Friday, August 28, 2015

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (NKJV)

Luke 16:13, "No servant is able to serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (riches, or [b]anything in which you trust and on which you rely)." (Amplified)

I have learned through my journey as a Christian that the Bible contains some challenging teachings from the mouth of Jesus Christ. I am not writing this to cause any of us to feel bad or to scare us regarding your relationship with Jesus Christ. I am writing this to remind each of us that God does have expectations for those who chose to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The decision to follow Jesus Christ as a loyal or devoted servant is one of those expectations that Jesus talks about in Luke 16. 

This decision to follow Christ is not just a one time decision that we make in a service or in a time of private meditation and study. Although I do believe that each Christian has the moment in which he/she makes the initial decision to follow Christ. But I also believe that we are called to make the decision to serve our Master on a daily basis and this daily basis can turn into a moment by moment decision to follow Christ. Let me remind you of the words that Jesus declared in Luke 9:23, "Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." (NKJV) I would like to draw your attention to the word "daily" that was spoken to us by Jesus Christ Himself. 

The "noise" of the world is calling out to us everyday. The "noise" of the world is seeking to lead us away from our loyalty/devotion to Jesus Christ. The "spirit of the world" has a way of filling our schedules with so many priorities that if we are not careful we end up bumping Jesus Christ to the back of the line and He only receives our "left-over" time. And in many cases our "left-over" time is minimal at our very best. 

This is one of the reasons that I entitled this post, "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions..." Life is full of daily decisions. Our employers require our time. Our family responsibilities require our time. Our family's involvement in sports or school activities require our time. And don't forget that our leisure/entertainment enjoyment requires our time. Are you getting the picture of a few of the challenges that we face? I have not even mentioned those emergency situations that arise from time to time in each of our lives. 

WE HAVE TO MAKE THE DECISION THAT WE WILL SERVE GOD WITH LOYALTY AND DEVOTION. We can not serve two masters according to the words of Jesus. One of them will eventually win out over the other one. Don't let Christ get lost in all of the noise that clamors for your heart/love/passion on a daily basis!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Personal Testimony

Revelation 12;11a, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." (NKJV)

One year ago today I was sitting in a waiting room in Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee awaiting results from surgery that was taking place on my wife's right lung. Three Doctors (two of which were Oncologists) and two Radiologists had diagnosed Ann with what was described to us as "non-smokers" lung cancer. The first Oncologist that we visited was so definite about her prognosis that she was prepared to start radiation and chemotherapy immediately. Our friend scheduled an appointment with her Oncologist for a second opinion. He also agreed that she had cancer but felt that we should visit a group of Doctors who specialized in the treatment of this unique and life-challenging cancer. This is the short version of our journey which led us to her surgery in Nashville.

It is different when it is you and your family walking down a road of concern with many unanswered questions. I had walked these types of roads with many families through the years but now we were the ones waiting on an answer from the operating room. But I need to add that we could feel and sense the prayers of the family of God that were being prayed on Ann's behalf. Our personal family was praying. Our local church family was praying. The office staff where my wife was employed were praying. Our friends were praying. The extended family of God was praying and people who did not even have a personal relationship with us or our family were praying. LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR TODAY; THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!!!

I could write many words which could describe our thoughts, prayers, concerns and even some anxiety that we faced during the Summer months of 2014. The Doctor's plan included the removal of several lymph nodes that looked very suspicious and cancer laden. He would also remove the places on her right lung so that they could identify the type of cancer and how to treat that specific strain of cancer. The removal of the tumors in the lung would take place after the lymph nodes were removed. The Surgeon who was a lung transplant specialist said that he would call me with the initial results of the biopsy of the lymph nodes and that would determine how aggressive he would be in the removal of the places on the lung. Surrounded by some dear friends we set waiting on that first call to come from the Surgeon. The surgery was delayed for a short period of time and this delay only added to our anxiousness.

