This statement from George Herbert spoke to my heart a few days ago; "Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing--a grateful heart!"
Is it possible that each of us need to take a moment and examine our attitude toward gratitude? Do I truly exude and declare thankfulness to God for all of the daily benefits that He provides for me? Would my family/friends describe me as a thankful person? Does God recognize me as a person that offers sincere appreciation to Him and even to others for the kindness that is extended to me? Yesterday I wrote about some of those blessings and today I desire to remind you of some of the other blessings that God has distributed to our lives through the years of our existence on this earth.
I am thankful for the family of God. This morning I was reflecting on all of the mentors, teachers, intercessors, encouragers, supporters, and co-workers that God has placed in my life on this journey. I can think of people who have made an eternal impact in life. I can think of congregations that we have served through the years of our ministerial journey and I remember the love and concern that was extended to me and my family. It is so easy to allow a few negative situations that we have encountered to override the good things that have taken place in our lives. I can think of people who have spoken a word of encouragement at the right moment. I can think of people who have taken the time to make you feel important and make you feel that your life as a Christian is making a difference in this world. I think of the people who have said "Thank you" for those actions that you have taken to assist them in their life. I can think of the smile of a young child when I took the time to talk with them. I can think of the warm embrace of a teenager as I was able to interact with them during times of fellowship as well as times of prayer. I can think of the many couples of which I have stood as the officiant of their marriage ceremony and a few years later I find myself officiating at the dedication ceremony of their child to the Lord. Oh, the joy of serving the family of God as a Minister. I can still sing the old song, "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now." This morning my mind is flooded with warm and gracious thoughts toward the family of God. I am thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of His family and I am thankful for all of the friendships that we have developed through the years of our walk through life. I offer sincere appreciation to each of you who have made a difference in the lives of Michael & Ann Willingham. Each of you still bring a smile to our faces when your name comes up in our conversation.
Happy Thanksgiving from a person who desires to recognize and remember the goodness of God!
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