A wonderful praise/testimony was brought to the fore-front of my thinking last night as I was reviewing many of the Happy Anniversaries that have been shared with us over the past few days. God used those wishes to remind me once more that I am truly a blessed man. God has blessed Ann and I with a wonderful resource of family and friends through the years of our life here on this earth. He has provided us with a special extended family that has shown love, support, and encouragement as we have traveled this road of our lives (both ministerially as well as personal). We have been blessed with people who have chosen to "adopt" us as their family and they chose to "adopt" our children as their children. God has given us people who became "adopted" grandparents to our children during their formative years of childhood. The childhood of our children was spent at a distance from their paternal and maternal grandparents but God had that need covered as He sent people into our lives who helped fill that void. There are others of you who can shout, "Praise the Lord", as you review the voids that God has filled in your lives as He used people to be a special blessing to you.
I know that all of the bad and sinful people grab the headlines both in the print media as well as the electronic media BUT REMEMBER that God has blessed your lives with great people who have made a difference in your journey on Earth. Each of us should pause today and offer God a hearty and sincere thanksgiving for those individuals. You might need to take an extra step of connecting with them. Take some time to give them a call, send them a card, or make an effort to visit them. Each of us need a trip down memory lane from time to time so that we can relive and remember those marvelous blessings that God has provided in our lives. You will be blessed as you take the time to invest kindness into the life of someone and the recipient will be blessed as he/she realizes that their acts of kindness, love, and concern made a difference in your life.
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