Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday's Musings

Mark 12:30, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.   

I continue to sense the need to express to God my sincere thanks and appreciation for His love for me. I am undeserving of His love, grace and mercy but the cross of Calvary as well as the death of Jesus on the cross has made it possible for me to receive His love into my life. I continue to look for ways as well as opportunities to offer my love back to Christ.

I read these words several years ago. They spoke encouragement to me when I first read them and today they still speak that same encouragement.

“Love is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal of faith. Like the tip of an arrow love points us to God.  Love commandeers all other graces to engage the Lord’s affection and His eternal concerns. When Jesus defined love as the greatest command, He gave us a glimpse into what He wants for the world and His children. A life motivated by love is only limited by its capacity to love the Lord. Love is a muscle we exercise so it grows in stamina and strength.

Each of us will be presented with various opportunities to express and declare our love to God. But I am learning that God is looking for more than just words from my mouth. I truly believe that He is looking for obedience as well as teaching me that my words must become actions. These actions need to become a part of my daily life so that people “…can see my good works and glorify the Father which is in Heaven.” (Words of Jesus)

My challenge is to identify those opportunities and then respond appropriately to them when they arise in my journey of life. The Spirit is challenging me to be more alert to these opportunities. But I also must be determined to express my love to God as I worship Him through an act of service when these opportunities present themselves to me.

God loves me and I want to be faithful in expressing my love to Him!!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday's Challenge

Hebrews 6:10-12, For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. 11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.(NKJV)

I continue to believe that God is calling each of us to draw closer to Him. I have sensed the Spirit reminding me of the need to strengthen my "love relationship" with God. I truly desire to serve Him from a heart that is filled with sincere and heartfelt love for my Savior. It is so easy to become captured in a cycle of "duty" when it comes to serving God. I refuse to become a "religious robot" that only responds to God because I have been "programmed" to respond to God. I desire for the Holy Spirit to take me, mold me, shape me and fill me with a renewed and fresh desire to serve God because I truly love Him. My love for Him must be based on the fact that God loved me first!!

We live in a world in which God seems to be pushed to the back burner until we can find the time to "work Him" into our schedule. We must be careful and not grow careless in the development of our relationship with God. I believe that the challenges of living in this period of history will require us to make sure that our walk with Christ is "secure." This is no time to be wavering in our faith and this is the time that God is calling each of us to "live out" our faith on a daily basis.

I would like to share some thoughts that Charles Stanley expressed concerning the passage of scripture that I shared today.

"Most of us are quick to declare our love for God, but at times our reluctance to serve Him tells a different story. Honestly consider whether you have ever found yourself saying or thinking, I love you, Lord, but don't call me to do that! Or perhaps you served Him, but with a flawed attitude: If no one else will do it, then I guess I will. What causes us to be reluctant servants?" (These are Dr. Stanley italics.)

Dr. Stanley goes on talk about some of the challenges that each of us face on a daily basis. We become a prisoner of "busyness." We fight for the time to serve and worship God yet find plenty of time to serve ourselves. We become a prisoner of "inadequacy." The enemy seeks to make us feel that we are either incapable or insecure when it comes to our walk with Christ. He will also throw in the feelings of unworthiness to add to your discouragement. It is also easy for each of us to live in a prison of "selfishness." We do live in a world in which many people are captured by a "me first" mentality. Aren't you glad that Jesus was not selfish? Aren't you glad that He willingly chose to go to the cross in my (your) place? 

Each of us face the daily choice of the direction of our lives. I am determined to follow Christ to the best of my ability but my success in my decision making process is connected to my LOVE FOR GOD!! I desire to love Him more and I desire to allow His Love for me lead me into the fullness of His promises for my life.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Word of God

We have been studying the Book of 1 John in our Wednesday evening Life Group. I have been reminding this group of disciples that the enemy is always looking for ways to "undermine" or 'tear down" our faith. Each of us could put together our personal list of the tactics/strategies that satan has used or is using against us. Where do we go for our help? Whom do we turn to as we face this gauntlet of spiritual attacks? Where we do place our confidence? 

Each of us needs to remember that we do not have the personal strength or ability to overcome all of the strategies of satan. We may be able to out maneuver the enemy for a period of time. We may be able to convince our family, friends and even our church family that we are making progress in our battles with satan. But eventually our attempts to win the battle with satan will fail and we will find ourselves in predicaments that only God can overcome. 

