Thursday, February 2, 2012


Our Discipleship class last night continued to discuss the role that each member of the family God plays in the expansion of the Kingdom of God.  We discussed that diversity does not preclude the Biblical principle of unity rather diversity can be a strength to the desire for unity if the diversity operates correctly.  We discussed the understanding of teamwork in the framework of the theme of the Body of Christ found in 1 Corinthians 12.  This morning I was reflecting on that discussion and realized that the concept of spiritual teamwork can not be operated in the same manner as the culture may seek to define a team.  When we think of teams in the sports world we think of a group of individuals who may be led or directed by one or two dominant players.  Often these players are identified with the word "star" and the use of that word indicates the possibility that they may have a different status and operate under their own set of rules or guidelines.  The "stars" or leading characters of movies and television programs are often times identified in the credits separately from their fellow cast members of the program.  I am well aware that sports team members and stars in movies/television programs do have different roles and that the team or the cast may depend upon these stars to fulfill their roles. But we must be careful and not allow that analogy to make its way into the family of God.  There should be no stars in the family of God although each member of the family have their own role/purpose to fulfill.  The work of the Kingdom of God can only be fully accomplished as the individual members of the Body of Christ fulfill their purpose.  But each member of the Body is equally important although their role/purpose may differ.  Each of us bring our God given set of abilities, gifts, and talents into the Family of God.  I believe the Spirit is asking the church to lay aside our desire to be stars and pick up the mantle of servanthood in which we willingly and lovingly serve in our communities as we share the message of the Gospel.  Remember that Jesus said that people "would see the good works and glorify the Father which is in Heaven."

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