Finally, the first call came in and the initial biopsy of the lymph nodes DID NOT show any cancer cells. The Surgeon then proceeded to remove the two places on her lung. They were the size of two golf balls. The initial biopsy of these two golf ball sized growths DID NOT show any cancer cells. These initial results were confirmed in our follow up visit to the Surgeon's office in two weeks. We believe that God provided a miracle for Ann on that day. I do not know if she had cancer and the power of prayer removed it from her body. I do not know if she never had cancer and the prognosis of the Doctors was incorrect. I do not know if there was a combination of both of these possibilities. BUT WE DO KNOW THAT ANN DID NOT HAVE "NON-SMOKERS" LUNG CANCER THE DAY HER SURGERY WAS PERFORMED IN VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL!!!

This post is not about debating what did or did not happen in her body from the time of the diagnosis until the final lab report was prepared. This post is about honoring and praising God for His amazing love and concern. This post is about testifying of the power of God to heal regardless of the situation. This post is about declaring that God is the ultimate HEALER of our bodies. This post is declaring; "THANK YOU JESUS FOR TOUCHING ANN AND PROVIDING THE HEALING AND STRENGTH THAT SHE NEEDED THAT DAY!!!"

All Praise is due the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Healer!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


People who take a legalistic view of Christianity only focus on the things that they should not practice in their lives. Do not jump to any conclusions as you read my previous statement. I do believe that there is a right way to live our life and there is a wrong way to live our life. The Word of God does reveal spiritual principles that need to be applied to our lives in such a manner that we will live a lifestyle that pleases and honors God. 

But obedience to God also leads us into a life that seeks to do those things that God "asks" or teaches us to do. A Christian life is more than just laying off or laying aside sinful practices, habits or addictions. It is also lived out through our obedience to those principles/teachings of Christ that position us to receive those blessings/benefits of being a child of God. I honestly believe that we need to forsake those actions or attitudes that offend God BUT we also need to embrace those actions/attitudes that pleases God. A life that pleases God positions us to walk in a deeper fellowship with Him which will reveal to us the fact that God has good plans for our lives.

I made reference to Matthew 7 in Sunday's message at New River. I read the words of Jesus found in verse 7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Our Prayer Team Leader at New River shared with the Prayer Warriors these words through an email last night. I would like for you to take a moment and answer the questions that she proposes to the Prayer Team. "I understand that God is our main source for all things, but what is it that you have need of today? "Ask & it shall be given." Seek Him and you will find Him. Are you looking for Jesus today? "Seek & ye shall find." He has prepared things to be open in your life, are you pressing (Knocking) to find what God has in store for you? "Knock & it shall be opened unto you."

Can you imagine the presence of God that would be revealed in the Houses of Worship all across our nation if we applied the Matthew 7:7 principles to our lives? I am not not just referencing an attitude of "selfish praying" but an attitude that is truly seeking the heart of God and the provisions that He has made for our lives. A true awakening and an awakening that would bring positive transformation to our lives would be the end result of truly seeking the heart of God for our individual lives. And oh the change that would come to our corporate services if each of us came seeking after more of God. I am excited just to think about all of the possibilities that await the family of God.

Would you join the throngs of people all around the world who desire to obey God in all things and the all things include Matthew 7:7?

Monday, August 24, 2015


It has been over a week since I have shared on the blog. There are some reasons behind this lack of posts such as a busy schedule, extra sermon preparation, and just seeking to make sure that I have something inspirational to share. Most of what I write is birthed in my times of prayer and meditation on the scriptures. Very seldom are my thoughts pre-planned unless I feel led to share a series of posts concerning a particular  subject or thought. I say this to let you understand the serious approach to this area of ministry opportunity. I sincerely desire to bring some support and assistance to your daily journey with Christ.

This past week has been rich with many wonderful experiences and opportunities to share the Word of God with people that I know as well as people that I did not personally know. These experiences always remind me of the power and authority of the Gospel message. I still believe that the Bible reveals God's redemptive plan for humanity and the Word of God still possesses the power and authority to transform (change) the lives of people who encounter Christ in the revelation of the Word of God. I saw those transformations happen before my eyes as I prayed with various individuals at the Pine Grove church in Tennessee as well as the New River church family. GOD IS GOOD AND GOD STILL BREAKS DOWN BARRIERS REGARDLESS OF WHAT THOSE BARRIERS ARE DESIGNED TO HINDER!!