The challenges of satan must be met through the power of the Spirit as well as the authority of the Word of God. We must rely on the strength of the Spirit and the power of the Word of God. We need to read, learn, digest and put into action the Word of God. Psalm 119:105, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (NKJV)

God has called us to live in Victory but He has also provided us the weapons that we need to live victoriously in this present world. I would like to share two passages of scripture that can provide us with strength, hope, courage, faith as well as confidence as we move forward in our journey of life.

I John 4:3-4, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.(NKJV)
John 16:33, These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (NKJV)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday's Thoughts

John 15:1-8, I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. (NKJV)
I feel led to remind us that the familiarity of attending church can become a stumbling block unless we keep our heart focused on God. We may not want to admit it but each of us face that battle and struggle from time to time. It is very evident that satan does not want each of us to connect with the heart of God. It is in the presence of God that we are changed and transformed from “glory to glory.” It is no secret that I am encouraging our local body of believers to be prepared as well as willing to go deeper in our relationship with God. We can no longer be satisfied with “surface Christianity” in which we settle with just knowing about God rather than knowing God in a personal and imitate relationship. He wants to be called “Our Father” and He desires to identify you and me as ‘His children.” An elderly man walked to his church every morning and sat quietly in the sanctuary for a period of time. One day his pastor asked him what he did during those times of silence. He said, "I look at God and he looks at me, and we tell each other that we love each other." Doesn’t that sound exciting enough to press into a closer and deeper walk with Christ?
I firmly believe that God is calling each of us into a deeper, more maturing relationship with Him. The powers of darkness are becoming more and more evident in our world which is going to demand that Christians need to remain connected to the Vine (Jesus Christ). We should desire to produce fruit that remains. This can only happen if the branch (the people of God) remained connected to the Vine (Jesus Christ). I strongly urge you to stay connected to Christ regardless of the challenges/situations that you may face. Christ is still the True Source of Hope and Life!!!

Friday, February 16, 2018


Once again America is looking at another tragedy which is being added to a list that is growing and changing almost daily!! Today we are mourning with the families of Parkland, Florida. A few weeks ago we were mourning with the families of Marshall County, Kentucky. A few weeks before that we were mourning with the families of the victims in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yesterday we were almost called to mourn with the families of Shepherdsville, Kentucky  as a "kill list" was discovered at the school which led to a lock down and the arrest of a student who was present at school. Our granddaughter attends that High School!! Do I need to go any further? Let me be very clear that this blog post is not meant to overlook, belittle, demean, ignore or forget the pain that many people are feeling at this time in America. We listen to the call to mourn with others and I wholeheartedly believe that the Bible teaches us "to mourn with those that mourn. BUT ARE WE LISTENING TO THE CALL FROM GOD TO PRAY?

These words from an old song has resonated in my heart for the past two days (even prior to the shooting in FL.). The words of the song declares this powerful statement as well as challenge; "If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now..." I believe that I just heard some people say "Amen; Preach it Pastor; Yes Sir, that is so true; and Help us Jesus." I thought that if it were possible that I just heard some applause from Heaven. But I am sure that I did hear from God through His Word. Luke 18:1, One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.(NLT) (Emphasis Added)

We must move beyond the words that are filled with flimsy excuses or human reasoning such as; "I know I should pray. I don't think I know how to pray. I don't have time to pray. Does God hear me when I pray? (The Bible says He does hear us when we pray). I am not close enough to God to pray. I can't pray as good as___________. I can't pray as long as ________________. Why don't we just stop talking about praying and JUST PRAY?

I thing that many if not all of us will agree that our land needs healing. We can not legislate healing. We can not talk ourselves into healing. Fame, finances, addictions, talents, abilities, education, non-education and a host of other earthly pursuits can not purchase our healing. Only God can bring the healing that individuals as well as families need in our land. 

I told our church family that I am choosing to "rise in opposition" to the powers of darkness that is seeking to destroy our marriages, our families, our church families and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. I am refusing to give up, give in, back down or back away from the promises that God has declared in His Word. 

