Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Surrounded by Clouds

During the service last evening the Lord reminded me that many of us are surrounded by various types of clouds. He revealed to me that these are clouds of anxiety, uncertainty, insecurity, frustration, disappointment, etc. By now I am sure that you are getting the picture of what many of us are facing in our lives at this present time. But the Spirit did not leave me in the valley of discouragement and despair; He reminded me to remind the congregation that God is the "King of GPS"; He knows your location. He is aware of your position, not only physically but also emotionally. He also knows your destination. Many of us have started out on this journey and we have encountered some detours and obstacles. But remember the Lord has not given up on you and neither should you give up on yourself. During prayer time on Sunday morning I felt led to tell someone those very words; do not give up on yourself, God stands ready to assist you in recovering your desire and passion to follow after His will for your life. Several people received the ministry of the Spirit in their lives last night during the revival service at Brecksville. I am convinced that God desires to provide emotional healing as well as physical healing. Some of you who will read this note today need to receive the encouragement of the Spirit as you walk through the challenges of your life. Rest assured that the Lord has not lost you in the crowd and that He is prepared to draw near to you in your time of pain and difficulty.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Review

The services on Sunday at Brecksville were powerful. People testified to being saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost. It was a great blessing to see many believers come forward for prayer and allow the Spirit to minister to their lives. I am convinced that God is calling for a response from us. Are we willing to respond or will we continue to put God on "hold?" Are we offending God through our arrogance and self-dependence? We need to ask for forgiveness, respond to His Spirit, and receive the ministering power of the Holy Spirit. God is ready to transform us if we will submit to the direction of His presence. I want to be available to all of the provisions that will come and are coming through the outpouring of the Spirit. In the midst of all of the uncertainty in our world we can still trust in the promises of the Word of God.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Revival in Brecksville

It is a great privilege to be with Pastor Donnal & Jennifer Markham in Brecksville, Ohio. I am anticipating a great move of the Spirit in the services this week. I was in Brecksville last September and the presence of the Lord was powerful in each of the services. God is ready to touch our lives if we will willingly submit to the leading and direction of the Spirit. I still believe that God desires to revive and awaken the church in America; surely the signs of the times remind us of our great need for more of the Spirit in our lives. Do not allow the enemy to release the spirit of contentment and ease in your life. This is the time to arise, shake off the spirit of slumber and walk in the unction of the Spirit. Pray for this meeting this week that the lives of people will be transformed through the unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Prayer for Today

Dear God; we are in great need of your direction. Our nation is in dire need of Your reviving Spirit. The moral fiber of our nation is deteriorating and we are seeing the end result of this in all the aspects of our lives. O God, open our eyes to our need for forgiveness; open our hearts to a deeper sensitivity to the things of God; open our spirits to a great dependence on You and to a lifestyle that pleases You. Visit our nation with a renewing of conviction so that we can identify the error of our ways and make the proper correction that is needed. Bless the leaders of our nation as they address the problems that are confronting us. Bless the spiritual leaders of our nation as they lead us into a deeper relationship with You. AMEN!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Review of Revival

I can truly say that "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go the house of the Lord." Each of the services at Kempville Chapel were outstanding. Each of those present in the services opened their hearts to the leading of the Spirit and I sincerely believe that many of us felt the transforming power of Christ in our lives. The altars were full each evening of hungry people who were seeking the will of God for their lives; I was blessed through the opportunity of sharing the Word of God and praying with the people. God's love was revealed in a mighty way as people were led to bring their needs to the Lord and trust that He would hear the cry of the heart. According to the promise of the Word, God does hear the cry of our heart. I look forward to hearing great news from Pastor Meadors and the local church. The Tuesday night service was blessed by the ministry of the "Mid State Quartet." The Lord used them the share the gospel in song and testimony. Two of the singers testified of God bringing them through a battle with cancer and they both reported that they were cancer free. The song is true, "What a mighty God we serve." The newly formed Kempville Choir ministered on Wednesday evening and the Lord used them to encourage us to remember that God desires to send the fire of His Spirit among us. All of us need to remember that God has great plans for us if we will be willing to surrender our lives to Him. Are we willing to surrender our life to Him or will we choose to walk in our own will? Great victories await for those who will choose to surrender their will to God's will.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday's Service

