Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday's Musings

My heart is heavy this morning as I look back on the hate crimes that have taken place this last week in Louisville, KY and Pittsburgh, PA. These crimes effect each of us even if we seek to ignore them because they did not take place in or "back yard." It seems (at least to me) that these types of events often embolden others to commit a similar heinous crime against an individual or a group of people that they have chosen to hate. The larger question may be; "How will we choose to fight this hate?"

I am very concerned about the spirits of “hatred and division” that are creating such chaos in our nation. These evil spirits are making an impact in all of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. The powers of darkness are seeking to cover over and in some cases eliminate the LIGHT OF TRUTH!! These powers are attacking our individual lives, our families, our churches, our communities as well as our nation. The family of God MUST ARISE from sleep and cast off our spiritual lethargy. We must allow the TRUE LOVE OF GOD work IN US & THROUGH US!! We must answer hate with God’s love. We must answer division with God’s love!! We must “fight the good fight of faith” immersed in the Love of God so that we can demonstrate that Christianity is more that just a group of words that we have learned to repeat. True Christianity was planned to be lived out in our daily lives through the strength and Love of God that He will provide if we will commit to seeking His face and His presence!!


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