I read a prayer this morning that spoke to my heart.  It was shared by a Pastor friend of mine from Rockville, Maryland.  This is a "Thanksgiving" prayer but Pastor Balram shares some thoughtful insight to a correct relationship with Christ.  Our relationship with Christ begins with a true sense of appreciation for the love and patience of God toward each of us.  We can recognize and appreciate the great Love that God has shared with each of us.  Take a moment and read this prayer and let the words challenge your heart!
A Thanksgiving Prayer

O My God, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects, my heart admires, adores, loves thee, for my little vessel is as full as it can be, and I would pour out all that fullness before thee in ceaseless flow.

When I think upon and converse with thee ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up, ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed, ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart, crowding into every moment of happiness.

I bless thee for the soul thou hast created, for adorning it, for sanctifying it, though it is fixed in barren soil;

for the body thou hast given me, for preserving its strength and vigour, for providing senses to enjoy delights, for the ease and freedom of my limbs, for hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding;

for thy royal bounty providing my daily support, for a full table and overflowing cup, for appetite, taste, sweetness, for social joys of relatives and friends, for ability to serve others, for a heart that feels sorrows and necessities, for a mind to care for my fellow-men, for opportunities of spreading happiness around, for loved ones in the joys of heaven, for my own expectation of seeing thee clearly.

I love thee above the powers of language to express, for what thou art to thy creatures. Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend Review

First of all, I am truly thankful for the presence of God that was revealed in the services on Sunday.  It is always a blessing to see people respond to the invitation from God to receive His ministering presence into their lives.  It is also a pleasure, blessing, and inspiration to gather with people who desire to offer authentic and sincere praise to our Heavenly Father.  I believe that I witnessed that realization in both of the services that I attended on Sunday.
I believe that God is dealing with my heart concerning the need to be connected with His heart.  David was called a "man after God's heart."  Paul declared that he was reaching "for the prize of the high calling of God that is in Christ Jesus."  Jesus warned us that it is possible that we could "draw near to God with our words, yet our hearts could be far from Him."  Is it possible that we can learn the correct words to say and our hearts remain disconnected from God?  Is it possible that I can speak what others need to hear and yet not hear the message as an individual believer?  In all honesty I believe the answer to the questions that I posed is a resounding YES.  Yes, each of us can be  around Christ and never fully know Him.  Does the New Testament prove that hypothesis to be correct?  People saw Christ, people heard Christ, and people followed after Christ but many of them never knew Him as their Lord and Savior.  Judas set in the same circle of influence and heard the same teaching as the other disciples yet he chose to surrender his life to the plan of satan rather than choosing to surrender his life to Christ.  The choice is ours to make!  Will we (I) make the right decision about following God with "all of our heart?"  Will we (I) choose to surrender our life to Christ or will we (I) choose to walk after the temporary things of life and ignore the eternal?  I sincerely ask that each of us give serious consideration to the questions that the Spirit is posing today.  Our eternal destiny depends on us making the correct decision!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Many of the activities of yesterday have begin to fade in our minds and we are preparing to move into our preparation for the celebration of Christmas.  I pray that you were able to enjoy a wonderful day of celebration and fellowship with your family and friends.  But there should be one constant that remains a steady influence or character trait of our lives.  We should strive to live in the attitude of praise.  We can lift our voices in praise to the One True and Living God who has been with us as we have travelled the road of life.
The Apostle Peter shared these thoughts with us as the Spirit moved upon his heart.  1 Peter 1:7 “These have come so that your faith -- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Praise transforms tragedy into triumph. Fanny Crosby was six years old when she lost her vision because a doctor applied the wrong medication to her eyes. She could have become bitter, but she chose instead to praise God. As a result, Fanny Crosby wrote the words to over 8,000 hymns, including “All the Way My Savior Leads Me”, “Blessed Assurance” and “To God Be the Glory”, beautiful songs of worship sung by millions of believers across the world. 
Let us commit to offering God praise even when we are faced with overwhelming challenges!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

My wife and I wish to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a most wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving celebration.  Each of us can find many reasons to offer to God our sincere praise, worship and adoration.  Let us take some time today and reflect on all that God has provided for us throughout this year.  God has been with each of us even during those difficult moments of life.
The Psalmist David made a declaration in Psalms 26 that spoke to my heart this morning.  The New Century Version offers a powerful translation of this passage and it expresses the feelings of my heart today.    "I raise my voice in praise and tell of all the miracles you have done." Psalms 26:7
God is certainly worthy of our praise and honor!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 5

The past few days have found me reminding you of a few of the blessings that come from God.  I must admit that it is easy to forget those blessings when we are facing a fiery trial of our faith and confidence in God.  But it is during those times that we choose to lift our hearts toward God and speak the words of praise, adoration, and worship to our Lord God Almighty.  We then begin to remember that we have not been alone in our struggles and that God was completely aware of our situation(s).  A thankful heart has allow us to recognize those benefits and blessings that God has placed in our lives on a daily basis.  David shared these words in Psalms 68:19, "Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah"  (NKJV)  I also like to read the New Living Translation; listen to how this same verse in Psalms is translated, "Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. ."(Emphasis added).  We can rejoice in the fact that God is carrying us through the daily challenges that we face.  It is a blessing to know that we can lift our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to a Mighty God who possesses strength, power, grace, and mercy as we walk the road of life.
Ann and I wish each of you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.  Take time to offer God praise whether you would define this past year as a good year or a difficult year.  Just remember that God has brought you through this past year and that He will continue to keep His eyes upon you as we prepare to enter 2013!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 4

