Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend Reflection

It is always an encouragement to reflect on the blessings of God that He provides us on a daily basis.  Some of these blessings come in the form of opportunities to offer our service to other people who are facing a time of need in their life.  This past weekend I was able to witness four separate situations in which individuals from the church plant in Radcliff, Kentucky offered their service to people who were in need of assistance.  One man offered his abilities to a local church in our community that needed some major repair to the front porch of their church building.  Three young men offered their physical strength and stamina to a couple that needed assistance in moving their household items into a different residence.  Another man from the local body offered monetary assistance in the purchase of gasoline for a family that has been facing economic challenges.  This family used a portion of that fuel to drive to the building of New River Worship Center (the church plant of which I have made reference) and receive two large boxes of food that the Youth Group was able to share with them.  The youth group had begun a food bank to assist those in our community which are in need through the leadership of the Youth Pastor.

You may ask, "Why are you writing about these events?"  I believe that it is time that the family of God put our words into action.  We have been known by our doctrine, we have been known by our organizational structure, we have been known by our style of worship, we have been known by the size of our congregations, and we have been known by the design of our buildings.  But don't you think that it is time that we are known by our actions and not just all of the other things that are associated with "church?"  The family of God or the Body of Christ is more than just "what we are" it is "who we are."  We are the hands of God extended to a lost and hurting world.  We are the hands of God extended to people who are in need.  We are the hands of God extended to people who are facing some very unusual circumstances in their lives and we see opportunities to assist them during those times.  We are the hands of God that offers assistance through prayer, encouragement, and support as they walk their lonely and desolate road of life.  Are you looking for the blessings of God?  Find a place to offer your service and you will find a place to receive blessings.  Are you looking for the blessings of God?  Stop being selfish and self-centered and become aware of the needs of others.  Are you looking for the blessings of God?  Find someone who needs a friend and offer your friendship to them.  I was truly blessed as I witnessed each of these individuals offer their service this past weekend.  My heart was refreshed and encouraged as I witnessed a portion of the family of God put true Christianity into action.

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