I trust that you are living in the "atmosphere of prayer" as I wrote about on Tuesday. Can you feel the sense of urgency in our society today? Before the use of radar in the prediction of weather the farmer watched the animals who were able to detect a change in the barometric pressure of the atmosphere. I can detect a change in the spiritual barometric pressure of our culture. The people of God must cry out to God in a spirit of intercession against the powers of this world. I believe that God is awakening many of us to that very call and our culture is counting on each of us to answer the call of responsibility.

I would like to continue sharing some prayer requests with you that the Spirit continues to place on my heart.
1) Spiritual Leadership at all levels.
2) Godly parents who will lead their children in the right direction. We need principles to be taught but we also need for godly principles and actions to be modeled on a daily basis.
3) We must rebuke the demonic attacks of apathy, unconcern, spiritual laziness, carnality, and the lack of commitment of believers as servants in the family of God. Local ministries are hindered on a daily/weekly basis because of the lack of servants/volunteers.
4) Serious & sincere Worshippers of the Almighty God!
5) Freedom for the Pastor to share what people need to hear versus what they want to hear.

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