Friday, May 31, 2013

Tragedy, Part 2

It seems that our community and surrounding communities have been inundated with even more tragedies since I last made a post on the blog. I am sure that tragedy is not just in this part of the world but that people all over the world are facing their share of troubling circumstances. What should be the response of the believers? Our initial response should be one of prayerful and thoughtful concern as we survey the landscape and realize that people are in need of divine intervention. But there will come a time and I believe that God will present the opportunity to move beyond prayerful and thoughtful concern. Each of us will be given the opportunity to put our words and thoughts of concern into action. It may be as simple as providing a meal for a neighborhood family who is enduing a battle with illness or they may have encountered a death in their immediate family. We may be given an opportunity to drive across town and help someone clean up from storm damage or the Pastor may call for a work day at the local church to make some needed repairs on the church building or some needed repairs on a home in the community. When the opportunity arises we need to be prepared to spring into action and share the "love of God" through the act of serving one another.
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18
"Actions born out of love speak like a megaphone of compassion to those in need. Words of concern are empty unless they are backed by involved behavior. A need does not necessitate a call, but Christ's love  compels us to engage in another’s messy situation. Love does what is necessary to bring hope and healing to those who feel hopeless and hurt. Those moved from within by the Spirit initiate intimacy. They are a solution looking for a problem."
Will you be willing to make a positive statement to your family and community today by taking action to assist someone in need? 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


  This morning I am sitting in a hospital waiting room with a family as their loved one is preparing for open heart surgery. The past few days have reminded me of the importance of family and friends. Our community as well as the surrounding communities have faced several tragedies such as the assassination of a policeman; a mother and two sons who perished in a house fire; the death of a teenager at the hands of an unknown gunman, and the drowning of a young parent. I was reminded that tragedy is a part of life. We face situations in which we can not obtain a rational answer to the "why" of the tragedy. But we can recognize and remember that God is with us in triumph as well as tragedy. But we also need to remember that God uses people to minister to other people during times of tragedy and difficulty. Will you make yourself available to God so that you can reach out to people as they face their time of challenge? Each of us have the ability to be a blessing to others if we truly seek to be a blessing. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day

There are people that refer to this weekend as being the first holiday weekend of Summer. Many people "open" their swimming pools this weekend as a sign that school is completed or close to being completed for another year and the fun of Summer is about to begin. There are people who celebrate family reunions or take a brief weekend vacation to get away from the humdrum routine of their daily lives. Families will gather for cookouts which will feature barbecue, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, etc. as well as all of the "fixins." There is nothing sinful or evil in any of these activities BUT we can not afford to forget the true meaning of this holiday that we call Memorial Day.
Memorial Day was set aside to remember those fallen heroes who were willing to sacrifice their life defending the freedoms that we enjoy. We can not afford to forget the supreme price that has been paid and continues to be paid that we might live in a nation that esteems and protects freedom. Each succeeding generation is called on to keep this act of respect, appreciation and honor alive and well in our society. This week I drove through a local Veterans Cemetery as a way of reminding myself of those great Americans who offered their service to our nation both in times of war as well as times of peace. The drive was very somber and serene as I noticed all of the white markers as well as the small American flags that designated the place of burial of these great soldiers. We can not afford to forget these men and women who have served or who are presently serving in the Armed Forces. We take a moment to remember the fallen and we take a moment to honor the living. WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOUR SERVICE AND WE HOLD YOU IN THE HIGHEST OF REGARD TODAY!
We pray blessings over those families who will place flowers on the graves of their loved ones this weekend and we pray strength on those families who have a loved one serving in the Armed Forces today.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prayer Concerns, Part 2

  I trust that you are living in the "atmosphere of prayer" as I wrote about on Tuesday. Can you feel the sense of urgency in our society today? Before the use of radar in the prediction of weather the farmer watched the animals who were able to detect a change in the barometric pressure of the atmosphere. I can detect a change in the spiritual barometric pressure of our culture. The people of God must cry out to God in a spirit of intercession against the powers of this world. I believe that God is awakening many of us to that very call and our culture is counting on each of us to answer the call of responsibility. 

I would like to continue sharing some prayer requests with you that the Spirit continues to place on my heart.

1) Spiritual Leadership at all levels.

2) Godly parents who will lead their children in the right direction. We need principles to be taught but we also need for godly principles and actions to be modeled on a daily basis.

3) We must rebuke the demonic attacks of apathy, unconcern, spiritual laziness, carnality, and the lack of commitment of believers as servants in the family of God. Local ministries are hindered on a daily/weekly basis because of the lack of servants/volunteers. 

4) Serious & sincere Worshippers of the Almighty God!

5) Freedom for the Pastor to share what people need to hear versus what they want to hear. 