“They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.” Psalm 78:35

Do you have those times in your life in which you struggle to remember names, addresses, or phone numbers?  Have you ever said, "Your face looks familiar but I can't remember your name."  Have you ever misplaced your keys or your reading glasses?  I am confident that many of us have had those moments in which our memory failed us or at least it took a "mini" vacation and we were unable to recall the information or action that was needed at that moment.  But we do not want to allow the enemy to bring the dilemma of "spiritual amnesia" into our lives.  We do not want to forget the presence of God and the blessings of the character of God that is directed toward us on a moment by moment basis.  I almost wrote the words "daily basis" but then I remembered that the presence of God is on a "moment by moment" basis.  I need to keep my spiritual remembrance on an active status so that I can faithfully offer sincere praise and thanksgiving to God. Do you regularly recall the radical love of Christ? We can not afford to forget the awesome and wonderful love that God has shown toward to us and still shows to us every moment of our life.  He loves you as a beautiful image of His creation. He loves you to the point of laying down His life on your behalf, so by faith you can die to sin and live His resurrected life. The Lord’s ransomed love for you is a special memory of sacrifice. He died for you. 
Take some time today and thank God for His love that has been revealed to you during your lifetime!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 3

The ability to remember and reflect on our past is an awesome blessing that God has shared with each of us as human beings.  I often remind people of their ability to remember their loved one as I share the eulogy at the memorial service.  We can tell stories over and over so many times that we can almost relive the scene in our mind and almost smell the scent of the room (especially if we are speaking about the preparation of our favorite meal).  Let us never take for granted the joy of memories and the ability to remember all that God has provided in our lives.  The ability to remember can also be put into operation during our time of reflection concerning the blessings and benefits of serving God.  We can remember many of the blessings and provisions that God has placed in our lives as He has revealed His daily presence to each of us.
God gives good memories to His children. Sin bombards the soul with the memories of our faults, failures, shortcomings and our rebellion against God. Our memories are filled with fear, false hopes and fleeting pleasures. But redemption from Jesus brings us from the brink of despair and no hope and brings us into a relationship of forgiveness with our Heavenly Father.   Sin brings heartache, but Christ brings comfort and joy. The memories that come from a relationship with God make a heart smile in gratitude and obedience.

The hymn, Amazing Grace, reminds us that we were lost, but now we are found. Remember that we lived for ourselves, but now we live to assist others and to share the love of God with them.  Remember we were guilty, but now we are forgiven. Remember we were selfish, but now we seek to serve and encourage others that are in our sphere of influence. Remember we were proud and arrogant but now our lives are defined by humility. Remember God was distant, but now He is our heavenly Father. Remember Jesus was a good man that we read about in the Bible, but now He is our Savior. Remember the Holy Spirit was Someone that we did not fully understand or comprehend, but now He is our personal guide. We remember God and our faith flourishes as we recount and remember all that He has done in our lives.  It is no wonder that we pause to celebrate our relationship with Christ during this Thanksgiving season.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 2

I read an article a few days ago that reminded me of the need to purposefully remember the blessings of God.  Life has a way of bringing "spiritual amnesia" to each of us as we face the challenges and struggles of daily living.  We fail to consider the need to remember and reflect on the numerous times that God has ministered to our lives and to the lives of our family.  How often do I fail to put into perspective the full scope of my life rather than just select a few "snapshots" of struggles and use these struggles to measure the faithfulness of God to me?  I remember a hymn of the church that declares, "...Count your many blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings and see what God has done..."  We understand that it would be impossible to actually count our blessings but it is not impossible to remember many of those blessings that God has provided for each of us throughout our lives.  During this season of Thanksgiving take some time and remember many of those provisions that God has placed in your life.  We will be blessed and encouraged as we reflect and remember specific times in which God revealed Himself powerful and triumphant in our individual walk with Christ.  It is no wonder that the Psalmist David cried out in Psalm 150, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord!"

Thursday, November 15, 2012


One week from today we will celebrate a national holiday that we refer to as "Thanksgiving Day."  This is a day set aside for families and friends to gather for a large meal (usually accompanied by over-eating), watching football games, and possibly looking at the newspaper for all of the "deals" as the stores prepare for the shopping season of Christmas.  I am not against any of the above mentioned activities and I will personally participate is several of those activities.  Oh, I failed to mention that naps are also a part of our celebration; it just seems that food and naps go hand in hand!  But I feel that I need to offer a gentle reminder that Thanksgiving is more than just a Holiday on our calendar.  Thanksgiving should be an attitude, attribute, and characteristic of each believer that confesses Jesus Christ as our Savior.  Some of you may stop reading this blog after that statement because you are agreeing with my words through a nod of your head and an agreement in your spirit that I have stated the truth.  But don't we think that God needs more than a "nod of approval"?  I believe that God deserves more than just an "agreement" in our spirit.  God is worthy of our praise, adoration, and worship.  He deserves to hear your voice and my voice declaring His greatness and declaring our thankfulness to Him for all that He has provided in our lives. 
Listen to the Psalmist David's words in the following Psalm and let those thoughts resonate in our lives today!
Psalms 145:1-7: 1I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.  2I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever. 3Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. 4Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. 5I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. 6Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness.  7Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness. (NLT)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day

