Monday, August 24, 2015


It has been over a week since I have shared on the blog. There are some reasons behind this lack of posts such as a busy schedule, extra sermon preparation, and just seeking to make sure that I have something inspirational to share. Most of what I write is birthed in my times of prayer and meditation on the scriptures. Very seldom are my thoughts pre-planned unless I feel led to share a series of posts concerning a particular  subject or thought. I say this to let you understand the serious approach to this area of ministry opportunity. I sincerely desire to bring some support and assistance to your daily journey with Christ.

This past week has been rich with many wonderful experiences and opportunities to share the Word of God with people that I know as well as people that I did not personally know. These experiences always remind me of the power and authority of the Gospel message. I still believe that the Bible reveals God's redemptive plan for humanity and the Word of God still possesses the power and authority to transform (change) the lives of people who encounter Christ in the revelation of the Word of God. I saw those transformations happen before my eyes as I prayed with various individuals at the Pine Grove church in Tennessee as well as the New River church family. GOD IS GOOD AND GOD STILL BREAKS DOWN BARRIERS REGARDLESS OF WHAT THOSE BARRIERS ARE DESIGNED TO HINDER!!

We enjoyed a time of dedicated praise, worship and thanksgiving at New River last night. The service contained different worshipers who shared their various gifts such as poetry, art, dance, music and songs. IT WAS A WONDERFUL TIME OF EXALTING CHRIST AND SHARING WITH HIM OUR SINCERE PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING!!

Two of the reoccurring themes of this blog are prayer and praise. Did I fail to mention that I also believe that God still answers prayer? I wanted to make sure that you knew that I still believe in the power of prayer and the blessing of praise. The Lord God Almighty is worthy of our praise. Remember that He desires to hear the praise from your heart and mouth. No other believer can praise God for you; they can only praise God with you. There is freedom in praise. Praise calls us and allows us to focus on God and what He has done and is doing in our lives.

Take a moment today and offer a time of DESIGNATED PRAISE TO GOD!! You will be blessed through this effort and the Heavenly Father will be honored as you offer Him your praise.

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