I blog with BE Write

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prayer Concerns

Last Wednesday night our Bible Study instructor reminded the New River community of believers that we needed to develop and maintain an "atmosphere of prayer." Those words have resonated in my heart over the past week and I have felt a confirmation of the Spirit in my spirit as I have contemplated the challenge that was given to us under the direction and unction of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul reminded us to "Pray without ceasing." Does that not infer and reveal the concept that we need to live in an atmosphere of connectivity with God in such a manner that we are always prepared to be about the "Father's Business?" We never know when God may choose to open the door of spiritual opportunity for each of us and we need to be prepared to step through that door with a bold confidence that God will use us for His glory and honor. In the "atmosphere and attitude of prayer" I want to bring before you some prayer concerns that God placed in my spirit this morning.
1) The unfolding tragedy in Oklahoma.
2) The lack of prayer warriors and intercessors in the modern day church. Where are those believers who will commit themselves to an active prayer life?
3) The people of our society who are "too busy" to find time for God. We face and fight the "spirit of busyness" in which God receives the "leftovers" of our time because we are captured in the sphere of self. NOTE: We are facing this struggle even among believers.
4) A fresh relationship with Christ. God is not stale, day old bread. Christ is called the "Living Bread" and the "Living Water." The Word of God is alive, powerful and relevant in the day and time in which we are living. We are not called to live in the staleness of our memories or our past victories. We are called to live in the fresh, vibrant, new and life-changing revelation of Christ who is our "daily bread."
Will you join me in prayer this morning?
To be continued as the Spirit directs.

Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm Back

I can not imagine that it has been over one week since I have shared some thoughts on this blog. Has anyone missed me since I have been away from the blog? I am not asking for any responses, I am just being a little light-hearted for this morning's meditation. A few things have taken some of my early morning time as well as a small struggle with what is called "writer's block". Although I do not necessarily identify myself as I writer I do understand the struggle that writers face from time to time. Just as I like to preach under the inspiration of the Spirit I like to share my thoughts and ideas as the Spirit raises them in my heart. On several occasions the Word of God reminds us to "wait on the Lord" and that can be difficult at times for those of us who possess a type A personality. We are ready to charge the hill and take on the next task as quick as possible. But I do want you to know that the readers of this blog have been in my prayers. I truly desire for the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be acceptable and pleasing to our Heavenly Father. The family of God is important to our Heavenly Father. I want to treat His family with the utmost respect, care, concern and genuine love. I was reminded of that principle several years ago as I was praying for a revival service in which I was serving as the Evangelist. God reminded me to treat His family as I would want someone to treat my family. How do we treat the family of God? Do we truly exhibit care and concern for one another or have we just learned to tolerate each other realizing that we worship with them week after week? Is God calling each of us to examine our view of each other and check our "love gauge" and see what it is reading today? Let us sincerely love one another and pray for each other as though they were truly our family members. Be encouraged today as you esteem, recognize, respect, and promote others more than yourself.   

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

Proverbs 31:10:"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." (KJV)
I desire to take a moment and send a "Happy Mother's Day" to my Mother, my wife, our "adopted" daughter, our daughter-in-laws, our sisters, and our sister-in-laws and our nieces. As you can tell my life has been blessed to know some awesome women of God who have not only revealed their love for God but also revealed their love for their families. They have been and continue to be women who are committed to God as well as committed to the well-being of their families. Ann and I have been privileged to have crossed paths with some awesome and wonderful women who have modeled the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 through our service in the Ministry. We need to make sure that we take the appropriate action of honoring those wonderful and precious ladies and let them realize that we know that they are a treasure sent from God. Our world is in desperate need for Proverbs 31 women today. Women who understand the importance of God directing their lives as well as women who understand the importance of taking care of their families. I am praying that during the next few days that God will speak to this generation of women and let them see that we need godly examples on display to the children and youth that are being raised in our world. Would you join with me in that prayer today? Would you also pray that God will provide the strength and courage that your Mother and wife need to "fight the good fight of faith" and live the life that would influence our society in a positive manner?
We also take a moment and remember those Mothers who have already preceded us in death. My wife is in that category today. Her Mother passed away in 1974 at the young age of 41. We realize that these ladies have passed on to their eternal reward but their influence continues to exist to this very day. They may be out of our earthly sight but they are certainly not forgotten. We recognize their commitment to God and we remember their commitment to their families with love and appreciation.

