Let me take a moment and share a personal reflection with you today. The messages that I have shared during this season of Christmas is different that any messages that I have ever shared during this special time of the year. Several weeks ago the Spirit began to deal with my heart about taking a "fresh" look at the message that revolves around Christmas. This unction from God has taken me on a journey that has led me to explore the message behind the message but also look at the fullness of the message of the birth of Christ.
The birth of Jesus Christ set in motion the plan of God that would open the door to a personal relationship with God, our Abba Father. This relationship (personal adoption by Abba Father) would open the door to the rich reserves of promises that God has provided for His children. I knew the principle of "adoption" to be true but that principle has been re-planted into my heart and spirit. The principle of adoption has reignited my desire, passion, fervor and tenacity to pursue more of God which will ultimately lead me into a deeper, more personal relationship with Abba Father. I sense the presence of God as I am sitting at this desk typing (preaching) these words. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
I was awakened early this morning out of a deep sleep by the Holy Spirit. Immediately I realized that subconsciously I had been reflecting on yesterday's message. I had shared about the fact that Jesus was born on God's timetable and not man's timetable. God's way and thoughts are certainly higher than our ways and thoughts. Over the past few weeks I have asked some of the men to share their personal reflections about some of the provisions that adoption has given to us,
One of these provisions is healing. I plan on sharing on this blog some observations that one of the men brought to our attention. But I need to share what happened to me this morning. I was taken back to a time in my memory when I was very ill. I was a Pastor in my early 20's who was walking by faith and trusting God to be my healer. I had been sick for several days with a high fever, major congestion, and I had become very weak. We did not have any insurance and our income was limited which hindered me from getting medical attention plus I was determined to trust God to heal me. Several people from church had come by our home and prayed for me but I was not getting any better. I had even limited the family from coming into my room because of the illness. BUT ONE OF THE MEN FROM THE CHURCH CAME BY TO CHECK ON ME AND PRAY FOR ME!! Aren't you glad for those moments when God interrupts your plans and inserts His plan into your life. He prayed for me because I was too weak to do much praying. The Spirit of God began to fill the room and I felt the Spirit of God rebuking the fever that has been in control of my body for several days. The fever broke, the sweat off my body soaked my bed clothes as well as the linens and blankets on the bed. The "stench of sickness' filled that room but I WAS HEALED. I was able to eat and my recovery began to be set in motion that very day!!!
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