My comments this morning are not intended to diminish the terrible destruction that has been inflicted by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Neither are my comments meant to deflect our thoughts, prayers, and assistance away from many individuals both within as well as outside our nation that are facing their own set of difficult challenges.
But I also believe that I would be doing a disservice to those individuals who perished on that terrible day in our history as well as overlooking those families who still grieve over the departure of their loved ones. It is hard to imagine that it has been sixteen (16) years since the horrific events of that day took place. Many of us sat in shock as well as unbelief as we watched the events unfold before or eyes on national TV or as we were listening to our local radio stations. I will repeat the words that have been spoken very often since 9-11-01, "Our nation has not been the same since that day!"
We have been at war for sixteen (16) years. We can not afford to forget those brave men and women who have given their lives on various battlefields around the world since the pain of 9-11 was inflicted upon us. We can not afford to forget the numbers of prayers that have been offered since the 9-11 terrorist attack took place. Let me hasten to add that many of us continue to pray some of those same prayers these sixteen (16) years later!
I read some words this morning and I listened to some voices reciting the names of those individuals who perished as a result of the attacks in New York City, the Pentagon as well as the plane crash in Pennsylvania. These individuals and their families are depending on us to keep learning the valuable lessons that God continues to teach these many years later.
1. We should remember these events with humility. We must be careful and not allow our pride and arrogance get the best of us. WE STILL NEED THE DIRECTION OF GOD MORE TODAY THAN EVER BEFORE!!
2. We should "weep with those who weep." There is a time to mourn and there is a time to laugh. Today is a day to mourn with those who mourn.
3. We should remember the unity that we felt as Americans immediately following the attack upon our nation. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful goal or desire to have in the midst of the division, angst and anger that our nation is embroiled in at this time in our history?
4. We should also remember that we are involved in a "spiritual war" as well as war against terrorists.
Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble." (NKJV)
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