I would like to take a few of your moments and reflect on this past weekend. This post will not revolve around any of my personal activities as intriguing and daring as they may be to you. LOL
No, my words will revolve around my interaction with the Holy Spirit in two separate encounters with God during a corporate worship setting on this past Sunday.
Sunday as many of you may know was Pentecost Sunday. This day reminds us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the 1st Century church. Let me add that I believe that the Holy Spirit is still being poured out upon the present day church. The Spirit dealt with my heart as I was sharing the Word of God during the message on Sunday morning. Let me preface the following words with this disclaimer. I grew up in a "Pentecostal" environment for which I am very grateful.
I was taught to believe in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. But I was reminded of a principle that I may have overlooked in my formative years of my walk with Christ within my spiritual environment. I as well as many others were either taught or we just naturally gravitated to being attracted by and to the "powerful demonstrations" of the Spirit. There is nothing wrong with this facet of Pentecostalism in my view BUT is it possible that we missed out on fully discovering the TRANSFORMATIONAL MINISTRY of the Holy Spirit? I am not just referencing the initial process of transformation but the continuing process of transformation. Could this be the process that had captured the attention of the Apostle Paul (Take a moment and review the life of Saul who was transformed into Paul.)? Was it the transformational work of the Spirit at work in his life that led him to declare "O, that I am know Him... as he is moving toward the end of his life? I feel led to challenge each of us to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us day by day as we continue to draw closer to God.
PS I will share about the second encounter during a future post.
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