The Monday evening service was awesome as the Lord revealed His great love to many that were sitting in the congregation. Several people moved forward during the invitation time with tears streaming down their faces as they responded to the love of God. During the service God had reminded us that we do not have to be defined by the circumstances that we are facing. God has a plan and purpose for our lives and it is our responsibility to submit to that plan. Not only are we asked to submit to that plan; we are also asked to follow that plan. We must understand that God has a 'higher calling" for all of us and the enemy does his best to keep us imprisoned by our failures. weaknesses, difficulties and insecurities. But the Lord is declaring that this is a day of freedom and it is time to allow the Spirit to remove the shackles and walk in the freedom of the Spirit. The trio, Forgiven, was a great blessing to the service last night. The Lord used them to minister to the people as we listened to the care of God being expressed through their music and singing. I am always blessed by the different ways that God sends the message of hope, concern, and care to our lives. He never forgets us and He never gives up on us. Jesus died for our sins and He gave His life for me that I could find my life in Him. Just continue to trust Him today and walk with the knowledge that the Lord is concerned about everything that is happening in your life!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kempville Chapel Revival

The Sunday services were AWESOME! The altar services were full of people who were desiring to be healed, delivered, encouraged and filled with the Spirit. Pastor Larry and Kelly Meadors are doing a wonderful job leading this congregation into a deeper pursuit of the presence of God. Pastor Leon Graves and several families from the Lakeside church in Westmoreland, TN were in service with us last night. Their singing and ministering in the altar service was a great blessing to all of us. I truly believe that God is bringing "like-minded" people together to seek after the presence of God. The move of God is greater than one local church; it is greater than one church organization; it the work of the Spirit in the Kingdom of God and this move of the Spirit is impacting our nation. I am determined to follow after the heart of God. I am determined to be obedient to the heavenly call to seek the face of God. I am walking by faith toward an encounter with God such as I have never seen before. Be blessed and encouraged today. Keep seeking the face of God.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thought for Today

During prayer time this morning the Lord reminded me of the need to be hungry for the truth of God to be declared in every message that I share. There is a great battle taking place between good and evil; the devil does not want the truth declared to the people of our world. The enemy desires to deceive people with "half-truths" that cause them to become content with compromise. We must not be careless with the truth but we must declare the truth in love. God is looking for those people who are not ashamed to stand with Him in the power of truth. The Bible still declares that the "truth shall make you free." True spiritual freedom will not come without truth; our hope is based in the revelation of the truth of God. O God, give us a greater desire to hear truth and give our ministers a great desire to declare the truth. I am looking forward to the revival this week in Carthage, Tennessee (see schedule on blog site). I am convinced that God has awesome plans for Pastor Meadors and the local body. Please cover this meeting in your prayers.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today's Prayer

Dear God, We are thankful for this day and all of the blessings that You provide. You are worthy of our praise and adoration. We seek to please You in all that we do and say; You alone are able to direct our steps and order our paths. O God, help us to continue seeking after You with a heart of passion and fervency. You are the Answer that we need and we realize that we can not walk the journey of life without You. Give us a heart for the lost and hurting in our world and help us exalt Your name in all that we do! AMEN

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Following God

The term "following God" is one that is used by many in the circles of Christianity. I know that I have spoken those very words on numerous occasions. I feel that I was sincere when I declared them whether I was speaking to God in prayer or whether I was speaking to others in conversation. During my devotional time this morning I came across a translation of Matthew 16:24 which included these words; "...you must turn from your selfish ways..." At first glance it is easy to declare that I am not selfish but the Spirit soon helped me realize that I do have to confront my own selfishness. There are times that I do want things to happen my way. There are times that I do not want to be inconvenienced. I enjoy life coming together according to my plan. I think you are realizing the point that I am seeking to make to all of us. True relationship with Christ will require me to turn away from myself and turn to Him. I am seeking to become available to Him regardless of what that availability may require. Salvation is free but it does cost us to become a true disciple/follower of Jesus Christ. Are we willing to turn from our selfish ways and reach our potential in Christ? I am on that journey today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cade & Luke

I have the opportunity to spend time with my grandsons today. A large portion of Louisville is still without power after the remnant of Hurricane Ike passed through over the weekend. The schools have been closed this week due to the power outage. It is amazing that the wind from Ike was still creating havoc in Louisville, Kentucky hundreds of miles from the Texas coastline. I will enjoy the time with the boys and spend some time spoiling them. I am excited about all of the possibilities of pursuing a deeper relationship with God. During prayer last night, God reminded me about His desire to work in our lives if we would be willing to submit to His leadership. It is so easy to declare those words but God is looking for more than just words; He is looking for the decision of commitment. Will you be willing to commit to His leadership today? Will you be willing to surrender your will to His will? Great opportunities await those who will make those decisions today.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Your Life is Speaking

