Friday, October 8, 2010

Answered Prayers

I am quite sure that many of us are looking to God to answer our prayers concerning a variety of needs.  We are facing spiritual, physical, emotional, financial challenges and we are looking to God to bring the proper solution to these situations.  But we can pray in confidence because of the promises that God has spoken in His Word.  One of these promises is found in Luke 1:37, "For nothing is impossible with God" (NLT).  I felt led to encourage those of you who are praying for answers to needs that either you or your family are facing.  As a matter of fact, I received an email this morning from a mother whose son is facing a battle with depression.  We are facing all types of situations but we can understand that with God all things are possible.  God is able to perform the impossible even in the midst of the overwhelming challenges of life.

The enemy would have each of us to believe that we are facing situations that are too big for God to handle.  We may have prayed for something but deep inside of us the enemy tried to sow the seed of doubt and a lack of trust that God would make provision in that need.  It is so easy to feel that our prayer may be the one that goes unanswered by our God.  But we must remember that nothing is impossible with God!  God who created the universe is able to change the unbeliever's heart.  God is able to heal the broken body that is facing a battle with an illness or disease.  God who looks at everything from an eternal purpose has a plan for each of us and He is working to complete that plan in our lives.  I  must learn to trust Him more and pray in confidence that God does hear me when I pray (Jeremiah 29:12).  We also learn to trust God as we recognize that He has the authority to answer the prayer in His way and plan rather than the plan that always satisfies and pleases us.  God loves us more than you and I can ever fully comprehend; He desires to reveal that love through His care and concern for us and for the issues of life that we face.  I encourage you this morning to continue bringing your needs to the Lord through the opportunity of prayer and allow Him to work His plan in your life.  Remember, nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with God!

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