Today is a special day for me to celebrate. I crossed a milestone in my life as I am celebrating my 60th birthday. That is not what I am writing about this morning but I shared that so that all of you can gain some perspective on my post for today. Almost 42 years of those 60 have been spent as a Minister of the Gospel. The majority of those 42 years have been spent as a Pastor and the other portion of those years I have served in the support role for Pastors (Regional Bishop & Evangelist). I am sharing that information so that you can recognize the appreciation and honor that I carry in my heart for those men and women who are serving in Pastoral Ministry. There are so many times that we recognize the faults and failures of those who serve among us and on many occasions we forget all of the good that they do as they faithfully serve God and serve their congregations. I ask that you take some time to recognize and affirm your Pastor today. An encouraging word can and will go a long way in reminding the Pastor that his/her work is making a difference in the Kingdom of God. I write that previous sentence from a life full of experience and I vividly remember those times when people took the time to ecncourage me.
I read this prayer a few days ago that touched my heart and spirit. I want to share that prayer for my Pastoral comrades today and remind them that they are not alone in this great struggle for the souls of mankind. There are people that are praying for you and for your Ministerial call to serve God and serve His family.
"This morning the Holy Spirit brought to mind my pastor. He faces so many decisions and burdens that I know nothing about. He has such great responsibilities and weighty decisions. He has personal family to care for as well as church family to shepherd. I pray that as he comes to you today...and every day...that you will refresh his spirit, enlighten his mind, and strengthen his body. I pray that you will grant him wisdom, anointing, and openness to receive the message you want to deliver through him and to deliver that message when and to whom you want it delivered. I pray for protection and blessing for my pastor's entire family and all the leaders of the church. Please keep them safe from all harm and evil...and lead them on to accomplish your plan for their lives, the church's future, and the Great Commission. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
Let us remember to pray for our Pastors and spiritual leaders in our local communities of faith and fellowship!
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