We enjoyed a time of dedicated praise, worship and thanksgiving at New River last night. The service contained different worshipers who shared their various gifts such as poetry, art, dance, music and songs. IT WAS A WONDERFUL TIME OF EXALTING CHRIST AND SHARING WITH HIM OUR SINCERE PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING!!

Two of the reoccurring themes of this blog are prayer and praise. Did I fail to mention that I also believe that God still answers prayer? I wanted to make sure that you knew that I still believe in the power of prayer and the blessing of praise. The Lord God Almighty is worthy of our praise. Remember that He desires to hear the praise from your heart and mouth. No other believer can praise God for you; they can only praise God with you. There is freedom in praise. Praise calls us and allows us to focus on God and what He has done and is doing in our lives.

Take a moment today and offer a time of DESIGNATED PRAISE TO GOD!! You will be blessed through this effort and the Heavenly Father will be honored as you offer Him your praise.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Spiritual Awakening

Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (NKJV)

There are various understandings of this passage of scripture. I personally believe that it was written to a local church in Laodicea. This church had grown lukewarm in their relationship with Christ and they had drifted into a selfish misunderstanding and misdirected relationship with Christ. In the eyes of God they were in desperate need of a "spiritual awakening" in their individual lives. This may surprise you but I am more concerned about our individual relationship with Christ that I am about our corporate needs. The corporate church will be in good working order if we can get our individual connection with God correct.

This post may be written from a perspective of personal reflection but I also do hope that it will spur your desire to have more of God at work in your life. The best way that I can explain the purpose of these words is the fact that I sensed the Spirit taking my heart down a path of remembrance this morning. I was reminded of several moments in my personal life in which the Spirit challenged my heart to draw closer to God and listen for His Voice. I am referencing those unique moments in which the Spirit led me into a deeper understanding of what God was desiring to do in my life as well as in the Kingdom of God.

I was reminded of the fire, passion, desire and faith that took hold of my life in the early days of my calling. I just yearned to serve God and follow His direction. I was reminded of certain prayer times in which I entered into a deeper presence than normal. It was during those times that I would hear specific calls and specific directions in my pursuit of the Kingdom of God. These "divine interruptions" took place in various states where we were serving as well as in various stages of my Ministerial life. I am sharing this because someone needs to understand that the work of the Kingdom stretches farther than a specific generation or a specific time in history. God is at work at all times and in all situations. We just have to be willing to make ourselves available to Him.

I am presently walking in the 9th year of a call that I received in the latter months of 2005 and finally took the step of faith in the Spring of 2006. It was during that time in my life that I sensed that God desired to being another "spiritual awakening" in America. Let me hasten to add that I still sense that in my heart and that I still believe that is God's desire for the church in America. Needless to say but the need is even greater today than it was 9 years ago. The moral and spiritual decline of our nation continues yet many Christians remain in a lukewarm state when it comes to their relationship with Christ. I have seen God work in marvelous manners in the last 9 years. That particular call took me on a Missionary journey in the U.S. for around 5 years and ultimately led to the planting of a church in Radcliff, Kentucky. 

BUT there is still a fire burning in my heart this morning!! The Lord reminded me of the "call" that was birthed in my spirit and heart during those times of prayer. There is a hunger and thirst for an awakening that has not been quenched as of yet. I am convinced that God has more to do in the lives of His people. We are called to be a "city on a hill..." Will you let your light shine today? Will you continue to draw near to God? Or will you be satisfied to remain lukewarm and somewhat disconnected from what God desires to accomplish in this day and time? The choice is ours to make. I pray that you will make the right choice to follow after God's purpose and direction for your life!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I am going to digress from the thoughts that I have been sharing through the blog posts for the past few days. The Spirit dealt with my heart earlier this morning during prayer. I often write about prayer but I very seldom ever offer a prayer on this blog. I feel different this morning and I believe that God desires for me to offer a prayer today. I know that the needs that each of us are facing are great but let us always remember that our GOD IS GREATER!!!

