1 Corinthians 6:19, "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself," (NLT)
Each believer has their own unique relationship with God. Each of us are endowed and blessed with certain abilities, talents, gifts, callings, opportunities to serve, etc. Each of us have a specific "place" in the Body of Christ and that "place" is very important to the overall working of the Body of Christ. The different members of the Body of Christ were never meant to compete with one another but to compliment one another. Here is an example from the physical body that we inhabit. Have you ever seen the eyes competing with the ears for control of the sight of an individual? No, the ears realize that they do not have the same ability as the eyes but neither can the eyes fulfill the role of the ears. They work together in tandem so that the individual can both see and hear.
But there is one principle/element that each of us in the Body of Christ have in common. Each of us belong to God and not to ourselves. Each of us are called to be servants within the family of God. Each of us are called to work together for the common good of the spreading of the message of the Kingdom of God. Charles Stanley reminded us of this great principle in the following statements. "Our part is to bear witness to the breadth and depth of His love for all people. Once you grasp the fact that God looks on His children—every one a former slave to sin—with unconditional devotion, you can’t keep quiet about it. Believers are special in the eyes of their God and King. We are a sacred people and a holy order. What are you doing with your life? As a believer, you are not your own anymore. You are a privileged servant of the Most High God."
Let us remind ourselves of the wonderful opportunity to share the Love of God with people that God places in our lives on a daily basis.
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