The season of Lent continues to encourage me to take a look at my personal relationship with Christ. Those words could be offensive to some "seasoned" Christians who believe that they have reached the apex of their spiritual growth. But I am one of those believers that simply believes that I have room to draw closer to God and I am determined to respond to that call to the best of my ability. Today I was reminded about my attitude and action of worship toward God. Let me share some thoughts that I wrote after I concluded my time of prayer this morning.
I trust that your week is going well and that you have found yourself drawing closer to Christ! During prayer this morning I was reminded that my desire to draw closer to Christ is the greatest challenge and need that I face. I felt that I needed to also share that with you as a source of encouragement and challenge. Music and worship has always played an important role in the modern church. The way we worship may have changed through the years of man's existence nevertheless WORSHIP has always been important to God. Jesus even made this declaration, "John 4:23, "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." (NKJV) I believe that we are living in the "now is" when "the Father is seeking such to worship Him." I want to make sure that we (I) continue answering that call from God in the affirmative.
Our efforts to worship as well as lead others in worship must remain about HIM AND NOT ABOUT US!! I encourage each of us to remain committed to that purpose and that call. God will bless those efforts and the lives of people will be strengthened, encouraged and comforted through our efforts as we remind this generation that Christ desires to be a PLACE OF REFUGE!!!
I am praying that each of us will experience a "spiritual growth spurt!!"
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