Once again America is looking at another tragedy which is being added to a list that is growing and changing almost daily!! Today we are mourning with the families of Parkland, Florida. A few weeks ago we were mourning with the families of Marshall County, Kentucky. A few weeks before that we were mourning with the families of the victims in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yesterday we were almost called to mourn with the families of Shepherdsville, Kentucky as a "kill list" was discovered at the school which led to a lock down and the arrest of a student who was present at school. Our granddaughter attends that High School!! Do I need to go any further? Let me be very clear that this blog post is not meant to overlook, belittle, demean, ignore or forget the pain that many people are feeling at this time in America. We listen to the call to mourn with others and I wholeheartedly believe that the Bible teaches us "to mourn with those that mourn. BUT ARE WE LISTENING TO THE CALL FROM GOD TO PRAY?
These words from an old song has resonated in my heart for the past two days (even prior to the shooting in FL.). The words of the song declares this powerful statement as well as challenge; "If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now..." I believe that I just heard some people say "Amen; Preach it Pastor; Yes Sir, that is so true; and Help us Jesus." I thought that if it were possible that I just heard some applause from Heaven. But I am sure that I did hear from God through His Word. Luke 18:1, “One day Jesus told his disciples a story
to show that they should always pray and never give up.” (NLT) (Emphasis Added)
We must move beyond the words that are filled with flimsy excuses or human reasoning such as; "I know I should pray. I don't think I know how to pray. I don't have time to pray. Does God hear me when I pray? (The Bible says He does hear us when we pray). I am not close enough to God to pray. I can't pray as good as___________. I can't pray as long as ________________. Why don't we just stop talking about praying and JUST PRAY?
I thing that many if not all of us will agree that our land needs healing. We can not legislate healing. We can not talk ourselves into healing. Fame, finances, addictions, talents, abilities, education, non-education and a host of other earthly pursuits can not purchase our healing. Only God can bring the healing that individuals as well as families need in our land.
I told our church family that I am choosing to "rise in opposition" to the powers of darkness that is seeking to destroy our marriages, our families, our church families and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. I am refusing to give up, give in, back down or back away from the promises that God has declared in His Word.
2 Chronicles 7:14, “ if My people who
are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and
turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin and heal their land.” (NKJV) (Emphasis Added)
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