This weekend has been packed with mixed emotions. The Sunday morning service at New River was energized through the presence of the Spirit as we reflected on the power and authority of the Word of God. The Word of God has the ability to raise the level of expectation in our individual lives as we open our hearts to hear what God is saying. The Word of God will produce "good fruit" in our lives when it finds the good soil of faith and obedience. The Word of God will do more than provide information; it will provide direction and guidance concerning the way that we ought to live our life. We must allow the Spirit to take the Word and reveal to each of us how the Word needs to be applied to our lives.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the life of one of the members of our local congregation. Bro. Kenneth Gillenwater has been a part of the congregation since the very beginning of this ministry 3 1/2 years ago. He will be missed but we rejoice in the fact that his race is finished. Bro. Kenneth's passing reminded us of the principle that we need to be ready at all times. He died suddenly on Friday in his home sitting at his kitchen table. His departure from this life into his new life came in a very brief moment which required him to have made prior arrangements with his Savior. He did not have time to make arrangements with God regarding the condition of his soul. Have you made those arrangements with God? Have you committed your life to Christ and confessed Him as your Savior? Do you live with eternity in view and not just live for earthly moments of fulfillment and satisfaction? This is the day to make sure that all is well between yourself and God. This could be the day that he calls you into eternity. Are you prepared to make the trip?

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