Wednesday, August 9, 2023


If you have listened to any of the sermons over the past months you should know that I am blowing the “trumpet” concerning our individual need to have a STRONGER DESIRE TO SEEK MORE OF GOD!!! I understand that some of us may be “tired” of this “trumpet sound” but it is necessary for us to understand the importance of knowing God!! We need more than just “knowing about God'', WE NEED TO KNOW GOD AND ALLOW HIM TO DO HIS WORK IN OUR LIVES!!! 

I will approach today’s letter in a different manner. I will provide an exhortation of what I feel the Spirit saying to me. BUT I ENCOURAGE EACH OF US TO TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE AND ALLOW GOD TO SPEAK TO US!! These are the days of trials and battles but they are also days of victory!! There is a reward to obedience and a price to pay for the “spirit of rejection!!”

Deuteronomy 11:16-22, ““But be careful. Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the Lord and serve and worship other gods. 17 If you do, the Lord’s anger will burn against you. He will shut up the sky and hold back the rain, and the ground will fail to produce its harvests. Then you will quickly die in that good land the Lord is giving you. 18 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that as long as the sky remains above the earth, you and your children may flourish in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors. 22 “Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.” (NLT)

This is a prayer that I read today and I wanted to share it with you.

“Lord, most of my life I have lived to please myself. But from here on, Lord, I want to live to please You. I love You above all else and all others. Teach me Your ways, Lord, and reveal Your plan for me as I read Your Word and try my best to follow all Your commands and instructions. Above all else, Lord, I want to be known as being loyal to You. And from now on I will trust You to make a way for me through this life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I want to encourage EACH OF US to seriously understand the times in which we are living. I understand that we recognize many of the visible challenges with the actions of the government or the many people with illnesses and sorrow that we know. I believe that it is also important that WE RECOGNIZE AND RESPOND TO THE DIRECTION THAT GOD DESIRES TO LEAD US. We cannot afford to lag behind the move of God that is taking place NOW. We cannot afford to ignore the call of the Holy Spirit to draw close to God. This “spiritual time” will require our obedience and our full surrender to our Heavenly Father!!


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