Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Can You Hear Me Know?

Revelation 3:22, "Anyone who has an ear should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches." (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Many of us have the heard the words that I have shared as the caption for today's post. This is taken from a television commercial in which the people are wanting to make sure that their conversation is being heard by the other person who is supposedly listening for words to be spoken. Is it possible that the Spirit is asking the same question to the church today? Do we truly hear what the Spirit is saying to the church in these challenging times in which we are living? Those of us who testify to a relationship with Jesus Christ need to "position" ourselves so that we can hear what is being shared from the heart of our Heavenly Father. We need to take the time and make the effort to turn our undivided attention toward God so that we can discern the Voice of God in the midst of all of the other voices that are vying for our attention. We can give our undivided attention to a sports event, to a movie, to a television show and even to our electronic devices but are we giving our attention to the Word of God? Have you ever been in a public venue and heard the ring of a cell phone? The sound of that phone ringing will cause many people to look for their phone and make sure that it is not their phone that is ringing. What would happen in the church if we were that concerned about answering the call from the Spirit to draw near to His Voice? I pray that God will help each of us to see the need to be sensitive to the call from God in these prophetic times in the history of man!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hearing & Doing

James 1:22-25, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. (NIV)

This passage of scripture is probably familiar to many of us who have read the Bible or attended church for any length of time. We have heard preachers and teachers remind us of the need to put into action those principles that the Bible teaches us to practice. As a matter of fact; this passage may be falling on deaf ears in this day and time because of its familiarity. We all know what we need to do but the great question could be presented in this manner, "Are we doing what we know we ought to be doing?" Are we (I) putting into practice those principles which consistently reveal the presence of Christ at work in my heart? We must remember that this is not just the personal opinion of the Apostle James. He is writing under the inspiration and direction of the Holy Ghost (if I understand the Bible correctly). He is writing from the Heart of God being poured into his heart and spirit. The Spirit undoubtedly realizes that mankind has the ability to see themselves in the Word and then quickly become detached from what they saw through the eyes of the Spirit. We must hear but we must also put into practice what we hear. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Spiritual Field Trip

This past Saturday (July 20th) a group from New River Worship Center made a trip to a small community outside of Paris, Kentucky. We drove through acre upon acre of large and fancy horse farms as we made our way to an unique spot of ground that was home to a great and powerful outpouring of the Spirit. Many people think of the Bluegrass state when you mention Kentucky. Sports fans talk about the Kentucky Derby which is ran the first Saturday of May of each year. They may also make reference to the Louisville Cardinals or the Kentucky Wildcats depending on their knowledge of NCAA basketball. People also associate Kentucky with the Appalachian Mountain change that meanders it way through the mountain range of eastern Kentucky. People have their own unique way in associating Kentucky within the confines of their personal knowledge. I learned that all too well during my time of travel as a Missionary/Evangelist to the Church in America.

But are you aware that Cane Ridge, Kentucky played a major role in the Second Great Awakening that swept across America in the early 1800's? That area of Kentucky was the emphasis of our "spiritual field trip". We visited the sight of a wonderful and dynamic visitation of the Holy Spirit. Time and space will not allow me to share an in-depth historical perspective of that Revival meeting. You will need to do some research yourself but you will be pleasantly surprised to read about the event that by some estimates brought 25,000 to 30,000 people to that rural community in 1801 to experience a supernatural encounter with God. Oh by the way, the meeting started as a result of a Communion service. Let me stop here and make this point; never overlook any opportunity to fellowship with the Spirit and with the family of God. Great things can take place and will take place when the family of God recognizes and responds to the presence of the Spirit and offers an obedient response to the Word of God. We were privileged to share Communion, worship in song and I was given the awesome opportunity to declare the Word of God in the very building where this great meeting began. Will the visit to the property bring a change to my life? NO! Will standing in the same pulpit and preaching bring a change to my life? NO! But making connection with the God of the Revival meeting of 1801 will make a change in my life. 

