Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am thankful this morning for the opportunity to join with our oldest grandson at his Middle School (public) in Louisville, Kentucky for a time of prayer. See You At The Pole is a time of prayer prior to the beginning of school (7:00 AM for these students) which is led by the students and in many cases supported by the local sponsor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It was such a blessing and encouragement to see this group of young men and women demonstrate their faith and trust in Jesus Christ through this testimony of prayer. Hopefully this event took place on school properties across our nation. I was struck by the seriousness and humility of the individual students who prayed. You could sense their sincerity and compassion as they prayed for themselves, their friends, their families, their teachers, and their school. It was one more reminder that there are young people who will not cower to the pressure of this world but they will choose to be followers of Jesus Christ. I was honored to stand with that group of students and see them interact with God. Many of us adults find it difficult to pray in public and even pray in front of our friends but these students demonstrated their desire to exalt and magnify Jesus Christ. This generation deserves and needs our sincere support, love, and encouragement. I was privileged to interact with two of the teachers of the local school. Their passion to support and encourage these students was very refreshing. Our world is dominated by all of the negative and harmful events that are taking place. It is a breath of fresh air to see people who truly have a desire to be a good example of the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The educators and administrators of our schools need and deserve the prayer covering of each local church. Will you become an Intercessor for the children and youth of our nation? Will you become an Intercessor for the Educators within the schools of our nation? Will you become an Intercessor for our nation and our need to turn back to God for His guidance and direction? People are depending on those of us who will choose to stop complaining about the state of affairs of our nation and use that energy to PRAY!!! What would happen in our nation if we became as passionate about seeking God as we are the other interests of our lives? I can tell you what would happen; we would witness a mighty move of spiritual renewal that would impact each of our lives and impact the spiritual decisions of our nation. I am committed to continue seeking after a time of refreshing that can only come from the presence of God. Will you join with me in making that commitment to seek after the heart of God?

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