Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I spent the past two days in Alabama visiting with some of our family. It is a blessing to be able to touch base with my roots. My wife accompanied me on this trip; both she and I enjoyed the visit with our family. The Lord used this time in Alabama to speak inspiration and encouragement into my heart. First, my 85 year old father was in a "preaching mood" when I arrived. He was interested in what was taking place in the ministry in which I am involved but he also wanted to share some thoughts that God was placing in his heart. He inspired me as he quoted the first scripture that he learned after his conversion in 1948. The Word of God was still alive and vibrant in his heart. His focus was still on pleasing Christ and following His direction for his life. I was reminded that our heart for God does not have to grow cold but we can maintain a hunger for God regardless of the length of our journey with God. I was reminded that the "fire of God" still burns in the heart of a 85 year old preacher who possesses a hunger for more of God. Second, we visited with Ann's brother and his wife. Rick has faced some serious health issues in the past few years yet his and his wife's faith remains strong and vibrant. They are human and that means they have their moments of concern and even fear yet they choose to trust in God. There are many times that I call Rick to check on his status and he becomes the teacher/encourager. He has chosen to allow the Word that he has stored in his heart to be released into the lives of others. He chooses to live with hope but his hope is not based on the philosophy of man but his hope is in the resurrected Christ who is the "hope of glory."

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