I face the challenge of not preaching a sermon when I set down to write down my thoughts via this blog. In some ways this has become my personal journal as I take time to review and contemplate my journey with God. But I will choose to draw the line when it comes to "personal" issues/concerns that the Holy Spirit deals with me about during my prayer and devotional time. Social media has created opportunities for people to release snippets from their lives and what they may be facing our contemplating. I am a man who believes that each person must make the decision of where to draw the line when it comes to personal information or personal trials. We have to be careful that we do not injure other believers or hinder the faith of younger believers. God is at work in all of our lives and I must make the choice to allow Him to fulfill His plan of action for my life. I must co-operate with God and allow Him to be the Leader and for me to take the role of disciple (learner). I must resist the temptation to lead God and and I must make the deliberate decision to surrender the leadership of my life to Him who is called the "Chief Shepherd" of our souls.
Let me leave you with this tidbit of truth. God is truly interested in each and everyone of us. Every time that I see a bird in my yard looking for food I am reminded of the great and awesome love, concern and care of God. But His love, care, concern is not just for ME AND MY FAMILY. His love, care, and concern is revealed and declared for each and every family that inhabits planet Earth. His love is present in the gutters of the side streets of America. His love is present in the crack and meth houses scattered throughout the neighborhoods of America. The love of God is present in the hallways and classrooms of the schools across America although our culture has sought to push God out of our schools. The love of God is present in the homes of single parents and blended families all across America. I could continue to add to this list but I trust that you will catch what the Spirit is saying to all of us today. THE LOVE OF GOD IS FOR EVERYONE!
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