Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (KJV)
I would like to post a personal testimony today. I have always been a person that encourages people to share the stories of the blessings of God. I believe that our faith is strengthened when we rehearse the blessings of God either through a verbal testimony or through the written word. All of us have had what many have called "God moments" in which we saw the hand of God revealed in our lives. Yesterday was one of those moments for me, my wife and two of our grandsons.
We were traveling to church on I-65 last night. I could feel that something was going wrong with my left front tire. I began to move from the middle lane of the interstate toward the right lane and shoulder. I heard and felt the tire blowout as I neared the right lane and shoulder. Those few seconds made the difference between an accident and a safe exit off the highway (first intervention of God). I exited the car and saw that my tire was flat. I immediately thanked God that we were safe and that we were not involved in an accident.
I called for assistance and the recorded message spoke these words; "Due to storms in your area the wait time for your assistance will be between 90 minutes and four hours." That really was not the news that I (we) were hoping to hear. But at that moment the second intervention of God was revealed. I looked up and saw a car backing up toward our location. A young man exits the vehicle and promptly declares, "The Holy Spirit told me to stop and assist you." He then proceeds to change the tire. It was during this time frame that the third intervention of God was revealed. The storm clouds began to roll in around us; the lightening began to flash and the large rain drops began to fall. I did not realize it but at that moment my wife and grandsons were praying in the car and asking God to stop the storm. Needless to say but the storm STOPPED and the young man was able to finish placing the spare tire on our vehicle.
This is just a brief summary of the encounter with this stranger. I never got his name. He refused any payment. He left as quick as he arrived. I may never know his identity but thankfully God knew his identity and God knew our location on I-65. One of the revelations of Calvary centers around the fact that God identifies with each one of us and the needs that we face. Earlier in the day I had shared that thought with several individuals who were enduring some severe trials and challenges in their lives. Little did I realize that God would reveal that truth to me on our journey to church.
The TRUTH OF CALVARY was real yesterday, The TRUTH OF CALVARY is real today and the TRUTH OF CALVARY will be real tomorrow!!
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