People who take a legalistic view of Christianity only focus on the things that they should not practice in their lives. Do not jump to any conclusions as you read my previous statement. I do believe that there is a right way to live our life and there is a wrong way to live our life. The Word of God does reveal spiritual principles that need to be applied to our lives in such a manner that we will live a lifestyle that pleases and honors God.
But obedience to God also leads us into a life that seeks to do those things that God "asks" or teaches us to do. A Christian life is more than just laying off or laying aside sinful practices, habits or addictions. It is also lived out through our obedience to those principles/teachings of Christ that position us to receive those blessings/benefits of being a child of God. I honestly believe that we need to forsake those actions or attitudes that offend God BUT we also need to embrace those actions/attitudes that pleases God. A life that pleases God positions us to walk in a deeper fellowship with Him which will reveal to us the fact that God has good plans for our lives.
I made reference to Matthew 7 in Sunday's message at New River. I read the words of Jesus found in verse 7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Our Prayer Team Leader at New River shared with the Prayer Warriors these words through an email last night. I would like for you to take a moment and answer the questions that she proposes to the Prayer Team. "I understand that God is our main source for all things, but what is it that you have need of today? "Ask & it shall be given." Seek Him and you will find Him. Are you looking for Jesus today? "Seek & ye shall find." He has prepared things to be open in your life, are you pressing (Knocking) to find what God has in store for you? "Knock & it shall be opened unto you."
Can you imagine the presence of God that would be revealed in the Houses of Worship all across our nation if we applied the Matthew 7:7 principles to our lives? I am not not just referencing an attitude of "selfish praying" but an attitude that is truly seeking the heart of God and the provisions that He has made for our lives. A true awakening and an awakening that would bring positive transformation to our lives would be the end result of truly seeking the heart of God for our individual lives. And oh the change that would come to our corporate services if each of us came seeking after more of God. I am excited just to think about all of the possibilities that await the family of God.
Would you join the throngs of people all around the world who desire to obey God in all things and the all things include Matthew 7:7?
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