I was unable to make a post yesterday due to a medical procedure. But I did not want to overlook the recognition of those brave men and women who have served our nation in the Armed Forces. I am truly thankful for these men and women who have placed themselves in harms way so that we could enjoy our freedoms in America. I want to offer my respect and appreciation to these men and women who have given much for each of us in this great nation. We must never forget their willingness to serve our nation during some very critical times in our history. I would also like to make a personal recognition of my Dad who served in the infantry during WWII. He still offers his service to the community of Decatur, Alabama. Him and my Mother visit the hospitals, nursing homes, and the private homes of people who are in need of assistance and encouragement. They continue to share the love, care, and compassion of God through their acts of kindness and concern to those who live in their community. I am both blessed and honored to call them my parents and to recognize their heart of servanthood in this modern day and time. Our country is blessed as we recognize people all around our nation who offer their assistance to people in their time of need. May God continue to bless America with people who will care about one another!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blessed Assurance, Part 3

I have been walking in the promises of Blessed Assurance over the past few weeks. That is one of the reasons that the song by that title spoke to my heart a few days ago. I am always amazed at the "freshness" of the promises of God that we sense and feel as we face those trying moments in which we need special strength from God. I have faced and continue to face some medical issues (all of the tests results are not in as of yet) but I can sense and feel the assurance of God. I realize that I am not alone (not just physically, I am surrounded by a wonderful family and an awesome circle of friends) but that Christ is with me every step of the way. Ann and I have sensed the strength of God and much of that has been revealed through the prayer support and encouraging words of the family of God. We can rejoice in the fact that God is alive and that He is at work in our daily lives. I give God praise and honor this morning for His wonderful presence.
The Blessed Assurance of  God reminds us that His love is eternal. In difficult times, we can remember that God will meet all of our needs, is always with us, and loves us forever. Though Jesus said we would face troubles in this life, He offered encouragement: The ultimate victory is His. So keep in mind that trials are fleeting, whereas our Father's love is forever. Regardless of our circumstances or poor decisions, His care is unconditional--even when we face those daunting challenges in our lives.  We can certainly trust in the love of God that is revealed in His Blessed Assurance.  I can encourage you today to place your confidence in God and realize that His Love is not fickle or short-term.  God's Love will be consistently revealed to each of us as we take the time to recognize His presence.  Look for the revelation of His love today and watch your attitude change as you face your set of daily struggles and challenges.  The Love of God is real and the Love of God will make a definite impact in your life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blessed Assurance, Part 2

Christians do not have to depend on their own strength or abilities.  We are able to rely upon the promises of God as we walk through our personal journey called life.  I am thankful that I have the assurance from God and that His presence is with us at every turn on our journey.  We find "Blessed Assurance" when we see the presence of Christ revealed in His Word.
Second, we can remember that we are never alone.  God promised to be with us always (Heb. 13:5). It is during the difficulties of our lives that the enemy seeks to make us feel separated from God and from our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Loneliness often accompanies hardship, so we may feel deserted or opposed by family and friends.  It is during those moments that we must turn our attention to God and His Word and allow them to speak the revelation of truth in our hearts.   The Word of God reminds us that we are not alone and that our Heavenly Father has sent His Spirit to be with us and in us, until the day He brings us to heaven (John 14:16-17). He is all we need--our advocate, guide, helper, and comforter. Recognizing His intimate presence gives us confidence in the midst of trials.
The Presidential election is behind us.  The decision of America has been made.  How will the people of God react and respond to the decision that was made?  We must respond in a Biblical manner regardless of your or mine political affiliation or persuasion.  We must continue to pray for our governmental leadership.  We must intercede on their behalf and realize that Christ is where we place our hope and trust.  He still reigns on His throne and He will direct our path if we will choose to follow His direction. 
Christ is our Blessed Assurance!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blessed Assurance