Dear Heavenly Father, I came to you today in the mighty name of Jesus. I declare Your Glory, Your Power, Your Authority and Your Mercy over every situation that we are facing today. I come this morning with gratitude, thanksgiving, appreciation and recognition that You are God and God alone. There is no God like You! You are our Provider, You are our Strength, You are our Anointing, and You are our Shepherd. I pray for the needs of those who are reading this blog at this moment. I pray for their salvation. I pray for their healing. I pray for the downtrodden to be lifted up. I pray for the discouraged to be encouraged. I pray for the lonely to sense the presence of God and I ask that you place someone who cares for them in their path today. I pray for guidance for each one who reads these words. I pray against the power of deception and lies that are filling our culture today. I pray for Truth to be declared and lived out in our lives on a daily basis. I pray that we will respond to the Voice of the Spirit that is calling us to draw near to our Savior. O God, give us ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to respond to the Truth of God. AMEN!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Offering to God, Part 2

Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." (NKJV)

Each generation including our predecessors have faced their challenges of battling sin. No generation has ever escaped the temptations that satan brings to us. He offers them to us in an attempt to lead us astray from the peace and rest that we have found in Jesus. He desires that each of us succumb to the pressures of pleasure and fulfillment so that we will believe that these elements are missing in our relationship with Christ. We must resist that ploy or tactic of satan much like Moses did when he was in Egypt. Hebrews 11:24-26, "By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward." (NKJV)

We must learn to resist these attempts of satan and one of the tools in our spiritual toolbox is our willingness to surrender our life to Christ. The church at Rome was facing their own set of challenges when the Apostle Paul shared this letter with them. I believe that he wanted to turn their attention away from the sinful attractions that satan was offering. I also believe that he wanted to turn their attention toward their relationship with God and the joy they would find in serving God. Are you finding joy in serving God today? Are you finding spiritual contentment as you offer your life to God in a sacrificial manner?

The world that Paul and the church at Rome were facing was filled with sinful pleasure, and rebellion against the Lord. This was very evident as you read the historical evidence concerning Rome as well as the contents of Paul's letter. In response to this sinful culture,he wrote letters urging Christians to turn away from these sinful allurements and turn their hearts completely to God. The modern day church must take heed to these commands and turn our attention toward God and allow Him to work His work in our hearts and lives. 

But the big question remains, "Will I (we) surrender my (our) life to Christ?"

Monday, August 10, 2015

My Offering to God

Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." (NKJV)

There is a portion of our local church service that is called an "Offertory Celebration." This is a time in which we present to God our offerings and tithe as a sign of our praise, thanksgiving, appreciation and recognition of the blessings that He has provided for us. I am a Christian who believes in that part of our worship celebration. And I am a Christian that looks forward to "offer" to God my financial gift as an act of worship.

But do you realize that our "worship" is more than the songs we sing on Sunday? Do you realize that our "worship" is more than the financial gift that we share with the local church on any given Sunday? Do you realize that our "worship" is more than the prayers and words of praise that we offer to God on any given Sunday?

God has called us to a lifestyle of worship, sacrifice and presenting Him an offering. The Apostle Paul wrote some challenging words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as he addressed the church at Rome. He wanted them to realize that their bodies were to be presented to God "a living sacrifice. God desires more than my money. God desires more than my words. God desires more than just a tradition of Sunday activities. GOD DESIRES ME!! He wants me to be willing to invest all that I am and all that I have into His hands so that He can use me for His Kingdom work and purpose.

What will you "offer" to Him today?

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I would like to share an email that I mailed to various individuals today. Some of you may read this for a second time but I believe that it is important that each of us realize that we are involved in a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. Surely this warfare is being identified by Christians all across this nation. We must remember that we are not alone in these struggles. God is working in us as well as with us to overcome the strategies of hell. We must band together in prayer and resist EVERY EFFORT of satan to overthrow and defeat our faith!!

Good Morning!

I read this comment earlier this morning and it spoke to my heart. I sincerely felt that the Spirit wanted me to share it with you today. I would like to take a moment of your time and share a brief but to the point email sermon with you. 

