Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thoughts on Thursday

I am very concerned about the attempts of satan to overthrow or overwhelm the faith of believers in this day and time. It seems to me that the enemy has been emboldened and is taking advantage of the "spirit or attitude" of our present day culture. It appears that Christians as well as Christianity is under attack as I read various stories from our country as well as around the world. How will we choose to respond to these attacks of satan? That is possibly the most important question that we need to answer. The question is not "if the attacks of satan will come against us" BUT "when will the attacks of satan come against us."

Last evening our Adult Bible Study focused on the first part of Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle (struggle) against flesh and blood, but against...” I would like to share the insights of one of the ladies who participated in the time of study and discussion.

Enjoyed our Wednesday night Bible study. We talked about struggles in our lives. We all face them but how we react to these struggles in our lives is the challenge. Do you react with fear, doubt and unbelief or do you Stand on God’s word? God’s word equips us for the challenges we face on a daily basis. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds in our life.So ask yourself if you are going to stand on God’s word and promises when the devil attacks or are you going to allow the enemy to continue to defeat you with his lies of deceit and cause your struggle to continue? Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Speak life, the word of God, to your trial you are facing and God will deliver you and set you free..Cast all your cares on Jesus, because he cares for you. Just a few of my personal thoughts for today.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday's Challenge

The time of prayer in the first days of January have taken me down a familiar road. But the "familiar" road has also been a "refreshing" road. I have encountered Christ in an unique manner in which He has REMINDED ME of His presence in my life on a moment by moment basis. I believe that many believers are always waiting on the NEXT BLESSING from God and they end up missing what God is doing at the present moment in their lives. God has used the first few weeks of 2019 to remind me of "living in this day" rather than waiting on some future encounter with God. This does not mean that I am ignoring my future; it simply means that I do not want to miss God TODAY!!!

Our Discipleship/Adult Bible Study on Wednesday night consisted of a group of individuals who are on a journey with Christ. Some of us have been on the journey longer than others but there was one consistent pattern in the conversation. EACH OF US recognized the TRUTH that WE NEEDED MORE OF GOD in our lives. We also recognized the fact that Satan was fighting against us but our hope and faith is in Jesus Christ.

I read these words of C.S. Lewis this morning and they spoke powerfully to me.

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

Question: “Which direction am I running today? Am I running to God or am I running away from Him? The decision we make concerning this question will have eternal repercussions!!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday's Challenge

“The one who does not EXPECT God to speak will discount every single time He does speak.” (A. W. Tozer)

A friend of mine from FL shared this quote. I sense a tremendous amount of Truth in what is being said. Do I (we) truly believe that God speaks? If we believe that He speaks why are we so slow to respond to what He says?

Is it possible that we miss what God is saying because we are too busy to pay attention to Him? Is it possible that I don't hear what God says because I am hearing something that may require a change in my life and I am content with the way my life is at the present moment? Is it possible that I don't hear God because I am stubborn and I have been influenced by the spirit of rebellion that is so visible in our present world? 

I must be ready to cast aside all of the excuses and rational reasons that I have created and decide to listen to the Voice of God. John 10:4-5, And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” (NKJV)