The Call to Worship song at New River Worship Center on this past Sunday morning spoke to my heart and is still speaking to my heart this morning.  The song was the old hymn, Blessed Assurance.  The soloist shared with me that the Lord had placed that song on her heart earlier that morning as she was preparing her heart in the presence of God.  Isn't God simply amazing and He is always very present in the time of our need.  All of us face those moments in our lives in which we need to be reminded that God is with us at all times and in all circumstances.  No one of us is exempt from those moments but it is during those times that Christ assures us that we are not alone in our trial or challenge.  We can trust in the assurances of the promises of God and realize that the Word of God is true and steadfast.
Let us look at one of the "assurances" that we can find in the Word of God.  First, God will always meet our needs.  This is a wonderful and powerful promise found in Philippians 4.  This doesn't mean He provides everything we want.  This does not mean that we can give to God our "wish list" so that we can receive everything that we desire.  That type of promise could lead us to asking for things that are not necessary but also what we wanted may not be beneficial to our spiritual lives.   Instead, the Lord will bless us with all that is necessary to fulfill His purpose for our lives.  His goal is to sanctify us, not simply to satisfy each immediate desire.  I believe that He will provide what we need to live a successful Christian life of service.  The provision of God goes far beyond those temporal things that we think we need so that we can live a life full of comfort and ease in this world.  Let us rejoice in the fact that Christ is alive in our hearts and that we can rest assured that He will not leave or forsake us regardless of our circumstances.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We have turned the pages of the calendar to the month of November.  It is difficult to imagine that we only have two months left in the year of 2012.  What will I do with these remaining hours of this year?  How will I handle the daily challenges of life that will come into my life?  How will I assist others as they face their own set of unique situations?  How will I prepare my heart to minister the Gospel over the next two months?  I had something else on my mind when I prepared to share my thoughts on the blog today.  But it seemed that the Spirit quickened my heart to thankfulness as I began to type.  I must confess, I paused to ask myself this question, "Am I truly thankful and appreciative of all that God has provided for me or do I just speak those words because they sound like the language that a Christian should use?"  This is a long question but it does contain a difficult answer.  Do I speak to God with a true sense of gratitude or do I just speak the words of praise and thanksgiving so that I can be heard by those around me?  The Bible says that he knows the intent of my heart as well as the words that flow from my mouth.  I believe that God examines the intent as well as the content of the words that I express to Him.  I truly want to be grateful for all that God has provided in my life and I desire that the Holy Spirit correct me when I speak to be heard of man rather than to be heard of God. 
Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and Redeemer." (NKJV)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seeking His Kingdom

Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (NJKV)
Each of us must choose which kingdom that we are going to seek.  Will we seek after the Kingdom of God or will we seek after the kingdoms of this world?  The culture of this world offers many options with various solutions (so called) to the array of problems and situations that we are facing.  How will we respond to this question that we face on a daily basis?  We have to remind ourselves that we are a eternal creation of God and not just a temporary traveler down the path of life.  It does make a difference and it will make a difference in the choices that we make as we pass through this world.  Someone has said, "Life is a lot like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish, but you can spend it only once." (Emphasis added)  That statement reminds us of the great need to make the right choices during our lifetime.  We must choose the "best and right" thing to do; and that is seek the Kingdom of God with all of our heart, mind, and strength.  As I seek the Kingdom of God I begin to realize that all of the decisions of my life are seen through the prism of His Kingdom reigning and ruling in my life.  The Kingdom of God becomes the measuring stick of those lifestyle decisions that not only affect me but those who reside in my household.  The Kingdom of God is not an uncomfortable harness that is placed on me to make sure that my life stays pleasing to God.  No, a thousand times NO.  The Kingdom of God provides the freedom that I need to make the proper decisions that brings the favor of God which opens the door for the blessings of God. 
Let us rejoice in the promises of His Kingdom being released in our lives!

Friday, October 26, 2012


I consider myself to be a person that is thankful for the people that God has placed in my life.  This would include both my family as well as my friends.  God has allowed me to be surrounded by people that truly care about my well being and I am thankful that God has given to me people who truly care about me as a person.  That does not mean that I have not had to deal with some "difficult" people during my journey through life but the good people far out weigh the difficult people.  But I also realize that each of us face those moments in which we need a special embrace of love from our family and friends.  Normally those times arise when we are facing an unique struggle or circumstance that has appeared unexpectedly in our life.  It is during those moments that we look to our family and friends to form a support system of prayer, encouragement, concern and assistance.  I am thankful that God has allowed me to receive that type of ministry when I have faced my own set of daunting circumstances.  I read an article that spoke to my heart yesterday and I want to share a portion of that with you.  We need to remember that not only do we need our friends during difficult moments but we need to be that friend when our friends are going through their own challenging moments.  Take time and be a friend today.  I received a call from a wonderful friend today who took time to enquire about my well being and then asked if he could pray with me before we concluded the conversation.  Even preachers need someone to pray with them!
The Need for Real Friends
By Rick Ezell
"When the young man had gone, David got up from the south side of the stone Ezel, fell with his face to the ground, and bowed three times. Then he and Jonathan kissed each other and wept with each other, though David wept more. Jonathan then said to David, 'Go in the assurance the two of us pledged in the name of the LORD when we said: The LORD will be [a witness] between you and me and between my offspring and your offspring forever.' Then David left, and Jonathan went into the city" (1 Samuel 20:41-42 HCSB).

Every pilot needs a wingman. Every camper needs a buddy. Batman had Robin. The Lone Ranger had Tonto. Butch Cassidy had the Sundance Kid. Two are better than one. Survival in this world is tough whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. You need someone to help you accomplish the tough course ahead. The Italian artist, Luciano de Crescenzo, said it best: "We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one other."

Never go into battle alone. You don't need a lot of money or equipment, but you do need a friend.

A real friend walks in when everyone else walks out, brings out the best in you, doesn't think you've done a permanent job when you make a fool of yourself, knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts who you've become, and gently challenges you to become better. Do you have someone like that?

Someone like Jonathan was for David, and David was for Jonathan. They were real friends. They were buddies. They needed each other. These men demonstrated mutual acceptance despite differing backgrounds. Promise, not performance, characterized their friendship: Jonathan did not have to do favors for David, and David wasn't expected to kill more giants to remain his friend. They were soul mates. Their friendship reached a depth of intimacy and trust that few relationships experience. They stood beside each other. They supported each other. They confided in each other.

