Friday, September 9, 2011

9-11 Prayer Remembrance, Part 3

Many of us can remember what we were doing ten years ago when our nation was attacked.  I remember setting in a church office oblivious to what was taking place in Washington, DC, New York City, or Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  I received a call from my wife that caused me to rearrange my schedule for the remainder of the day and I began the process of trying to understand what was happening right before my eyes.  I don't know if we will ever fully understand or comprehend the deaths of over 3,000 individuals that was shown on televisions throughout this nation.  The witnessing of the death of one person is overwhelming much less the death of such a large number of innocent people at the very same time.  Our nation has not been the same since that tragic date in our history.  Today we are seeing the ongoing effect of that tragedy as a new "terror threat" has been identified in New York City as well as our nation's capital.

We must ask ourselves this question; "What have we learned since that tragedy?"  The more correct question that we should ask could be, "What have we forgotten since that tragedy?"  There was a fresh sense of civility and respect immediately following that terrible day.  Politicians set aside some of the rancor and dislike for one another for the common good of our nation.  Families became more thankful for each other as they realized how easily death could separate them.  Unashamed prayer was offered by people of all spiritual backgrounds and even the politicians were not embarrassed as they called on God for His help.  Churches saw an increase in attendance and a desire for "spiritual" understanding in the days and weeks immediately following the tragedy.  There was even a brief moment of unity that took hold of our nation as we resolved to overcome this event and continue to pursue the blessing of freedom.  Our memories can become very short once we move through the initial shock of that moment and our lives resume somewhat a sense of normalcy.  Let me be clear, I don't think America will ever be "normal" again and that we will continue to see the ripple effect of that event on our lives throughout our future.  We were taught terms such as "jihad, Islamic radicals, Osama Bin Laden, Taliban, etc."  I am sure that we had heard or read those terms before but they never took deep root in our lives because we had not come face to face with the reality of those terms and what impact they would have on our future.  But all of that changed on 9-11-01.

I believe that we have come to a cross roads in the history of our nation.  We are at the point of decision; will we choose to call on God for help and direction or will we choose to continue the road of self dependence?  We must take an honest evaluation and assessment of our situation.  Have you located anyone that has the answers for the ills and difficulties that we are facing?  The government has initiated several new "programs" to solve the financial ills of our nation and in many ways these have not accomplished the intended goal.  The moral compass of our nation is disappearing and we are living under the influences of untempered and uncontrolled fleshly desires.  The church world has been rocked by one scandal after another and yet we choose to travel the same road of destruction.  An old song in racing through my mind this morning; "He was there all the time, waiting patiently in line..."  This weekend can be a time of transformation for each of us if we are willing to turn from trying to save ourselves and turn to the only source of our salvation, Jesus Christ.  Yes, I will say it, Jesus Christ is still the one and only Answer that our nation needs.  We need a Savior and a Healer.  Christ will guide our steps if we will take the time to follow Him. 

Will you join with other believers on 9-11-11 as we cry out to God for a "Christ Awakening" across America?  Find time throughout that day to intercede for your life, the life of your family, and the life of this nation.  I am convinced that God will hear the cry from our hearts and that He will send personal as well as corporate spiritual awakening to our nation.

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