Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't forget the Love of God

2 Corinthians 13:14, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion (fellowship) of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen" (NKJV). The Lord began to stir my spirit last night as I began to reflect on the revival service. I speak much about our need to seek God and to love God with all our heart. I am firmly convinced that God is speaking that "word" to the church. We must have our hearts awakened and in some cases re-awakened to the need of a heartfelt, sincere relationship with Christ. This is not the time to "play church" and to go through the motions of religious activity. Many believers are captured in the land of the "spiritual comfortable" while all the time the Spirit is sending the wake up call to the church in America. Do not ignore the alarm bells that are going off in your spirit today; answer the call to draw near to the heart of God and watch Him do a wonderful work in your life. During this time of reflection God reminded me that there is another side of the story that needs to be declared. We must remember the love that God has for humanity. The love of God opens the door for all of us to pursue the presence of God. The love of God opens the door of fellowship in which man could enjoy the presence of on-going developing relationship with our Heavenly Father. We can not afford to forget the love that God is releasing toward our world today. Have we become so "super spiritual" that we have forgotten the foundation stones of our belief process? The love of God that is being released toward us offers us the opportunity to walk in fellowship and discipleship with our Savior and King. I felt that I needed to offer a gentle reminder to the readers of this blog; God loves you and God cares about your journey through life. When life comes at you with strong trials and battles just remember that the Lord God Almighty is sending His love toward you and that He is releasing His love in you. We can not earn this love, we do not deserve this love, and we can never truly explain this love; Love is the revelation of God's character for a fallen world. Walk in His love today! Veterans Day: As a nation we pause to remember those men and women who have offered their lives as a sacrifice for the freedom of this nation. We also pause to recognize those men and women who daily put their lives in harms way that we may continue to enjoy our freedom. I am honored to be the son of a WWII veteran. As a young man my father endured much difficulty so that we as a nation could enjoy our freedom. He served along side of many great soldiers who thought more of others than they did their own lives. My dad is involved in ministering to veterans of all ages as he serves as a Chaplain in a local Disabled American Veterans chapter in AL. My parents have taught me and continue to teach me the blessing of giving to others. I also recognize my nephew (adopted grandson), Derek, who is presently serving at Ft. Hood, TX. He has already served one tour of duty in Iraq. Derek we are proud of you and your service to this country. The present day military is made up of volunteers who have made the decision to stand strong in the face of a war with terrorism. These men and women also deserve our respect and our prayers. Will you take a moment today and speak a word of kindness and encouragement to these brave men and women who have served our country or they are in the position of serving our country at this challenging time? God bless America!

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