Wednesday, November 29, 2017

This is no TIME TO BE IDLE

I would like to share a portion of a letter that I shared with our church family today. I trust that each of us will be challenged to seek to walk in a deeper, stronger, developing relationship with Jesus Christ!!

Good morning! I trust that you are sensing the Holy Spirit at work in your heart and life. I know that I sense Him calling me to draw closer to Him on a daily basis. The world in which we are living at this present time reminds us that we need God more than ever before.

We have made the turn away from Thanksgiving and we are quickly moving toward our encounter with the Christmas "holidays." Christians look at Christmas through a different set of eyes. We see more than a simple holiday; we see the celebration of the birth of our Lord  and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am going to share a statement that I placed on Facebook yesterday. I would encourage you to read it again even if you read it yesterday and allow the words to "marinate" in your soul. I truly believe that God is calling each of us to examine our lives and make sure that we are moving forward in our relationship with Christ. This thought came into my mind yesterday morning as I was listening to my car's engine idling as it was warming up. The car was using up its supply of fuel even though it was not even moving. Could that same principle be true with our soul? Satan desires for believers to grow complacent sitting in a state of "spiritual idling." Their relationship with God has leveled off. Their spiritual engine is still running but they are not moving forward in their relationship with Christ. They are in the state of "idling" but their "spiritual fuel" supply is disappearing. I believe that God's plans for our lives includes more than just sitting and idling. He has called each of us to an ABUNDANT LIFE IN CHRIST!!

Charles Spurgeon spoke this great reminder to each of us, "the past is gone; the future has not arrived; we shall never have any time but time present. We are called to serve God promptly. This quote has also been attributed to Charles Spurgeon: "Do not fritter away your life in thinking of what you intend to do tomorrow as if that could make up for the idleness of today. No man ever served God by doing things tomorrow. If we honor Christ and are blessed, it is by the things which we do today."

I truly believe that this is a day and time in which God is calling us out of "idling" and He is calling us to follow Him NOW!! We must stop waiting. We must stop procrastinating. We must stop sitting on the side lines. We must become very active in our pursuit of more of God in our individual lives. Each of us (including me) must answer this call as an individual believer.

2 Corinthians 6:1-2, As God’s partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it. For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation. (NLT)

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