2 Chronicles 7:14,  if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Preparing for Lent

The celebration of lent begins tomorrow on February 14th and continues to March 29th. This is a 40 day period in which Christians are encouraged to spend time reflecting on Christ and His gift of Salvation. I must confess that I did not pay too much attention to Lent as a young Pastor. I felt that this celebration was for various other denominations whose structure was entirely different from the one that I recognized. Let me add, that I have repented of making that mistake and for overlooking the spiritual insight that could arise from such a time of reflection and meditation. 

Now, I understand the importance of reflection, mediation, the personal reading of the Bible as well as prayer. It is during those moments that I just referenced that we end up in a time of personal introspection. This introspection (looking inwardly rather that outwardly) positions us to receive personal teaching and guidance from God. Is it possible that we have replaced those personal encounters with God with attendance at the corporate celebrations (local community of believers)? I believe that the local body of believers is definitely the plan of God and each of us needs a local community of believers to call our "spiritual home." BUT A LOCAL CHURCH FAMILY CELEBRATION WAS NEVER MEANT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF OUR PERSONAL TIME WITH GOD!!

I would like to take this opportunity and encourage you to consider spending time ALONE WITH GOD in meditation, study and prayer. I believe that these moments with God will be life changing and transformational for each of us. I also believe that these moments alone with God have the possibility of releasing "a fire of revival" in our local church communities. I believe that each of us can agree that we need a "spirit of revival" to spread throughout local churches across America as well as around the world. But we need more than just a few nights of meetings. We need a "revival" that will continue to have a lasting impact on our lives!!  I am praying for that desire that I have in my heart to become a reality.

I would like to leave you with a familiar passage of scripture found in Proverbs 3:5-6. I would like to encourage you to read this today from the The Message. The Message is a transliteration written by Eugene Peterson.

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God!” (The Message)


Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday's Musings

The "spirit" of this culture is seeking to move us away from our relationship with God. It seems that I am constantly reminding each of us about this area of concern. But I am taking this acction because I sense the leading of the Spirit in that manner as I am seeking God. This concern applies to me as well as to anyone who may choose to read this blog. We are living in a time of spiritual chaos and confusion. But we do have the opportunity to focus our eyes on Christ who is more than capable of directing our course of action. In the words of a song; we must choose "whose report will we believe?" The words of the song also declares that we "will believe the report of the Lord."

A few months ago I read a brief devotional that someone had shared with me.World-renowned violinist, Joshua Bell, has an unusual way of leading the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, a forty-four-member chamber orchestra. Instead of waving a baton he directs while playing his Stradivarius with the other violinists. Bell told Colorado Public Radio, “Even while I’m playing I can give them all kinds of direction and signals that I think only they would understand at this point. They know by every little dip in my violin, or a raise in my eyebrow, or the way I draw the bow.They know the sound I’m looking for from the entire orchestra.”

Just as the orchestra members watch Joshua Bell, the Bible instructs us to keep our eyes on Jesus our Lord. After listing many heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, the writer says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer (author) and perfecter (finisher)  of faith”  (Heb. 12:1–2).

Jesus promised, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). Because He is with us, we have the amazing privilege of keeping our eyes on Him while He conducts the music of our lives. Lord, our eyes look to You this day so we may follow Your direction and live in harmony with You. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus our Savior as He directs our lives!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Can You Hear the Spirit Calling You to Draw Near to God?

Take a moment and read the words of David in Psalm 55:16, As for me, I will call upon God, And the Lord shall save me.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)

I sensed the presence of the Lord during prayer this morning. It seems that over these past few weeks that the Spirit begins to remind me of His promises through the words of songs. Many of these are the songs of the present day while others are from my past days of walking with Christ. The words of these songs lead me to passages of scripture upon which I am building my faith, hope, trust and the continuing pursuit of more of God in my life.