Ken & Carolyn Lyle who served as the Directors of the Golden Eagles Retreat this past weekend in Kentucky challenged us to think about our lives and becoming an example to those who are coming behind us. As I was preparing to write this morning this thought came into my mind, "My life is speaking even when I am silent." As a preacher I have used many words in my lifetime; I have spoken many sermons over the years of ministry involvement but I am at an unique time in my life. I have a strong desire to make a difference in our world and I desire to influence people to make the correct decision regarding their relationship with Christ. The Spirit is reminding me that this influence is more than just words that I speak but this influence is also the way that I conduct my daily life. I desire that God would work through me on a daily basis as I seek to point people to Christ. What type of example are you? What is your life saying even when you are silent? How would people describe you and your walk with Christ? Take a moment and ask God to help you evaluate the type of influence that you are making in this world.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Review of the Weekend

Ann and I had the privilege of participating in an awesome weekend of spiritual activity. It started Friday and Saturday at the Golden Eagles Retreat at Camp Nikao in Elizabethtown, KY. We were able to celebrate the presence of God with people from across the state of Kentucky. Many of these who attended the retreat are friends that we have known for years and we also had the opportunity to develop new friendships. Even more exciting than the fellowship with the believers was the fellowship with the Spirit. Friday evening developed into an "old-fashioned" altar call as many of the saints came forward for prayer. The Holy Spirit spoke and reminded us to "put in the sickle and reap the harvest." We must re-commit to being about the "Father's business" which is soul winning and outreach. Saturday was a time of challenge in which the Spirit encouraged us to remember to be an example to those who are following in our footsteps. Sunday found us in Columbia, TN with Pastor Donnie Kelly and the Highland Avenue Church of God. The services were anointed and the altar meetings were very powerful. Many people came forward for prayer as they were trusting God to meet the needs that they are facing. The Columbia Church of God of Prophecy dismissed their evening service and many of the people came to worship with us. It was a great blessing to see the two local churches sharing fellowship with each other and worshiping God together. We give God praise for all that was accomplished this weekend. The Spirit keeps urging me to surrender my life to Him and allow Him to direct my steps. I just desire to be available to the Spirit so that He can use me for His glory. Are you fully surrendering your life to Christ? Are you presenting yourself available to Him?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Remembering 9/11/01

I was traveling yesterday and unable to post my thoughts. I trust and pray that many of you took the time to remember the tragedy of seven years ago. At noon on yesterday many Christians around this nation gathered to cry out for a "Spiritual Awakening" in our nation. As I traveled down the highway I found myself crying out to God for a visitation of His Spirit in America. We are in desperate need for a move of the Holy Spirit which will awaken us out of our lethargy and apathy so that we can reconnect with the purpose of God. I truly believe that God desires to send revival and refreshing to our nation so that we can fully reflect and declare the glorious message of God's love for our world. The song declares; "O How He loves you and me!" I am glad to report that He still loves this world and that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the people which inhabit this world. Let us be willing to intercede for the salvation of those who live in our communities. God still hears the cry of our hearts as we seek His presence.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"How Great Is Our God"

The song "How Great Is Our God" is one that always reminds me of the awesome love and presence of God. Last night I listened to a young lady recount her conversion experience and I was reminded of the greatness of our God. She told about leaving her family because of a drug habit and having a desire to return home but not knowing whether or not if there was a way home. But her family had not given up; they were praying and they were believing that God would bring her home. Last night that same young lady was sanctified and received the baptism of the Spirit during the altar service. After service, the young lady's twelve year old daughter came to me and pointed to her mother and with tears streaming down her face she said; "That's my mom, she has come back home and I am glad." It is no wonder that the song says, "...sing with me, How Great is our God." Will you sing that with me today? Realize that no matter what you are facing God is GREAT and that He has the answer for your needs!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Last Night's Service

I am both blessed and challenged by the service last night. The Spirit brought forth a "Divine interruption" during the preaching of the message. The Spirit challenged us to hear the Voice of the Lord as He was speaking to us. We must ask ourselves, "Are we truly ready to respond to what God is saying to us?" It is easy to declare that we desire to hear God; but when He speaks do we take to heart what He is saying? Hearing from God becomes profitable only if we put into practice what He speaks to us. I desire to put into practice what God is declaring to the church. O God, give us "ears to hear." On a personal note, I want to wish my wife, Ann, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My wife is the love of my life and she is a great source of encouragement and inspiration to me. I am blessed by the prayer covering that she provides for me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday at Hortense, GA

