Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday's Thoughts

I would like to share a portion of a letter that I sent to our church family last week. I truly believe that each of us in the present day church needs to take the time and allow the Holy Spirit to evaluate the depth of our relationship with God. We find it easier to evaluate the relationship of someone else rather than allow the Holy Spirit to evaluate our relationship with God. I am definitely desiring to change that attitude in my life. I am certain that many of you will feel the same way when we take the time to reflect on the Goodness of God in our lives.

People of this day and time are under a constant barrage from satan. The enemy of our soul is working all "angles" against men and women who have a desire to serve God. We see the condition of the world yet the enemy leads us to believe that it is not necessary for us to strengthen our relationship with Christ. We even identify areas of "spiritual weaknesses or sin" in our lives yet we justify our lack of response to God. We know that we love God but the enemy convinces us that we love Him enough and God is not expecting anything more from us. 

These attempts of satan are truly meant to lead us away from Christ and lead us to believe what we REALLY NEED CAN BE FOUND IN "THINGS" (Relationships, Possessions, Prestige, Accomplishments, etc.) OTHER THAN GOD. This leads us to play games with our soul. I would serve God if I could just find _____________. I would serve God if I just had ____________________. I would trust God to meet my needs if He would just __________. I will make time for God when I __________________. I have plans to reconnect with God once I accomplish ___________________. When I get finished with _________________ God can count on me to _________________. Each of us can fill in our blanks to these sentences as well as those others that we can write.

But what are doing NOW to draw closer to God? An old song written by Lanny Wolfe was dropped into my spirit during prayer time this morning. I would like to share the first verse and the chorus. Some of you may remember this song and those who do not know the song needs to take a moment and Google up this powerful challenge that is spoken.

"Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul"

The world will try to satisfy that longing in your soul,
You may search the wide world over but you'll be just as before.
You'll never find true satisfaction until you've found the Lord,
For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.
Only Jesus can satisfy your soul                                                      
And only He can change your heart And make you whole;
He'll give you peace you never knew Sweet love and joy and Heaven too,
For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

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