Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday's Musings

Ann and I attended a small group meeting recently and in this meeting one of the ladies of the church was asked to lead the time of discussion. This format has an individual within the group share their inspiration and then the meeting is opened for questions and discussions. I asked Sis. Reenie for permission to share her inspirational thoughts that she shared that evening. I am sharing her presentation today. 

Against all odds, the Pilgrims set sail in August of 1620 for the New World.  The seven weeks they spent in the rolling, stinking ship and 102 of them in a space the size of a volleyball court- was just the beginning.  Winter was upon them soon after they arrived and these "strangers in a strange land", weakened by the months at sea, began to die.  By the time it was over, forty-seven of them-nearly half their number- had died.  Subsequent years brought more hardships and challenges, but they kept their faith, and were used by God to lay the foundation of a mighty nation.  They never knew what an impact they had.

Against all odds, the American patriots declared their independence from the most powerful nation in the world.  After eight long years of war, and entirely by the grace of God; they won that independence.  So the founding and securing of this nation was birthed on the backs of the men and women of this country who sought God for His Divine Intervention, at times and with circumstances that were absolutely impossible to reconcile. "But God...."

Our Founding Fathers endured their struggles- and many, many more- for the sake of the vision God had given them of a country that would be free.  But through the years, the comforts & pleasures of peace and prosperity weakened the vision and the relationship each subsequent generation had with God. We see the results in our society every day. It looks impossible to turn this nation around now.  "But God..." 

Remember, the Church was the instrument God used in the 1700's to ignite the Great Awakening that laid a foundation of faith just prior to the Revolutionary War.  I believe He desires to use the Church to turn this nation back to Him now.  I also believe He can use us, the "older" Christians, to fan the flames.  But first we must rid ourselves of every encumbrance of bad habits, dead traditions and pounds of accumulated complacency.  We must recognize that if we refuse to undertake this task, America as we know it will probably be lost forever.  The time is now. 

The task is before us, and the mandate God gave to Paul on the Damascus Road is the same one we need to take to heart now, namely Acts 26: 16 & 18: "I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you." To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me." 

I firmly believe that God is calling the "church" to fulfill our responsibilities in this day and time. We must "...lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1) (Emphasis Added) I also firmly believe that our family, our friends, our church family, our communities, our state and our nation is depending on us to make the right decisions. Will I (we) choose to make the correct decision or will I choose to remain satisfied and contented with my present spiritual condition? (Pastor Mike)

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