Who's your Jonathan? 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Power of Prayer

It is very interesting as I look back on my journey with Christ.  I have been a Gospel preacher for over 40 years.  In those 40 years I have seen God answer many prayers and minister to the needs of many people.  I still stand amazed at the awesome presence of God that has been revealed during the most trying and difficult times that people have faced.  I am still overwhelmed by the Grace of God regardless of the number of times that I have participated in singing the song, Amazing Grace. 
I have also witnessed the power of agreement in prayer.  I have witnessed the family of God come together in the power of agreement and before our eyes the mighty power of healing, deliverance, salvation, and various other spiritual breakthroughs have been manifested.  We must never fail to give God the praise and honor that He deserves as we reflect on the ministering presence of God that is revealed through Grace and answered prayer.  I have said this because I bring a request to you today.  Each of us face moments in our lives in which we stand in need of prayer and we need the family of God to stand in agreement with us.  It is not necessary to go into all of the details of my request but needless to say I do ask that you pray with me regarding the need that I am facing.  God is larger and greater than anything that we will ever face.  I have already witnessed the hand of God in the affairs of my life throughout the years of my journey.  I have nothing but praise and thanksgiving to offer to the Lord God Almighty for the great and wonderful things that He has provided in my life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Presence of God

The Wednesday night Adult Discipleship class at New River Worship Center  has been focusing on the Fruit of the Spirit which is identified in Galatians 5.  The past two studies have focused on joy and peace.  We are understanding that true joy and peace can only come from the presence of God at work in our individual hearts.  We learn to trust in Him and lean on Him at ALL TIMES and in ALL SITUATIONS!  No one or no circumstance can hinder God from revealing Himself and His promises in our lives.  I am learning that I must not allow the circumstances of life to change my view of God regardless of what may be happening at any moment.  True faith continues to look to God when everything going around us and in us tells to look away.  I desire to demonstrate and exhibit that type of faith.  Is it always easy to demonstrate that type of faith?  I believe that the honest answer to that question is no.  It is not always easy to stand in faith when the troubles of life are hurled at us but I do believe that God rewards us as we seek to stand strong in our faith.  A passage of scripture and a devotional from Charles Stanley spoke strength and courage into my heart this morning and I want to share a portion of that with you.
Psalm 138:7-8, "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect (complete) that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands." (NKJV)
David was a man who walked through trouble on a regular basis. His psalms express the struggles and disappointments he faced, yet in the end, he always turned his focus back to God. The key to his victorious attitude was his strong faith in the Lord.
David was confident in God's purpose. That's why he could say, "The Lord will accomplish what concerns me" (v. 8). The only way we can walk through trouble and not be defeated is by keeping our focus on the Lord and His purpose. He has promised to do a good work in our lives, but sometimes the only way He can complete it is in valleys of hardship.
He relied on the Lord's power. When troubles arise, we, too, can trust God to deliver us, but it may not be by escape. Sometimes He sustains us through the difficulty, walking with us every step of the way.
David believed the promises of God. Throughout these two verses, he repeatedly reminds himself what the Lord will do. We also need to have some specific promises from Scripture that will anchor us in times of trouble. The truths of the Bible are our most valuable possession when the storms of life assail us. Self-reliance or advice from others will never equal the help God's Word offers us.
God assumes responsibility for accomplishing what concerns you in times of trouble. Your job is to believe that He will fulfill His purpose, His power is adequate, and He'll keep every promise. When the trial has achieved His goal, He'll remove it. Until then, keep walking with your eyes on Him.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God's Care & Concern

It appears that God is teaching me to remember that He is constantly aware of each and every moment of my life.  It also appears that He desires for me to remind you of that same promise.  The passages of scripture that I am reading in my devotional time are pointing me in that direction and I  truly desire to receive those instructions from God.  You and I are never out of the sight of God.  He does not forget us nor does He overlook us as He views the mass of humanity on our earth (approaching seven (7) billion inhabitants).  We are truly blessed that God recognizes each of us individually and that He cares about each of us as individuals.  He is prepared to assist us in dealing with the daily "cares" of life.  I want you to take a moment and let the following passage of scripture resonate in your heart as you walk into the unknown of daily life.
"1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely." Psalm 139:1-4 (New International Version)

Blessings on your journey with God!

Monday, October 15, 2012

God's Faithfulness

Over the past several weeks God has been teaching me to trust in His faithfulness.  Yes, even Gospel Preachers need to be reminded of the great and awesome faithfulness of God as we face the challenges of life.  That is one of the reasons that each Christian must maintain a "teachable" spirit.  The right spirit keeps us in the position to receive the truth that God desires to deposit in our lives or should I say re-deposit in our lives at key points on our journey.  The past few weeks have found me dwelling on the precious promises of God and once again I was reminded of them this morning during prayer and meditation time.  I am thankful for the "fresh" Bread of Life that the Spirit shares with us as we choose to focus our thoughts on Him.
I was reminded of the following passage this morning during my time of  meditation and I want to share it with you today.  “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.” - Lamentations 3:22-23

Some words from the heart of Adrian Rogers spurred my thinking this morning.  Do you know what Lamentations 3:22-23 means? It means that God never runs out of compassion. Have you ever gone to Niagara Falls and watched the water rampaging with torrential force?  If you have ever enjoyed that experience you may have thought, “Surely the water is one day going to dry up.”  But it hasn’t.  The compassion of the Lord is greater than Niagara Falls and His compassions fail not.