It is a joy and blessing to be in revival this week with Pastor Henry & Grace Grimes at Hortense, GA. The Sunday services were very powerful and anointed as several people moved forward to receive salvation as well as other needs in their lives. It is a great blessing to see people respond to the invitation of the Spirit and release their faith. I am convinced that God responds to the release of faith. God still rewards those who diligently seek Him. Oh how we need His presence in our lives and in our church services. I believe that this is the beginning of a great week of services as we prepare to draw closer to God. Please cover this meeting in your prayers.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Being Thankful

During my last two prayer sessions the Lord has challenged me concerning my thankfulness. I think that I am grateful and thankful but is my heart truly full of appreciation for all that God has done in my life and in the lives of my family? Do I express my appreciation to God or do I find myself ignoring and forgetting all of the blessings that God has deposited into our lives? The Lord reminded me that He has used people and situations to develop me. God has placed people in our lives who have deposited the truth of the Gospel so that we could grow and mature in Christ. Today I challenge all of us to reflect on the goodness of God and remember all that He has provided on our journey with Him. God is worthy of our thankfulness! I am looking forward to the revival in Hortense, GA with Pastor Henry Grimes. The people have been praying and fasting for the move of the Spirit and I believe that God will hear the cry of their hearts.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Am I Doing My Best for Christ?

The Bible Study last evening challenged my heart with this question. "Am I truly concerned about the lost and hurting or do I find myself only agreeing with the theory of Christ giving His life for this world?" Am I putting this theory into practice or am I just going through the motions so that I can look righteous and pious in the eyes of others? The world is tired of the hypocrisy of the church world; they are looking for genuine and sincere people who truly care about their eternal destiny. I want to be sincerely concerned about the destiny of those I encounter and I want to make sure that I point them to Christ as the only Way of salvation. O God, open the eyes of our hearts that we may see that the fields are ready to harvest. Prayer Request: I desire your prayers for the upcoming meetings in September. God is prepared to save, heal, and deliver if we will put our faith and trust in Him. We are depending on your prayer covering for the services. Your praying will make the difference in the life of some person in one of these meetings.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Are You Pursuing?

During my devotional time this morning I was reminded of this thought; "What am I truly pursuing?" It is easy to be captured by those things that does not bring fulfillment but in reality they leave you feeling empty and underwhelmed. It is easy to seek after things that does not completely satisfy the inner cry of our heart and soul. An old song comes to mind, "Only Jesus can satisfy your soul." This may sound simple but truly speaking only Jesus can satisfy the longing that is in all of us. We long to be appreciated; we long for our lives to accomplish goals that are significant and life-changing; we long to be respected by our peers and associates; and we long to be remembered when we pass from this life into eternity. This morning I came to realize that my true significance can not be found only in the recognition of man. Man may recognize my accomplishments but only Jesus can reward me/us for the service that we have offered to Him and His creation. Do not just strive for the recognition of man but seek to have the favor and anointing of God upon your life. Do not stop short of pleasing Him for the sake of winning the temporary approval and recognition of our fellow man. We will miss much of what God has planned for our lives when we become content to accept less than God's best and right plan for our lives.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Following God

During prayer I was reminded of a statement that John Maxwell makes regarding the work of the local church; "We must keep the main thing, the main thing." What does God consider the "main thing?" Is it not His heart and desire to see people redeemed from the hand of the enemy? Did not Christ die for the sins of mankind? And did not Christ give to the church the great message of reconciliation. We need to remember that Christ is calling us to declare that great message to a lost and hurting world. I want to be involved in the "Father's business" of soul winning. I desire to do my best to spread the message of hope to those who are in spiritual distress. Will you join with God and allow Him to use your gifts and talents for His glory? This is the day to walk with God and surrender our lives to Him.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I was blessed to be at home this weekend. I enjoyed the Sunday School class that my wife taught; she reminded us about the need to allow our faith to be demonstrated to our family and friends. Life is more than just "talk" about faith; life requires a "walk" of faith. The question we need to ask ourselves revolves around this question, "Is my faith an example to those around me?" I desire for my life to make a difference in this world and I want to live out my faith to those who are observing my journey with God. The Saturday night Tent Meeting in Tullahoma, TN. was awesome. We prayed for numbers of people who came forward to seek for more of God in their lives. I spoke about God calling us to action; these are the days in which we need to surrender our lives to God and follow Him with great desire, passion and fervency. I do not want to grow cold or indifferent in my journey with God. We were blessed to have visitors from the Browntown and Hazel Green, Alabama churches in the tent meeting as well as visitors from several churches in the Tullahoma area. It is a great blessing to see the people of God come together to seek after the presence of God. God still rewards the spirit of unity and common purpose.