Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankfulness, Part 3

The ability to remember and reflect on our past is an awesome blessing that God has shared with each of us as human beings.  I often remind people of their ability to remember their loved one as I share the eulogy at the memorial service.  We can tell stories over and over so many times that we can almost relive the scene in our mind and almost smell the scent of the room (especially if we are speaking about the preparation of our favorite meal).  Let us never take for granted the joy of memories and the ability to remember all that God has provided in our lives.  The ability to remember can also be put into operation during our time of reflection concerning the blessings and benefits of serving God.  We can remember many of the blessings and provisions that God has placed in our lives as He has revealed His daily presence to each of us.
God gives good memories to His children. Sin bombards the soul with the memories of our faults, failures, shortcomings and our rebellion against God. Our memories are filled with fear, false hopes and fleeting pleasures. But redemption from Jesus brings us from the brink of despair and no hope and brings us into a relationship of forgiveness with our Heavenly Father.   Sin brings heartache, but Christ brings comfort and joy. The memories that come from a relationship with God make a heart smile in gratitude and obedience.

The hymn, Amazing Grace, reminds us that we were lost, but now we are found. Remember that we lived for ourselves, but now we live to assist others and to share the love of God with them.  Remember we were guilty, but now we are forgiven. Remember we were selfish, but now we seek to serve and encourage others that are in our sphere of influence. Remember we were proud and arrogant but now our lives are defined by humility. Remember God was distant, but now He is our heavenly Father. Remember Jesus was a good man that we read about in the Bible, but now He is our Savior. Remember the Holy Spirit was Someone that we did not fully understand or comprehend, but now He is our personal guide. We remember God and our faith flourishes as we recount and remember all that He has done in our lives.  It is no wonder that we pause to celebrate our relationship with Christ during this Thanksgiving season.

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