I would like to share a portion of a letter that I sent to our church family on Wednesday. I am convinced that God desires to "AWAKEN THE CHURCH IN AMERICA." The Holy Spirit first deposited that "call" in my spirit over 12 years ago. The spiritual and moral condition of our land has continued to head in the wrong direction. BUT God is still our Hope and our anchor. I encourage each of us to continue turning our heart to God and allow Him to complete His work in our lives.
1 Peter 5:8-9, “ Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (NIV)
I am writing this note with a heavy burden for the needs of others today. This note is not meant to discourage or overwhelm your faith and your trust in God. BUT IT IS MEANT TO SPEAK A NOTE OF REALITY INTO OUR HEARTS AND LIVES!! The scripture passage that I shared with you reveals to us that the enemy of our soul is not playing games. The word "devour" seeks to imply as well as reveal to us the true intention of satan. He is determined to use every tool in his tool box to completely destroy our relationship with God and "devour" our soul in the process.
This "burden" is not predicated on an attempt to stir your emotions by some form of spiritual hype or salesmanship. The texts, emails, calls and personal conversations shout out these concerns loudly to me as well as to you on a daily basis. People are struggling spiritually, emotionally, physically as well as financially. In some cases each of these struggles are all connected within one situation. And at the same time the enemy is seeking to lull the family of God into a state of "spiritual sleepiness." Satan desires for the church to settle for the routines of religion rather than the CONTINUING development of our personal relationship with God. We take time for everything that we view IMPORTANT yet we allow our relationship with God to grow distant, cold, stagnant and on spiritual life-support. I know these are strong words, but I am VERY CONCERNED about the challenges that families or individuals are facing at this very moment even as I am typing these words. WARNING: MANY CHRISTIANS ARE TAKING TIME FOR EVERYTHING BUT GOD!!
The Holy Spirit will not allow me to set idly by and observe the condition of our society and not raise my voice in opposition to the attacks of satan. A portion of my daily prayer cries out to God for a "spiritual awakening" in the church in America. I can sense and see the presence of God at work during our times of worship even in the midst of this dark, difficult, and challenging set of circumstances that we are facing. The Kingdom of God will win out but I must be involved in His Kingdom if I am going to receive the "winners crown." Our relationship with God MUST TAKE FIRST PLACE IN OUR LIVES!! We must seek Him and His Kingdom first and then observe God at work in all of the other areas of our needs. I understand that these words are challenging to say the least but I am also convinced that God is speaking to MY HEART and LIFE today!!
Chuck Swindoll: “And so, let us follow our earthly commander in chief with fidelity and loyalty. Let us walk directly into the sneer of the enemy with relentless resolve. Let us kneel before the Lord our Sovereign God with fresh faith. Let us trust Him through Jesus Christ our Savior with repentant hearts, with quiet confidence, and absolute dependence.”
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