In 1923, Thomas O. Chisholm wrote one of the greatest hymns of all time and this stanza is the refrain of this truth, “Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.”
God is faithful. It does not matter what you are facing today you can lean upon Him and His faithfulness. He will never leave you nor will He forsake you but He will be with you as you face the challenges of life. (Hebrews 13:5)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Spiritual Identity

It is easy to forget who we are in Christ.  The enemy seeks to identify us with terms that denote and in some cases describe our faults, failures, inabilities, and even our inadequacies.  He often does this so that we can push us into forgetting that in Christ we are a "new creature" with a new and wonderful identity.  We can be identified as sons and daughters of God

Society labels you like a can on an assembly line. Stupid. Unproductive. Slow learner. Fast talker. Quitter. But the Grace of God begins to make a change in our lives and we move from being estranged from God into a deep fellowship with God.  We then began to realize that we have been given a new identity that is provided through the plan of salvation that God shared with us through Jesus Christ.
The Word of God declares that we are: “spiritually alive.” Heavenly positioned, “seated with him in the heavenly places.”   We are “One with Jesus Christ.”  The old hymn declares "there's a new name written down in glory and its mine all mine..."  The power of adoption moves us from defeat and despair into victory and deliverance.  We no longer walk in the gloom of satan's pronunciations over us but now we walk in the strength of the declaration of God in our lives.  We now belong to Him and we are participants in the Heavenly Kingdom that Christ has brought to this earth.

Take a moment today and recognize the fact that you are a child of God and that He has accepted and adopted you into His family.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Cares of Life

"Casting all your care (anxiety) on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
Several of the devotionals that I read this past week have spoken about fear.  I have asked God this question, "What are you seeking to teach me?"  I really am not afraid was my first reaction when I begin to read the words of the devotionals.  But the more I read the words the more I began to realize that each of us do possess concerns, worries, fears, anxieties, etc. concerning ourselves as well as for those of our family and friends.  Many of you are carrying a heavy load for ourselves as well as for those who are very near and dear to our hearts.  Life has a way of bringing those heavy loads into our lives.  Much of what we carry is out of our control and that knowledge adds "weight" to the load that we carry from day to day.  Where do we go when we sense those moments in our lives?  David went to a "Rock that was higher" than him.  Many of us have been taught to lose ourself in a time of praise, adoration, and worship.  Others of were taught to find a quiet place for intercessory prayer.  Some of us search out a friend or mentor where we can "unload" a portion of the burden.  All of these are good choices but ultimately we end up in the presence of God and in His presence He reminds us that we can cast all of our cares on Him because He cares about us.  The promise in 1 Peter is still a very powerful one to each of us.  Take a moment today and unload your cares in the presence of God and allow His presence to refresh you.  Each of us have a journey to complete and His presence will give us the strength to walk where we need to walk.
Chuck Swindoll shares these following thoughts.  Let them minister to your life today.

"How wonderful that God personally cares about those things that worry us and prey upon our thoughts. He cares about them more than we care about them. Not a single nagging, aching, worrisome, stomach-tensing, blood-pressure-raising thought escapes His notice. This is how the Phillips translation renders 1 Peter 5:7: "You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern."  Isn't that good?  He genuinely cares.  He is able to bear all the weight of your worry. Because you are His personal concern, you never disappear from His radar screen."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Men of Courage

This past weekend found me participating in a Retreat that was dedicated to ministering to the men of the local congregation in which I am serving as lead Pastor.  I consider myself not only a leader within this community of believers but I also consider myself a participant.  There are times that some leaders somewhat separate themselves from the daily participation of the ministry opportunities and only show up when it is time for them to be in charge.  I don't think that type of approach sets the proper example to those people that we desire to lead.  I believe that we lead by example as well as principle.  People look to us to live out or put into practice those principles that we teach to them.  This past weekend I enjoyed being a participant who supported this ministry effort rather than fulfilling a leadership position.  I found myself receiving strength from those who led the ministry time as well as those who served as presenters in this time of training and fellowship.  Each of us need to remain "teachable and trainable" if we are to continue the process of spiritual development in our walk with Christ.  The Men's Ministry Director, Jeff Gillenwater, served as an excellent leader and director of this outreach effort to the men of New River Worship Center.  I certainly appreciated his heart of concern and care for the men of this community.
The weekend retreat culminated in a challenge to the men of the local church.  We challenged them to make the resolution that they would love God and love their families through a Godly example of a lifestyle of Christian living based upon a commitment to Biblical principles and practices.  We were blessed with an excellent response from the men who were present for the Sunday morning Worship service.  The altar was full of men who will were willing to make a bold and courageous statement of their desire to love God and to love their families!  My heart was blessed and encouraged when I saw a significant number of the men present in the service ignore the attitudes of the culture and choose to take a stand for God and for their families.  I reminded them that they were "spiritual warriors" preparing to protect their families from the attacks of an enemy who seeks to destroy their home, their families, as well as their personal relationship with Christ.  I am praying for these men as well as the other men in this community as well as our nation.  I don't believe that God has given up on the men of this generation and that there are men who will respond in the appropriate manner to the leading and direction that will come from our Heavenly Father.  Will you join me in prayer for the men who reside in your home as well as the men in your local church and your community?

