Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Review

This week finds me in Hackleburg, AL with Pastor Clint and Liz Knowles. The services yesterday were strengthening, challenging, and life changing. God is moving among us but this moving of the Spirit is deeper and greater than some emotional high. God is calling us into a relationship that is requiring a bold decision of surrender, sacrifice, and commitment. Not everyone will make the decision to commit to Christ; I speak this word to believers as well as non-believers. Even many believers have grown comfortable with their spiritual status yet God is calling us to a higher level of discipleship. Being a true disciple of Christ signifies that we will be willing to follow Him down the path of life that He directs. Being a true disciple signifies and testifies that all areas of my life is open to the examination of the Spirit. Being a true disciple signifies that I will stand for the principles of truth even when the attitudes of the culture are leading me to live opposite of these principles. Being a true disciple signifies that I recognize that Christ is the True Shepherd of my soul and that He is the sole resource for the needs of my life. Even as I write these words I sense the Spirit challenging me to recognize the presence of God and understand that He is speaking truth and direction into my life. Am I truly taking the time to listen to what the Spirit is saying or do I choose to ignore His call and His instructions? I truly believe that time will not allow me to ignore the call of the Spirit any longer; I must allow my life to answer to the Lord with a resounding YES. YES Lord I am ready to pursue you with my heart and not just my words! Personal Note: The Hackleburg church holds a special place in my life. I began my journey of education in this community (first and second grade) when my parents served as Pastor of this congregation. I also was privileged to preach my first revival (Youth) in 1971 at this local church. I have remained friends with people from this congregation through the years and I am blessed to be able to participate in this meeting this week. It is a blessing to reconnect with some of my spiritual roots and foundation; I was able to pray with some of the children and grandchildren of people that I remember from my earlier days in this local body. It is very encouraging to visit a congregation and see the succeeding generations following in the footsteps of their forefathers. We must ask ourselves this question, "What type of spiritual heritage am I leaving behind?" May those who come behind us find us faithful.

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