Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday's Musings

I did not fully realize that it has been almost two months since I have shared with you. I have been active on Twitter as well as Facebook over the past two months but not on the blog. The thoughts that I share are written as a recorded declaration of those principles that I sense the Spirit depositing in my spirit. I truly believe that God is speaking to my individual journey first of all and I also believe that a portion of what He speaks to me should be shared via this media platform. Always remember that what I share WITH YOU has already CHALLENGED ME before I share them for public consumption. 

I would like share the thoughts that I wrote on my FB page as well as the FB page for the church that I serve as Pastor. I am convinced that God is at work in the hearts and lives of His children. We must be willing to "let go" of what is hindering us and be willing to "fully surrender" our life to Him. I am seeking to take both of those afore mentioned commitments in my own life.

Once again I am celebrating the presence of God that was VERY EVIDENT in yesterday’s service. I sensed the carry over throughout yesterday and sensed His refreshing presence in my prayer and devotional time this morning. But the following question still needs to be answered. “How will I choose to respond to the presence of God?

These words written by Boyd Bailey challenged my spirit. Would you take a moment and listen for God to speak to your heart?

“What does it mean for the light of the Lord's face to shine upon us? (Psalm 4:6) One element is the warmth of His love that melts our cold heart. When immersed too long in a cynical culture, we grow jaded and unable or unwilling to find any good in a bad situation or any future potential in a person hard to love. But the Lord's light of love reminds us of how undone we are without His grace and forgiveness. We back into a dark cave of cynicism unless the light of His love leads us out into the openness of a caring community. His loving light leads us and instructs us to love like He loves.

As the old hymn says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face, and the cares of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of wonderful grace".

Will we take the time to “Turn our eyes upon Jesus” or will we choose to remain cynical and disconnected from the full revelation of God’s life-changing love?

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