Monday, January 21, 2013

PED's or SEA

The past several years has introduced the acronym PED to our language and to our literature. To our dismay and chagrin we have learned that PED stands for Performance Enhancing Drugs. We have learned that some of our favorite sports stars have admitted to the use of illegal drugs that would provide them a decided advantage over their opponent. Some of these individuals have come forward on their own volition while others have been identified through failed drug tests or witnesses who have shared damaging information with the proper authorities. I in no way claim to be an authority on this problem but I do believe that this can allow us to understand a spiritual principle that needs to be in operation in our individual lives. We are in desperate need to understand our need of having an advantage over our spiritual enemy as we travel through this world on our way to our eternal destination.
I want to briefly introduce a new acronym to you today. It is the acronym SEA. SEA can stand for Spiritually Enhancing Actions! I believe that the Spirit has the weaponry that each of us need to be able to have a decided advantage against our enemy, Satan. Satan seeks to hinder, destroy, and defeat our faith but the Word of God has provided and continues to provide the strength and courage that we need to overcome and defeat our spiritual enemy.  But I have a key question to ask each of us, "Will be willing to put into action those spiritual principles that will enhance and strengthen our warfare against our spiritual enemy?" I am convinced that God has provided the means that we need to defeat and overthrow the attacks of the enemy that has arisen and continues to arise against each of us. I will address some of these actions over the next few days. Feel free to share your ideas with me as you review your lists of actions that we can take against the enemy of our soul. 

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