The song today was from my past as a child growing up in church. The song is "Where Could I Go But to the Lord?" I would like to share a verse and the chorus:

Living below, in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford 
Striving alone, to face temptation's sword 
Where could I go but to the Lord? 
Where could I go, oh where could I go? 
Seeking a refuge for my soul 
Needing a friend, to help me in the end 
Where could I go, but to the Lord?
One of the tactics of satan is to lead us away from God as the Spirit is drawing us closer to God!! Have you ever sensed the enemy seeking to interrupt you from your walk with God? Why does the enemy seek to make it look so easy to somewhat set God aside for other pursuits in our lives? It seems that this world is constantly filled with either attractions or with distractions. We must learn how to defeat and overcome this tactic/devise/strategy of satan. The first step of defeating this tactic is to decide that we are going to do what is right REGARDLESS of the influence and traps of satan. I understand that is not always easy but it is always right. It seems that satan has placed and is placing many obstacles in the lives of God's people. But at the end of the day the song asks the question, "Where Could I Go But to the Lord?" The Lord God Almighty will forever remain the ANSWER for all that we need in our lives. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday's Thoughts

I would like to share a portion of a letter that I sent to our church family last week. I truly believe that each of us in the present day church needs to take the time and allow the Holy Spirit to evaluate the depth of our relationship with God. We find it easier to evaluate the relationship of someone else rather than allow the Holy Spirit to evaluate our relationship with God. I am definitely desiring to change that attitude in my life. I am certain that many of you will feel the same way when we take the time to reflect on the Goodness of God in our lives.

People of this day and time are under a constant barrage from satan. The enemy of our soul is working all "angles" against men and women who have a desire to serve God. We see the condition of the world yet the enemy leads us to believe that it is not necessary for us to strengthen our relationship with Christ. We even identify areas of "spiritual weaknesses or sin" in our lives yet we justify our lack of response to God. We know that we love God but the enemy convinces us that we love Him enough and God is not expecting anything more from us. 

These attempts of satan are truly meant to lead us away from Christ and lead us to believe what we REALLY NEED CAN BE FOUND IN "THINGS" (Relationships, Possessions, Prestige, Accomplishments, etc.) OTHER THAN GOD. This leads us to play games with our soul. I would serve God if I could just find _____________. I would serve God if I just had ____________________. I would trust God to meet my needs if He would just __________. I will make time for God when I __________________. I have plans to reconnect with God once I accomplish ___________________. When I get finished with _________________ God can count on me to _________________. Each of us can fill in our blanks to these sentences as well as those others that we can write.

But what are doing NOW to draw closer to God? An old song written by Lanny Wolfe was dropped into my spirit during prayer time this morning. I would like to share the first verse and the chorus. Some of you may remember this song and those who do not know the song needs to take a moment and Google up this powerful challenge that is spoken.

"Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul"

The world will try to satisfy that longing in your soul,
You may search the wide world over but you'll be just as before.
You'll never find true satisfaction until you've found the Lord,
For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.
Only Jesus can satisfy your soul                                                      
And only He can change your heart And make you whole;
He'll give you peace you never knew Sweet love and joy and Heaven too,
For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday's Musings

I am sure that some of you may have noticed that it has been over a month since I shared on this blog. There have been some different circumstances that contributed to my absence. But one of those circumstances centered around my need to focus on my relationship with Christ. The past month of January found me challenged by the Spirit to seek after God concerning the continuing development of my relationship with Him. I truly believe that many believers become "trapped" in a "spiritual rut" where they have chosen to park their heart and soul. But is that truly the plan of God for our lives? Does not the Word of God remind us of our need to grow in the Lord? Are we not falling into the trap that Satan has laid for us when we grow spiritually content, lackadaisical, and complacent? 

Needless to say but I have felt led as well as inspired to challenge our local church family to the Truth that God is placing in my heart. Isn't the words of this song still true today, "I need You Lord, I need You Lord, More than yesterday..." We just don't need the "things or blessings on God." No, we NEED GOD WORKING IN OUR HEARTS ON A DAILY BASIS!!

I would like to encourage you to turn your heart toward God as you did in the early stages of your relationship with Him. The previous generation could have said it this way; "You and I were courting the favor of God." We were just hungry for His presence. We desired to attend church each time the doors were opened. Our hearts were full of worship, gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness that God had redeemed us from a life of sin. We looked forward to the times of fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We looked forward to our times of fellowship with God during prayer. Do you and I remember those days that we wanted the preacher to quit preaching so that we could pray? Now, many people want the preacher to quit preaching so that we can hurry up and leave and move on in our schedule for the day. But, oh the joy of time spent in the presence of God!!

I look forward to God speaking to OUR HEARTS as we move forward into 2018!!!

Greater things are still to be done in OUR HEARTS!!!