Due to my schedule I was unable to make any posts the past few days concerning the Revival meeting at the Lakeside church in Westmoreland, Tennessee. The privilege to return to the Lakeside church is such a wonderful blessing as well as a great opportunity. God uses the Worship Team and special music to set the stage for the presentation of the Word of God. The Prayer Intercessors have laid the spiritual platform so that the freedom and unction of the Spirit can be felt by the congregation as well as the Minister. The encouragement and leadership style of the Pastor allows the Evangelist to not only seek after the heart of God; he also allows him the freedom to openly declare what the Spirit has placed in his heart. I mention these attributes to let you understand that there are many elements that contribute to a visitation of the Spirit. Each person who participates in the meeting has a responsibility to make themselves available to the Spirit in Worship as well as Prayer. We must stop waiting on everyone else to pay the price for the move of God; each of us must be prepared to surrender our lives to God so that He can work in us as well as through us.
It would be an understatement to say that the services were highly anointed and powerful. I made the previous observations and statements so that you will know that I do not believe that the Evangelist can bring the move of God. I believe that the Spirit will use the Evangelist as a catalyst to stir the fires of hope and courage among the believers. I believe that the Spirit will use the Evangelist to fan the fires of passionate zeal and the heart for soul winning. But true Revival comes from God and God alone. He uses people like you and me to point people to Jesus Christ.
The altars were full each evening. We witnessed people of various ages crying out to God for needs in their lives as well as needs in the lives of others. We witnessed tears of compassion, love, and mercy fall down the faces of broken people who realized that God truly loved them and that He identified with the circumstances that they were facing. We witnessed people receiving Christ as their Savior. We witnessed people dancing and leaping because of the freedom that they experienced as they laid their burdens before the Lord. We witnessed people being introduced to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We witnessed people receiving the refreshing presence of God as they accepted the fact that God was bringing them out of the season of spiritual dryness. Praise God for all of His many blessings; those that we know happened as well as those things that took place in the privacy of the hearts of various individuals.
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