Isaiah 6:3, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”
I pray that you are taking some “personal time” to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. I know that my precious sentence has been repeated year after year at Christmas. But I also believe that each of us needs to be reminded of the REASON FOR THE SEASON. Oh, I think that I just used another familiar phrase that we have heard before. I know and fully believe that God has challenged me to focus on Him even more as I pray, worship, preach and witness to others. I believe that the Spirit is calling us to fully REMEMBER as well as IDENTIFY Jesus Christ as the great “I AM” during this season of celebration. Isn’t it time for EACH OF US to remember the greatness of God on a daily basis?
It’s vital to the Christian life that we as sons and daughters of the Most High God allow our affections to be stirred by the loving, powerful nature of our heavenly Father. Too often we feel that God is distant or separated from us. Too often we allow misconceptions or lies to place a rift between us and experiencing God. It’s in reminding ourselves of God’s character that lies are broken and a pathway is laid for us to encounter His tangible love. Open your heart and mind and receive fresh revelation of the goodness of God this week. Allow your affections to be stirred and your heart to be filled with desire to seek the face of your heavenly Father. A song was deposited in my spirit as I was preparing my heart to write this article. A portion of the song makes this declaration; “You are awesome in this place Mighty God…” I am afraid that many believers have lost the “AWE” out of the Awesomeness of God! I do not desire to be captured or influenced by “any spirit” that diminishes the greatness of God!! I also do not want to allow the enemy of my soul steal my desire to praise, worship and honor my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Is it possible that we have turned the Goodness of God and the presence of God into a “spiritual Santa Claus” with whom we share our wish list of desires, needs, wants, etc.? Is it possible that we have turned God into an “AAA service man” whom arrives at times of emergency and provides the services needed and then moves on to the next emergency? Is it possible that we have turned God into simply“a character” in the Bible whom we read about but don’t invite Him to make a daily difference in our lives? It is possible that we have turned the revelation of Jesus Christ into a “story” of a good man who performed many great miracles but we have failed to fully realize that He is the “Way, the Truth and the Life?
I have shared these thoughts with you because I sense the Holy Spirit calling me to draw near to God through sincere and heartfelt worship to God. I also believe that God is leading me to share these words with you. The enemy does not want the present day church to be a WORSHIPING CHURCH!! He wants our personal devotional times as well as our corporate gatherings to be filled with distractions, diversions, hindrances, gossip, wandering minds, selfishness, busyness, as well as the attractions of the world. I am only scratching the surface when it comes to the enemy’s attempts to interfere in our times of worship. BUT THE PEOPLE OF GOD MUST RISE TO THE OCCASION AND RESIST, REJECT AND REBUKE THE TACTICS OF SATAN!! We must ask as well as allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us and draw is into the presence of God as never before. I am encouraging each of us to take a stand against the enemy and once more reach out and embrace the Goodness and Greatness of God!!We need OUR VOICES and OUR HEARTS to CONNECT WITH THE HEART OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!! Good things will take place in the presence of God!!
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