Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I Chronicles 16:8, Oh, give thanks to the LordCall upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!" (NKJV)

I understand that we have have "transitioned" from Thanksgiving to Christmas but I also believe that it is time for the people of God to express our appreciation to God for all of the blessings that He provides for us on a daily basis. The opinion of people toward the True and Living God has been skewered and undermined through so much negative propaganda in our society. I believe that it is a good time for the people of God to "Make known His deeds among the peoples." I am going to attempt to fulfill that Biblical mandate this morning. 

First, Ann and I enjoyed the privilege of spending some time with my parents and a portion of our family this past Saturday. We gathered to celebrate "Christmas" with each other. We certainly missed those family members who were unable to attend. We had an awesome time of food, fun and fellowship and I am certainly thankful for those moments. But my praise goes deeper than food and fellowship. The children of my parents gathered around them and prayed for them. Then my parents prayed for each of their children and their spouses. It was an unique time of intercession for one another. I am thankful that my parents were able to pray a prayer of blessing over me and my family. The enemy is fighting against the family today but God still has the family as a central part of His plan for our society. Just remember to pray for your family on a daily basis.

Second, I give God thanks for an AWESOME SERVICE ON SUNDAY MORNING at New River. I must use the following words to describe what took place in the service. We encountered a "Divine Interruption" into our plans for the service. I understand that some people may not believe in those type of services and may think that they are not Biblically correct. This post is not about debating that belief or disbelief. This post is about reminding us that He truly knows what we need. This post is about reminding us that He still can provide what we need to navigate through the traps, temptations, trials and tricks of this world. The Spirit used the songs, prayers, Pastoral exhortations and the concluding challenge (which was not spoken by the Pastor but had the Pastor's approval) to remind us that He knows that the "family", both natural as well as spiritual is under satanic attack. God is fighting for us and not against us. Will we join Him on the battlefield?  That is the question that each of must answer in my opinion. 

Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!"

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