Yesterday was a day in which we were given the opportunity to recognize and remember the wonderful men and women who have served our nation in the Armed Forces. We were given the privilege to recognize and remember the true sacrifice that these individuals as well as their families have made so that we could enjoy our freedom. I realize how blessed that I am as I stand to declare the Word of God in the midst of a nation that still honors the privilege of the freedom of speech. I am truly grateful for those men and women who have been deployed to war zones around this world so that freedom could be protected and defended. I am grateful for those men and women who place their lives in harms way even as I am writing these words on this Tuesday morning. We must NEVER FORGET these brave heroes who offer their service so that we could enjoy the opportunities of being an American.
My Dad is a WWII veteran. He served in the infantry during the European theatre and fought in some of the major battles toward the end of the European campaign. He is 85 years old at this present time yet his patriotism is still as strong as it was during the days of his youth. I want to offer a kind reminder to each of us. We must make the honoring of our military to be more than just a "holiday" event in our lives. Take the opportunity to thank these soldiers any time that you encounter them. Do not wait until the next Memorial Day in May to offer some kind words to these men and women and do no wait until next Memorial Day to express your patriotism. We must express our thankfulness to our military forces and we must express our thanks to God for the blessing and privilege to live in America. I realize that we are facing all types of problems and circumstances in our nation yet we still live in the greatest nation in the world. We are given the opportunity to express our thanks to God for this privilege through our service to our fellow man. Look for an opportunity to serve others and you will find your life enriched through this act of kindness.