This is the day that the Lord has made. The word "today" has been rising up in my spirit on a constant basis over the past few weeks. The Spirit continues to remind me that God is present NOW and that He desires to reveal Himself NOW!! I refuse to just live in my memories of yesterday. I refuse to just live in my dreams of the future. I DESIRE to live in the HERE & NOW regarding my relationship with Jesus Christ.
Early this morning a lady that attends church at New River sent me a copy of the post that she had placed on Facebook. I wanted to share her testimony with you. This miracle from God took place on Thursday as she encountered a visitation of the Holy Spirit. Would you take a moment and read the thoughts she shared concerning her "SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH!!!" You and I can receive our BREAKTHROUGH TODAY!!!
Do you need God to give you a breakthrough today? Are you struggling today with the weight of the world which so easily besets you? I am here to testify that God is the God of your breakthrough. I received my breakthrough last night. I had been struggling in my life to overcome some powerful words that were spoken over me as a child. The power of these words held me back in my life and kept me feeling like I was a nobody and would never do or be anything in my life. Feelings of insecurity and self worth were present in my life and they were my constant companion.
But you know God showed up at my door unexpectedly and through a very special person to me, gave me the words of life and through these powerful and beautiful words that were spoken by the Holy Ghost through thIs person, I was set free from this bondage in my life. How did I know I was set free? God came on me and I went to my room and I got on my knees before God and began to weep uncontrollably and I felt God lift this bondage off of me through the power of these life changing words that were spoken to me by the Holy Ghost. God used my special friend to breathe life back into my soul.
Do you know what it feels like to walk in freedom and victory? I do!! I felt the peace of God come over me and I could not stop crying because of the overwhelming presence of God that unexpectedly knocked on my door and gave me my breakthrough. I am free from the bondages of the enemy. My chains are gone. I have been set free, my God, my savior, has ransomed me. and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love, AMAZING GRACE!
I am going forth today with new strength, vision, purpose and determination I am walking into the plan God has for me and the shackles and chains are back in the prison cell that I was in. Did you know you could be a prisoner of your own soul? You can hold yourself prisoner by believing the lies of the enemy. The enemy wants to put doubt, fear, discouragement and hopelessness on you to hold you captive. He wants to hold you captive so you will never know the peace and freedom of God. That is his job and we need to break loose of these bondages and tell the enemy to loose us and let us go in Jesus name.
I don’t know about you but I am taking back what the devil stole from me. It started last night. Today is a new day for me. It is a beautiful day that the Lord has made. God makes all things new.God may show up at your door unexpectedly today. When he knocks, open the door, because he brought you a gift. It is your BREAKTHROUGH.. SURPRISE!!!! God amazes me when he special delivers your gift, in ways we do not expect. God is so good and his mercies are new everyday. We serve a God who never fails. Thank you Lord for my breakthrough. Knock, knock, who is there? It’s God with your breakthrough. Did you answer the door?
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