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Last Night we watched the movie, Courageous.  We are using this tool to place added focus on our desire to strengthen the men of our local fellowship.  I know that this movie has been in circulation for an extended period of time but I encourage each husband and wife to watch the movie and if you have seen it once I would encourage you to view it again.  I learn something new about myself and my relationship with my family each time that I view the movie.  This movie reminded me of the knowledge that there are some attitudes, actions, reactions, decisions, desires, etc. that I need to change in my life.  The Spirit uses all types of teaching tools to point out and reveal areas of our life in which we need to make the proper adjustments.  How can we expect anything to be different if we do not take the action to make things different?  If we face life with a bad attitude and never strive to alter that attitude we can expect our attitude to remain one  that not only effects us but it also effects those that are around us (one example).  I fully understand that we need to allow the Spirit to perform His work in our lives but let's be honest for a moment; we have to make ourselves available to Him and His work in our hearts.  Let me say it another way, we have to commit ourselves to cooperating with the Spirit so that the needed changes can take place.  Those actions on our part can only become truly effective if we commit to changing our old habits and allowing the Spirit to develop a "new me" in which I reflect the glory of God at work in my heart.
I recently read an article that contained some information concerning habits and I would like to share a portion of it with you.  Take a moment and listen for the voice of the Spirit as you read the following words.  Robert Epstein reveals three keys to changing a bad habit to a good one. One, modify your environment. One student placed his bicycle in his doorway before he left for work so when he returned home, that was the first thing he saw, and all he needed to start pedaling away. Two, monitor your behavior. Psychologists don't know why monitoring works, but the fact is if we monitor what we do, we'll probably do better. When we weigh ourselves regularly we may well start to lose weight. When we keep a record of what we eat and we'll probably start eating more wisely. When we track our spending we'll probably save money. Three, make a commitment. When we make a commitment to another person, we put pressure on ourselves to follow through. That's why people have exercise partners and pay money to attend seminars. The commitment causes us to persevere and complete our goals.
Each of us need to seek to become the person that God has called us to be.  Will we choose to work with the Spirit in accomplishing this goal in our lives?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Each of us have situations, circumstances, or needs that we are praying about.  Our approach to prayer says much about whether or not we believe that God is capable of meeting that particular need.  I also believe that our "spiritual attitude" can be in a state of flux depending on the seriousness of the need that we are facing.  I must be careful and not allow my circumstance or situation to overwhelm or override my faith/confidence in the ability of God to minister to me in the midst of that situation.  I must not relegate prayer to my last resort but prayer must be the first priority when I reach those moments of challenge.  I read this prayer earlier this morning and I felt that it spoke to many of the needs that we sense and feel as we face the challenges of life. 
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7 ( NIV)

Dear God,

You have instructed me to not be anxious about anything...but instead to bring everything to you in prayer and thanksgiving. If I do this, you have promised me that your peace, which passes all understanding, shall keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

I come to you now for myself and on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and for those who suffer so much due to anxiety, stress, worry and in some cases depression. I pray that you will fill us with your peace; that you will touch our minds and remind us that we do not need to worry. You are our God and maker. You will handle it for us. Worrying does no good. May we lean on you, talk with you, spend time in your Word and before the throne of grace. May we fellowship with other Christians who will encourage us. Right now, this day, we give you our concerns and ask that you will work out all to our good and your glory. Thank you, Father, for loving us and carrying our burdens. Thank you, Father, for providing our needs.  Thank you, Father, for Jesus Christ our Savior and the hope He has given.  For it is in His name I pray, Amen.
Thank you Bro. Allen for sharing such an honest approach to our prayers at certain times in our lives.  It is very probable and possible that many of us have sensed those previously mentioned anexities at some difficult juncture of our lives.  But thanks be to God that He understands that we are mere human beings who still possess the ability to be overwhelmed by the trials of life.  Remember that Christ does not dessert us during those times but he chooses to draw close to us and in doing so He strengthens our faith.

Monday, October 1, 2012

People in Need

The last few days of this past week found me sitting in some hospital waiting rooms with families who were facing a health issue with a family member. I looked around the room and the words of an old song immediately came into my mind. The words of the song make this statement, "People need the Lord...". I know that people need the Lord in a relationship that produces salvation but people also need the Lord as they face the challenges of daily living. I observed a room full of people of various ages. I observed a room full of people of various socio-economic and educational levels of position in society. I observed a room full of people of various "religious" beliefs. I observed a room full of people who were surrounded by a large support group but there were those people sitting all alone waiting for their visit from the Doctor once the procedure was completed. Why am I going into so much detail you may ask? I believe that we are prone to forget the need of others and only focus on our own personal set of needs. But we must remember that " people need the Lord." We must remember that we need the Lord. We must also remember that God cares about each and every individual person and what they may be facing. Take a moment today and remind yourself that you are not the only person facing a challenge. There are other people who need the help of the Lord as much as you do. This attitude allows us to release compassion toward our fellow man which leads us to offer sincere prayer for them.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Follow-up to SYATP

