Thursday, September 11, 2014


We began a new Bible Study in our adult Discipleship class last night. We are studying a lesson which focuses on the miracles that are recorded in the book of John. The teacher makes a point that has found a place in my heart and I would like to share it with you today.

He shares that the miracles are in the Bible so that we can be "pointed to Christ." Miracles are more than just a demonstration or revelation of the acts of power or authority of Christ but they reveal the nature and identity of Christ. We can learn that Christ is truly interested in the minute details of each of our lives. We can learn that nothing is too difficult for God and that the creation is still subject to the Creator of the universe. 

I am blessed to know that God is more than a "one-dimensional" God but that He specializes in any and all situations. You and I can visit a Physician with an ailment in our body. That particular Physician may not have an answer to our problem so he/she may suggest that we visit a "specialist." The Physician then proceeds to make arrangements to visit the other Physician who he/she thinks has more knowledge/expertise regarding our ailment. But I have good news regarding God today; He doesn't have to refer you to anyone else. God is the answer for what we need today. He is the true source of all of the resources that we need. 

I am truly thankful that I still believe in MIRACLES!!

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