I also desire to send Mother's Day Greetings to the Mothers in the New River Worship Center fellowship. We are truly blessed with some wonderful women of God who are great role models not only to their families but also to their extended church family. They exemplify servanthood, prayer, love, concern and care for others as well as numerous other Christian attributes. We recognize and appreciate those "Mother's of the Church" that bless us on a daily basis.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spiritual Preparation, Part 4

  We have been studying the initial chapters of the Book of Acts in our Wednesday night Adult Discipleship class at New River Worship Center. Last night our teacher shared an interesting phrase that tugged at my heart. She used the words "application to our lives" referencing the need to apply the Word of God to our individual life. Immediately upon hearing these words the Spirit placed these words in my spirit; "What am I doing with what I know to do?" Would you think on these words with me for a moment? Am I allowing the Word of God to be applied to my life or am I more interested in the Word of God being applied to YOUR life? I can see what you need to change in your life but I am blinded when it comes to seeing the changes that need to take place in my life. I willfully choose to ignore making the proper application of the Word to my life and act as though God is overlooking my spirit of neglect. But is He overlooking my neglect or am I trying  to convince myself that He has forgotten my disobedience? It is time that we shake ourselves free from this "spiritual slumber" and be completely awake and aware of the spiritual decisions that we are making on a daily basis. I must choose to open my heart to the Lord and allow Him to show me how I ought to live in this world that is spiritually challenging us each and every day. Let us continue to move forward and pursue a deeper and more committed relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spiritual Preparation, Part 3

I certainly believe in my heart that God is reminding me to remind others that each of us need to be prepared to follow God regardless of the circumstances of our lives. There will never be a better day to follow God then the present one in which you are living. We can not afford to procrastinate any longer when it comes to our decision regarding surrendering our life to Christ. We must open our hearts to God and allow Him to fill us with the courage to make the correct decision concerning our walk with Christ. Jesus said that we are either "for Him or against Him." There is no such thing as "riding the fence" when it comes to our relationship with Christ. We are either serving Him or we are  walking contrary to His will and plan for our life. I want to share a quote with you that came from a recent devotional that I read. I trust that it will challenge your heart as it did mine when I read the words.
"Surrendering to God is not passive resignation, fatalism, or an excuse for laziness. It is not accepting the status quo. It may mean the exact opposite: sacrificing your life in resistance to evil and injustice or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed. God often calls surrendered people to do battle on his behalf. It’s not for cowards or doormats."
Will we make the choice to willingly surrender our life to Christ or will we continue to choose to manage our own life after its own desires and pleasures?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spiritual Preparation, Part 2

  The Spirit continues to deal with my heart concerning the spiritual war in which we are involved. I may choose to deny the events that are taking place around me or I may choose to ignore the attacks that are coming against my personal life or even the lives of my family. But denial will not cause them to disappear or vanish; only the release of the power of God in my life can overcome these attacks. We must move out of denial and into the understanding that we need the presence of Christ in our daily lives. I want to share an excerpt from the message that I delivered at New River Worship Center this past Sunday morning. I simply ask that you allow the Spirit to open your hearts as you listen to the challenge of the Spirit. "Have I fully surrendered my heart to God or have I learned and practiced just enough obedience to sooth and satisfy my conscience?  The Spirit reminded me during prayer that I (we) can so easily surrender to envy, jealousy, anger, frustration, disappointment, bad thoughts, a negative view of ourselves, criticism of others, judgmental attitudes toward others, evil desires, lusts, hatred, etc. But why do I find it so difficult and challenging to surrender my life to God?  There is a war between the flesh and the Spirit.   The flesh seeks to rule and direct our life after the things that please us and the Spirit seeks to rule and direct our heart after the things that please God. The decision to choose which road that I will take is left in my hands and that is the reason that we need the “fresh" oil of the Spirit flowing in and over our lives.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Day of Prayer

  Every day should be a "day of prayer" for all Christians but today is a special day of Prayer for believers across America. I trust that each of you have made a commitment to find some time to intercede for the needs that we are facing in our nation. The headlines of the printed media as well as the "breaking news" stories that appear on our television screens are crying out for our attention. Surely we can recognize that we are facing a daunting challenge of demonic proportions and only the power of God can defeat these enemies. Will you (I) answer this call or will we continue to ignore our circumstances and hope that they finally disappear from our lives? I am sorry to report this today but the attacks of the enemy are not subsiding but in reality they are increasing. We can not afford to ignore the awakening call that God is issuing to His Church. It is time to shake ourselves free from spiritual slumber and respond to the call from the Spirit.  I have asked those who attend New River Worship Center to set aside time between  6:00 - 9:00 PM this evening for a time of family prayer. I have also asked them to turn off all electronic devices so that they can concentrate on seeking after God. I still believe God will hear and answer our prayers if we will seek Him in sincerity and full surrender. Will you be one of those who will make the appropriate response? The people of our nation and the people in your family are counting on you to pray!