Friday, June 24, 2011

A Successful Life

I recently read this statement from Sarah Young: "A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with Christ, even if many things remain undone at the end of the day."  This seems to run contrary to the modern day believer who is always walking around with his/her "To Do List" either in their pocket or on their IPhone or Blackberry.  If we are not careful we find very little time to spend with Christ which is opposite of what the Word of God teaches us.  We need to recognize the importance of building a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We need to recognize the importance of the development of that relationship.  I don't believe that Christ is looking for spiritual "one night stands" in which is there is no commitment to a life long relationship.  I do not mean to imply that Christ will not forgive our failures and offer repentance to us but I do feel that the Word of God teaches that Christ looks at our life as a journey and not just a brief walk through the park.  Christ has promised to be with us even to the end of the world.  I truly believe that the Spirit is awakening us to the need of the on-going development of our love relationship with Jesus Christ.

Let us take a moment and reflect on the Words of Christ found in Matthew 22:37-38, "Jesus replied, Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment." (NIV).  Can this truly happen without us making a deep commitment to the development of our relationship with Christ?  Can this truly happen without us making time in our daily schedule for Christ?  Some of us will have to rearrange our daily schedule so that He will be included.  Do you find yourself trying to "squeeze" Christ into a few of your left over minutes or does He maintain the status of your top priority?  Many of us are familiar with Facebook; one of the focuses of this social network is the opportunity to update your status.  This status update allows you to inform your friends of your location as well as what is taking place at that location.  You can also use the status update to inform your friends concerning thoughts or ideas that may be in your heart.  What if we used the status update to let our friends know that we are in a relationship of commitment with Jesus Christ and the development of that relationship has top priority in our lives?  I don't believe that the relationship with Jesus Christ is at odds with the other important relationships with family or friends.  On the contrary, my strong relationship with Jesus Christ will be the foundation on which to build stronger relationships with my family or friends. 

Let us hear the call from Christ to love Him with all of our heart, mind and soul.  Our lives will take on a better quality and the quality of our human relationship with improve in many ways.

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