Will you join me in the pursuit of staying connected with the God of the Universe who has a strong desire and plan to redeem fallen mankind even in the midst of this evil world in which we live!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reality Check

The past two weeks have found me sharing the eulogy at three funerals and one Memorial service. I enjoyed a true sense of friendship with the three people in which I participated in the celebration of their life. As a matter of fact I had served each of the three as Pastor at some time over the past 35 years. I am still amazed as I write that figure in this post. I have been involved in ministry since I was 18 years old (42 years ago) and I am constantly asking myself this question, "Where have the years gone?" I know what I have been doing with my life during that time frame but I still have a hard time putting my arms around the idea that the time has passed so swiftly. Do you have those days in which you are overwhelmed with that same reality concerning your life? Do you sense your life ebbing away from you even as we seek to resist the effects of "getting older."? I do not write this to depress you or even add to your despair but I write this to challenge you to think about your life.  Each of us need to ask ourselves these questions? Is my life truly reflecting the life of Jesus Christ? Am I sharing the love of God with my family and friends? Do I share my love and appreciation with those "special" people that God has placed in my life (both family as well as friends)? Do I cherish the gift of life that God bestows on us on a daily basis? I could write this list all day and never fully encompass those things that should be in our thought process from time to time. Let us just understand that life is precious. Let us remember that our family is an important part of our lives. Let us cherish our friendships and thank God that our paths have crossed with some wonderful people who have made a difference in our walk through life.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013

Today we celebrate the National Birthday of America. There will be great celebrations held across this nation as families gather for cookouts; cities and towns gather for their traditional parades; and people will gather to shoot off fireworks to culminate this day of celebration. Why are we able to conduct these celebrations? It is because we are FREE to celebrate the fourth of July with our family and friends.
But we must also remember that freedom came and still comes with a price. Men and women have served this nation with valor and honor throughout our history as a nation. WE MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THOSE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE SERVED OUR NATION BOTH DURING TIMES OF WAR AND PEACE. We can not afford to forget these military heroes who stood in harms way that we might have the right to celebrate the heritage of our nation. Take time to thank a former soldier or a soldier who is presently serving our nation in the Armed Forces. Go one step further, take some time and offer a prayer on their behalf as well as the behalf of their families. Let us ask God to bless and protect them and their families as they continue to serve our nation (which is made up of people like you and me). Let us ask God to bless and protect America as we continue to lift the banner of Democracy in this challenging world.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy Birthday America!

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind. Psalm 33:12-13
We have much to celebrate as we prepare to recognize and remember the birthday of our nation on Thursday. But we also have much to be concerned with as we take a survey of the spiritual and moral landscape of our nation. Could it be true that we are forgetting God and setting aside His principles for the wishes, plans, and desires of fallen and depraved humanity? Is it possible that we are failing to remember the heritage of this country and forget that God has truly provided for us these past 237 years? Is it possible that we have grown complacent in our individual walk with Christ and because of this our nation has drifted off course and we are headed in the wrong spiritual direction? I for one, do not believe that the government of America holds the complete answers for our problems. The Bible does reveal the importance of government in the lives of the citizens of any given nation. But our true hope is the re-energizing and fresh anointing of the Spirit upon the Christian people in our nation! Is the "church" asleep at the wheel and have we allowed the enemy to convince us that we are irrelevant and of little consequence in this present world? Personally, I refuse to let the enemy have the final word; I believe that God still reigns and that He will have the final Word when it comes to the relevancy of His people on the face of this earth.
I read these thoughts in a devotional today. Let them speak to your heart as they did to mine.
"God blesses a country that honors Him, but He brings down a country that dishonors Him. It honors Him for His people to pray in earnest for righteousness to reign in religion, the work place, seats of government and the home. It dishonors the Lord when we behave like His commands are suggestions and we marginalize His mandates. Countries founded on Christ are blessed if they continue with Christ.

Where is our Christ conscientiousness? Do our actions reflect accountability to Almighty God and His ultimate judgment? Faith without the fear of God is weak and anemic in the face of moral relativism, academic attacks and the indulgences of affluence. A nation who fears the Lord fears sin and its deadly consequences. Thus, Christians are called by Christ to engage in their communities with compassion and a standard of right and wrong."
May God bless America in these difficult and challenging days!