Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Presence of God

Each of us face our own unique set of circumstances as we travel down the road of life.  Some of these circumstances can not be avoided even if we tried; they are just a part of life.  We face the common issues of sickness, death of a loved one, financial concerns, raising our children, and a long list of other issues that can challenge our faith and our plan to walk after the Heart of God.  It is during those moments that we learn to focus on the presence of God and not just focus on the presence of our problems.  There will certainly be times when we can identify the presence of our problems quicker than we can identify the supernatural presence of God.  Faith allows us to look to the Lord and realize that we can come to Him and seek His help as we face these issues and challenges of life.  Each of us make the conscious decision that we will turn to the Lord and allow His presence to strengthen us during those difficult times.

Jesus shares some encouraging words with us in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (NIV).  Each of us can know the facts concerning the invitation of God but no one can make that decision to accept His invitation but you.  Each of us must choose to make our way to Christ as we face those moments of weariness and heavy burdens.  We can cast our care on Him because He truly cares about us.  We can find rest in Christ because we can trust in the promises of His Word.  The Word of God is true and we can receive His truth into our hearts and lives.  My perspective on life can become more joyful and peaceful as I learn to keep my focus on Christ and the promises that He has made in His Word.  I can find myself feeling overwhelmed and discouraged when I become preoccupied with my problems and my difficulties.  But when I turn my thoughts toward the presence of God I can sense the strength and calmness of Christ and remember one more time that I am not alone on my journey.  It is very important to remember that you are not alone and that Christ is at work in your life as you face the issues of life.  We must choose to focus on the presence of Christ and not just the presence of our problems.

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