I was awakened this morning with a song in my mind that I sang as a child during our children's meetings. I feel led to share a portion of the song in this post today. In hindsight I realize that this song very boldly and courageously declared the attempts of satan to capture our hearts even as children. But I also realize that this song also declares the need for individuals to take some action concerning the attempts of satan to overthrow our faith.
"The devil is a sly old fox, if I could catch him I would put him in a box. I would lock the box and throw away the key for all the tricks he plays on me. I'm glad that that I've got salvation. I'm glad that I've got salvation. I'm glad that I've got salvation. I'm trusting in the Lord." (Author Unkown) (Emphasis Added) (bedfordpublications.com)
Let me ask this question once more; "Isn't it Time to WAKE UP? Have we grown "numb" to the tricks of satan? Have we allowed the enemy of our soul to "dumb down" our spiritual knowledge from which we resist and reject these attempts of satan? Have we allowed the enemy to "cool off" our initial love relationship with Jesus Christ? Have we allowed satan to cause us to "settle" for a system of religion rather than the development of our relationship with God? Have we surrendered to the tricks of satan until our relationship with Christ has grown "stale, static, stuck, and sterile?" Have we grown to accept the fact that the "tricks" of satan are not as destructive as we once believed them to be?
I know that these are tough questions to ask but the Spirit is leading me to ask them of myself and I am presenting them to with you sincerity, hunger for more of God and the full realization of the effect that satan in having in the lives of believers as well as non-believers!!
Here are two passages of scripture that has been in my heart for several days.
Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)
Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (NKJV)
I am praying that God will send a "mighty SPIRITUAL AWAKENING" to each of us today!!