"Satan was defeated by Christ at the cross, but he’s seeking you as a consolation prize." -John Piper

I realize that each of us face our own set of unique struggles/challenges/trials/difficulties, etc. We also know that there are those moments in which we are under a spiritual attack from Satan in which we realize that our enemy is seeking to overthrow and defeat our faith. We keep some of these attacks between ourselves and God and fight them on our own but in some circumstances the attack is so powerful that we call on the family of God for prayer. I personally know of times that this type of situation has happened to dedicated Christians and they felt as though that the enemy was working overtime to hinder and defeat their walk with Christ. IT WAS DURING THOSE MOMENTS THAT THESE INDIVIDUALS CHOSE NOT TO YIELD TO THE ATTACKS OF THE ENEMY BUT THEY CHOSE TO RESIST EVERY EFFORT THAT HE BROUGHT AGAINST THEM.

Someone reading this email today may be facing one of the above mentioned situations that I am referencing. These situations come in all shapes, forms, sizes and depths of difficulty. But I have brought you some good news today. GOD IS WITH YOU IN THIS BATTLE!  YOU ARE NOT ALONE REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE ENEMY TELLS YOU!  GOD IS FIGHTING FOR YOU AND NOT AGAINST YOU!

Ephesians 6:10-13, "A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
​" ​(NLT)

Blessings on you and your journey with Christ today!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Living by Faith

2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.   18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (NIV)

I think that each of you who are reading this blog recognizes that we are living in some challenging and difficult times. The headlines of the various news media outlets keeps this before us on a moment by moment basis. Many of us are even able to receive "breaking news" alerts on our cell phone or tablet. This helps us stay up to date with the current tragedy or situation that our society is facing. This service is promoted as helpful and in some cases I am sure that this perception would be true. But it does not change the fact that we are facing challenges that are beyond our ability to solve or correct them.

I read these words a few weeks ago and they spoke to my heart. "Faith is not denying reality. It’s not pretending you don’t have a problem. Faith is not saying, “I’m not in pain” when you are. The pain that I am referencing could be emotional, physical or even financial.  It’s not saying, “I don’t hurt” when you do.   It’s not saying, “I’m happy” when you’re really grieving inside.  That’s not faith; it’s trying to put on an attitude that portrays phoniness and denial. Living in denial does not necessarily mean that you possess faith. Faith is facing the facts without being disheartened by them because you know God is greater than the problem."

The challenging moments of life have a way to crowd in around us and very often these moments are accompanied by discouragement. It is at those times that we must follow the Spirit's advice that the Apostle Paul shared with us in 2 Corinthians 4:16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 

We can praise God for His presence even during those moments of severe and difficult trials!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Leaning on God

Jeremiah 33:2-3,  “Thus says the Lord who made it, the Lord who formed it to establish it (the Lord is His name): ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (NKJV)

This passage of scripture has always intrigued me as well as encouraged me. This passage is full of hope as well as full of the promise that the Lord will hear us as we call out to Him. Isn't it simply amazing that the Lord of all Glory would take the time to hear me call on His name? This is a reoccurring theme throughout the pages of the Bible. God actually listens to the prayers that we pray.

I was raised in a local church environment that encouraged people to pray. As a Minister and Pastor I have always encouraged people to pray. I believe that it is one of the "least used weapons" in our Christian arsenal of weaponry. God listens for our voices and for the desires that those voices will express to Him. 

God even understands those moments in which my mind is unable to adequately express the needs that I have at that present time. Would you take a moment and read out loud (if possible) these encouraging and enlightening words expressed in the writings of the Apostle Paul? Romans 8:26-27, " Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." (NKJV) The Holy Spirit will assist us when we reach those moments that the ability to express our concerns to God is inhibited by those circumstances that we are facing. 

WOW!! Do you realize that we serve a God that cares that much for us? I remember a song that was a part of our corporate worship throughout many of the years of my Christian journey. The gist of the chorus reminded us that we "were leaning on the everlasting arms of God." I am thankful today that I can place my confidence in God regardless of the circumstances or challenges that may come my way. God is great and greatly to be praised!!