I am truly thankful for the reports that I have received concerning the number of local students who showed their support of Christ and the need for prayer on the Global Day of Student Prayer.  I want to share an article that I read this morning.  I trust that you will be blessed with the information and continue to be an Intercessor for the children and youth of this generation.
Students Around the World Gather for 'See You at the Pole 2012'
More than three million students from at least 20 countries gathered on school grounds yesterday morning for "See You at the Pole 2012," the annual global day of student prayer, reports. It was the 22nd anniversary of See You at the Pole, which is held on the fourth Wednesday of every September and is student-initiated, student-organized and student-led. Students from elementary school to college meet at their campus flagpoles before school to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school and nation. The theme for this year's event was "Awaken," taken from the prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. According to Caleb Stanley, a high school senior and president of the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter in Oxford, Miss., "They try so hard to take prayer and take God out of school, and it's just awesome to see all these students come together and ... say, 'No -- we're going to be close to God, and there's nothing you can do about it to stop us.'"
This is a wonderful testimony and reminder that God does have disciples in all generations.  There will be people who will choose NOT to march to the drum beat of the culture but they will choose to follow Christ.  I want to invest my time and energy in supporting believers of all ages.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am thankful this morning for the opportunity to join with our oldest grandson at his Middle School (public) in Louisville, Kentucky for a time of prayer. See You At The Pole is a time of prayer prior to the beginning of school (7:00 AM for these students) which is led by the students and in many cases supported by the local sponsor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It was such a blessing and encouragement to see this group of young men and women demonstrate their faith and trust in Jesus Christ through this testimony of prayer. Hopefully this event took place on school properties across our nation. I was struck by the seriousness and humility of the individual students who prayed. You could sense their sincerity and compassion as they prayed for themselves, their friends, their families, their teachers, and their school. It was one more reminder that there are young people who will not cower to the pressure of this world but they will choose to be followers of Jesus Christ. I was honored to stand with that group of students and see them interact with God. Many of us adults find it difficult to pray in public and even pray in front of our friends but these students demonstrated their desire to exalt and magnify Jesus Christ. This generation deserves and needs our sincere support, love, and encouragement. I was privileged to interact with two of the teachers of the local school. Their passion to support and encourage these students was very refreshing. Our world is dominated by all of the negative and harmful events that are taking place. It is a breath of fresh air to see people who truly have a desire to be a good example of the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The educators and administrators of our schools need and deserve the prayer covering of each local church. Will you become an Intercessor for the children and youth of our nation? Will you become an Intercessor for the Educators within the schools of our nation? Will you become an Intercessor for our nation and our need to turn back to God for His guidance and direction? People are depending on those of us who will choose to stop complaining about the state of affairs of our nation and use that energy to PRAY!!! What would happen in our nation if we became as passionate about seeking God as we are the other interests of our lives? I can tell you what would happen; we would witness a mighty move of spiritual renewal that would impact each of our lives and impact the spiritual decisions of our nation. I am committed to continue seeking after a time of refreshing that can only come from the presence of God. Will you join with me in making that commitment to seek after the heart of God?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Strong Faith

Faith is certainly an important part of our relationship with Christ.  As a matter of fact we are saved by faith and not works.  Christianity is based on a relationship of faith in Christ.  Our faith is challenged from time to time as we face the trials of daily living.  Each of us must learn to allow the Word of God and the Spirit of God to develop, to mature, and to strengthen our faith.  We need our faith to grow stronger as we continue our walk with Christ.  This is not the time in our spiritual history to allow our faith to be weakened or undermined by the pressure of this "spiritual culture."  We also face the challenges from the powers of the "demonic culture" that is very evident in this society.  How will we choose to respond to those challenges and those pressures?  We will respond as our previous generations have responded.  We will lift our hearts toward God and allow His Word and Spirit to speak strength, courage, hope, and a deeper trust in God in the midst of these challenges.
Let us remind ourselves of the powerful promises found in Proverbs 3:1-7, "1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. 3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: 4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil." (KJV)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Reflections

After all of these years I am still amazed as I witness the Spirit of God direct a service.  Yesterday morning I witnessed the Spirit of God take a group of individuals and mold them into an effective team that followed the leading of the Spirit. This began with the Call to Worship, flowed through the songs that the Worship Team led, was evident in the message that God placed on my heart, and was finalized when people responded to the altar invitation.  The obedience to the Spirit led to the release of the ministering presence of the Spirit to those who were present in the service at New River Worship Center.  It is such a blessing to be able to witness people respond to the direction of the Spirit and we saw that in the service yesterday.  I felt that I must begin this week's post by offering praise and recognition to God for His awesome and wonderful love that He willing shares with each of us.  Do we truly take the time to thank God for His love and realize that His love is the foundation of our hope as we face the challenges of daily living?  We can move forward because we are convinced that God loves us and that He cares about each of us.  That is a powerful principle of the Bible that must not be overlooked.  We can only move through the challenges of life because we are strengthened by the daily presence of the love of God.  Each of us can take heart in the fact that Christ has not abandoned us during our difficult moments. 
Romans 8:38-39: "38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (KJV)