Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013

Today we celebrate the National Birthday of America. There will be great celebrations held across this nation as families gather for cookouts; cities and towns gather for their traditional parades; and people will gather to shoot off fireworks to culminate this day of celebration. Why are we able to conduct these celebrations? It is because we are FREE to celebrate the fourth of July with our family and friends.
But we must also remember that freedom came and still comes with a price. Men and women have served this nation with valor and honor throughout our history as a nation. WE MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THOSE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE SERVED OUR NATION BOTH DURING TIMES OF WAR AND PEACE. We can not afford to forget these military heroes who stood in harms way that we might have the right to celebrate the heritage of our nation. Take time to thank a former soldier or a soldier who is presently serving our nation in the Armed Forces. Go one step further, take some time and offer a prayer on their behalf as well as the behalf of their families. Let us ask God to bless and protect them and their families as they continue to serve our nation (which is made up of people like you and me). Let us ask God to bless and protect America as we continue to lift the banner of Democracy in this challenging world.

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